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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in transmutation (5)


The power of Deep Silence

Notice deep silence emerges out of understanding, nourishes what has always been and always is. Silence holds the power to heal, rejuvenate, and transform and is the stepping stone to transmutation. In the hush of the moment, we can release the burdens of the mind, discover the long forgotten point of seclusion.


Manage the internal

Notice when discomfort arises inside and creates restlessness, let it go. Everything comes up to be acknowledged and validated. As disturbances arise, relax inside. Leave it alone. Release it when u see it. Let the moment pass by. Train yourself to create space inside. Allow stuff to come up and transmute. Growth is when you let go of the root cause, inner disturbances not the reaction itself. This is inner work. Things happen around us that tend to pull us into a disturbance. Its wise to stay an observer.
Consciousness or focus is drawn to the point of maximum disturbance. Recall your will is stronger than the unconscious flow of attention. Want liberation? Are you willing to relax and let go, come what may? This is not a question of physical strength. Retrain the mind. Relaxation is always the answer-regardless of jealousy, insecurity, fear, anger arising, bring consciousness to it. This is not about suppressing, fixing or blocking discomfort. Simply sit with it, relax and release the blockage that caused the reaction. Transmute energy that blockage had over you. The power comes back to you. Reclaim that inner power. We either give our will (power) away to what is pulling on it or not. We are building the centre of Being to let go of the pull. We cannot deal effectively with the external til we manage the internal.



Be the Phoenix that transcends cycles

Notice the phoenix is a universal symbol of death and rebirth. It echoes what exists beyond cycles of regeneration, deeper transformation, transmutation, immortality. Referred to as a "thunderbird" in Native American cultures, this creature is widely felt to shape weather, wield inner power and abundance.
As a dream symbol, the phoenix echoes we are each a portal to a new reality. As energy, we dematerialize and rematerialize or re-invent ourselves. Our projections reflect state of our inner world. Every moment, we are source of our own fire and ashes, embody courage to face challenges, know soul itself is indestructible.
So, essence of being continues after death. The energy of consciousness is eternal. Even though our current physical body, 5 aggregates (physical form, feeling, perception, mental formation & consciousness), this physical energy may disappear, wider consciousness is. Truth is beyond belief. Energy continues. Awareness linked to our individual body is impermanent as it depends on things to be aware of.
To go beyond ego’s false ideas before physical death, allows transcendence. Yet, until that uncontrolled (unconscious) energy is exhausted, the cycle of death and rebirth continues. So, after death, soul returns, maybe in a dualistic realm similar to here where pleasure and pain, fear and happiness are available. But in another uncontrolled rebirth, we might be reborn as an animal or in what we call hell.
Come what may, hell doesn’t mean an endless situation or a place we cannot escape. Hell is not a permanent state. It is also not something outside of us that we have to fight. Hell is a vibration of consciousness. Hellish environments arise from our consciousness, from negative projections. Thus, feelings and frequencies create our reality. Contrary to popular belief, hell is not a burning place waiting for those who deserve punishment. Nobody but ourselves puts us here. When our consciousness is ready, our hologram materializes based on vibration.
Rebirth, disease and death—these are basic human sufferings. But the nature of hell is extreme suffering that is far greater than the usual human sufferings. Despite its intensity, that state is also impermanent. It does not last and is not static and unchangeable. When the energy for that state of consciousness ends, another arises, until one stabilizes the cycles and is fazed by nothing.
Turns out, mental projection creates every experience, not belief. Discomfort may arise, whether you believe in it or not. It all comes back to energy vibration, frequency and inner magic. We are each like a phoenix that has unforeseen potential to unleash.



How does soul-splitting grab you?

To believe it possible to physically be in more than one place at once opens the mind to mechanics of soul-splitting.  To grasp how this occurs is not required to conceive soul energy can divide and incarnate in multiple forms. How does the prospect of soul-splitting influence your level of open-mindedness and degree of consciousness?

Rethink deja-vu. Sensing you have been in a place before when you have no conscious memory in this life may evoke thoughts of amnesia or, strengthen belief in past lives. Some souls awaken to additional possibilities during astral travel. As energy expands, it reveals it stretches and recombines beyond conscious radar. A mental image is reality of the moment. Unconscious impressions vibrate differently and gain new signifiance with heightening sensory perception.

Move beyond power struggles. The conditioned ego impulse to control is fading. Attention is shifting to re-access inner knowledge. Useful, constructive criticism and perspective arise from within. One evolves to be less concerned with perceived time, the ego mind and other human inventions. To shift focus brings one to sense relative significance of formless energy dimensions.

Sense equal dispersal of energy. Part of soul never separates from original Source. Part of soul energy incarnates in physical form. To believe this means you could sense it feasible to incarnate in more than one body or form in different places for separate purposes. In addition, parts of split souls are more aware or, have more advanced consciousness than other parts. Each intelligent being progresses on diverse levels simultaneously. Levels of awareness vary.

Gain humility. This is possible without being distracted by physical experiences of self-gratification. Some souls are motivated to speed up or engage in multiple incarnations. Such decisions are made before birth when ego does not exist. That does not concern every being. Yet, the prospect of other ways of existing and learning encourages one to nurture an open mind. Humility is a lesson with diverse energy degrees.

Imagine transmigration. Consider the same soul splitting and living in different dimensions in the same relative time. This draws attention to the possibility of overlapping time chronologies. That is, souls transmute and transform based on plans conceived in the spirit world before incarnation. Souls are amorphous without substance or texture, animate creatures or inanimate objects as an exercise to sharpen sensitivity. You adopt and shift form to and from what makes the most sense to learn about physical concepts. Energy changes are not limited to ideas conceived by the limits of human imagination.


How does soul progress?

Every human being is at a particular stage of awareness and soul-level maturity. This is not a hierarchy in physical terms.  Rather, it is a series of phases of experience open to energy beings that choose to move through a range of choices.

As you begin to dissolve judgments, you slowly realize all experience has imperceptible, intrinsic value in the bigger picture.  You notice stages and actualize a journey.  This is not at all a linear evolution.  Human minds do not conceive of the nature of constant changes. How does one's soul progress?; 

1) Fear and the victim mentality teach defeat and blame.

2) Anxiety and distress highlight impatience and despair.

3) Thoughts arise in all shapes and sizes to trigger clarity.

4) Frustration and anger suddenly offer broader perspective.

5) Revelations unfold in expanding senses and faculties.

6) Positive energy underscores love and high vibrations. 

7) Experiences registered defy anything expressed in words.

8) Life lessons transmute into energy and new incarnations.

9) Souls come together or reunite in form for common purpose.

10) Spirit consciously transmute negative energy for others.