How does soul progress?

Every human being is at a particular stage of awareness and soul-level maturity. This is not a hierarchy in physical terms. Rather, it is a series of phases of experience open to energy beings that choose to move through a range of choices.
As you begin to dissolve judgments, you slowly realize all experience has imperceptible, intrinsic value in the bigger picture. You notice stages and actualize a journey. This is not at all a linear evolution. Human minds do not conceive of the nature of constant changes. How does one's soul progress?;
1) Fear and the victim mentality teach defeat and blame.
2) Anxiety and distress highlight impatience and despair.
3) Thoughts arise in all shapes and sizes to trigger clarity.
4) Frustration and anger suddenly offer broader perspective.
5) Revelations unfold in expanding senses and faculties.
6) Positive energy underscores love and high vibrations.
7) Experiences registered defy anything expressed in words.
8) Life lessons transmute into energy and new incarnations.
9) Souls come together or reunite in form for common purpose.
10) Spirit consciously transmute negative energy for others.

Reader Comments (15)
"Positive energy underscores love and high vibrations" -- that's in my mind now, as I prepare to enter the next phase of my day. I feel so great - I might even do the dishes again!
I think i am somewhere in between 4 and 6
I would also like to add detachment from all that we think we know. As we realign our spiritual shift, we get the opportunity to traverse through another series of adventures. Those are always fun. ;D
But I can see two distinct tiers or fronts of how to progress.
1. We can release inner tensions and retrieve lost aspects of our souls to make us feel more complete again.
2. Feeling more complete with more will power to move forward and experience new feelings, we can invite spirit and inspiration into our lives to become new explorers with fresh eyes.
But that said, we can always invite spirit and newness into our lives. But it is easier to do so when we integrate our past into the present moment.
I agree, the soul evolution is not linear, we may choose to focus on a particular lesson which may take many lifetimes. #6 Positive energy is the key to all.
Great points!