Listen to wake up calls

Notice what it is to remember and embody the power of spiritual mysteries. Seeing from/ into varied perspectives alters what enters scope of awareness. The purification process elicits wake up calls. People we encounter always set us up to feel exactly how they feel. The unconscious is triggered unless we make it conscious, heal, outgrow it. The key is to shift to see from awareness behind it.
So, to resolve a conflict in your life, identify how you feel in the moment, realize this feeling is energetically self-created, and devise a solution based on those specific emotions. With awareness, we are empowered to change our response. Maturity happens as we encounter the same situation yet respond differently, in love and acceptance of self and understanding of the interconnectedness of all.
Consider a child or adult throwing a tantrum feels powerlessness or anger. Intense energy is hard to ignore. The point is we must feel, and respond in love to truly shift energy. Every relationship conflict arises to teach us something about ourselves.