5 Steps to honour the truth

Human beings are in the process of rediscovering different layers of truth. Each revelation brings one closer to remembering untapped abilities and potential which lie dormant inside until you choose to awaken them. Consider 7 steps to honour new levels of the truth you detect:
1) Redefine maturity. Learning to sense and honour all life as well as interdepence means being willing to cooperate with everyone. Any form of greed, fear and pride are not helpful. Each huamn exists to create experiences that trigger emotional growth. You can always choose to consciously outgrow thoughts and beliefs and allow them to dissolve.
2) Heed the instinct to love. All perceived problems and dysfunctions in the physical world relate back to ignoring this basic instinct. Love is everything. All energy arises from and disppears into love which is silence. It is also the common thread or impetus for all growth. Exploring love enables you to find your true path, what it feels like to be authentic to core being.
3) Recognize awakening is not a linear journey. Human beings are conditioned to believe a series of steps or instructions will permit them to fast track to their magical destination. To believe this is to misunderstand. Linear thinking and limiting filters of human perception are teachers on this journey.
4) Consciousness unfolds in pure intent. What you truly need to learn comes back to you. Just learn to shift energy in the right direction. Attune to ego mind-based motivation. As you learn what this means, and come to recognize ego's point for being, then you empower yourself to dissolve the beliefs that obscure inner vision.
5) Work with the power of allowing. Rather than struggle to attain a goal, evole within yourself to recognize what prompts you to resist. People unconsciously work against the natural flow of energy. This does not allow the mind to come into its own or tap into what it already knows how to do.
Reader Comments (14)
What shall I eat now? I am eating a part of my self. Who am I and how do I feel as I eat and digest my self?
Pondering about ideas and concepts attracts and resonates out into our surroundings attracting the answers and aspects of one's self back to the forefront of one's consciousness. Everything we experience should be familiar, because we are everything that we experience. We are in a dream, and everything in the dream is a reflection of the self.
1) energy form holds the mirror you describe,
2) infinite reflections exist inside reflections,
3) a formless shadow props up the mirror from nowhere.
This teaches you what you fear most exerts more power than what you think you desire and you have untapped capacities to shift and transform anything you create.
Trois morceaux de gateau.
4 hung me up a bit. But I think I got it.
#5. People unconsciously work against the natural flow of energy. People unconsciously work against the natural flow of energy. Why do we do that? To protect the ego? The ego. The ego, fragile thing as I recall. Sensitive little monster.
Perhaps I should brush-up on my Freud? I've only had the basics on him anyway.
Just wondering... what would you do about a rat who had installed him and his missus (and threir no-doubt charming offspring,) behind your dryer?
Shall we no more ask WWJD?
We now ask WWLCD? :)
I like walking with the power of allowing. There is a vibrancy in that statement and an inherent truth that we don't have to deny ourselves the treasures of a good life that love brings.
By the way, certain planets must be aligned. This is the third rodent-related query that has arrived on my doorstep. If you are of a Tibetan or peace-loving frame of mind, you may investigate options for a serene, "get out of my house" mantra. Try playing varied musical mantras or learn to chant some yourself. Local libraries have CDs and you can also download such harmony from the net. Alternatively, the pied piper is apparently available to provide international services. Check musical listings.
Therefore, look at the ego as a friend, because it is telling you where there are control issues or where light is being impeded to enter. It is indicator where to jump the hurdle, to take down the brick wall, or to massage the body so that it can relax once again, where spirit will once again flow.
I enjoyed seeing your sense of humor Liara in your comment about the rats. There are smiles on this end of cyberspace.