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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in self-understanding (4)


Value unmet expectations

You expected something, and it didn't happen.

You expected something, but the opposite happened or nothing.  Your ego is shaken, you are in emotional turmoil. Whenever you are miserable, look deeper to uncover why. Empower yourself.

Causes are not outside but within you. The common practice is to look outside, to lay blame or ask:

Who is making me miserable?
Who is the cause of my anger?
Who is the cause of my anguish?

Just as you cannot be intimidated without your consent, you cannot realize what is really going on by focusing outside yourself.  If you look outside you miss a deeper message. Watch what happens as you look within instead.

The source of all misery, anger, and fear, is hidden in you, (the ego).  From the moment you recognize the source, you feel who is beyond it. To know is your own ego that gives you trouble is the end of its hold over you. Nobody consciously perpetuates his own misery or discomfort if he understands it.

Ever notice how humans are conditioned to focus on what is not working rather than on what is? Shift your focus of your attention consistently and transform the nature of experience.


5 Tips to own it

Would you like to see your life shift in a new direction? Would you like to discover and use untapped power? Are you ready to manifest what does not yet appear?Wish to feel different or expand and see everything in a whole new way?

Come what may, you are the owner-operator of your body, and determine how you function. Consulting a life coach is a step toward growing more aware of the truth of yourself and putting this knowing into practice. This is not about WHAT you are told you are but rather, it is about accepting WHO you are and living accordingly. Ponder these 5 tips to own it:

1. Be empowered.

If you do not feel empowered in your life choices, then this is an opportunity for you to grow. Who are you in this unique expression of you? Humans are taught to make complicated that which is simple. You are what you choose and can be anything. As you take personal responsibility for what you feel, lessons present. Life coaching guides you to reframe and appreciate the very things you go through.  A coach that resonates understands and intuits your unique process.

2. Keep a sense of humor.

Many people tend to take life too seriously. People get busy living and forget to really live. Priorities change. A life coach helps you raise awareness of your priorities and how they are shifting. Humour is indispensable, especially as you grow aware of shifting prioirities, values and behaviours that do not jive. Most people allow the external world to control, limit and define them. Come what may, life coaching helps you to reframe and see things with new lightness. Working with a life coach guides you to see your beliefs and emotions distract you from aspects of yourself and reality until you face them.

3. Listen to yourself.

This is about tuning into intuition. It is about being aware of where you doubt your feelings. You produce exactly what you receive. A life coach helps you be aware of vibrational language so you no longer underestimate the power of your thoughts, words, actions. If you are unaware of your body's signals or inclinations, if you never start a project, you cannot experience the dream. From the moment you focus on something, you give it energy. Remembering how to tune in and listen to your own messages changes how dreams manifest. Working with a life coach helps you identify where you are listening to logic or heartfelt vibes. Every moment, you bring your dreams closer or push them away. An intuitive life coach guides you to see and feel everything based on energetics. Every human is an electromagnetic generator. How do you tune in or out, even stifle your own vibes?

4. Recognize balance is ever-present.

Balance is something many people strive for and assume effort and juggling required. Turns out, lifestyle changes come naturally to everyone who is in the flow or aligned with integrity of true being. A life coach is a soundboard to assist you to read your own signs and signals more accurately. Life coaching draws your attention to your own unconscious resistance. This is less about discipline than about letting go of control. Come to tell the difference between what is nurtured and what is natural. Working with a life coach allows you to recognize what contributes to or throws off your natural balance and how you can change anything.

5. Adjust your perception.

Shifts seem to be happening everywhere but this is not about the external world. Its about who you are inside and how your focus is shifting. Its a move from logic and limitation to feeling and limitlessness. Life coaching helps you be aware of what it is to be true to you. To connect and converse with someone impartial can help you shed light on things. Although having the best intentions, family and friends tend to agree with whatever you are thinking or impose their views and choices. Intimates often share personal opinions. A life coach is more neutral and helps you understand you do not see the world as it is, but rather see the world (and yourself) through your filters. A coach that resonates is worldly, encouraging and offers objective guidance on how to handle yourself in different situations. Ultimately, you decide where to go from here, to what degree you are willing to expand perception, and redefine what is possible through your own direct knowing and belief in your own true power.


Close gaps between you & you

Notice your focus of attention.  Looking for love, stability and security outside yourself creates a gap between how you view self here and who you really are.  You exist to create your own experience and contribute to streams of consciousness. Beyond the physical senses, you tap into innate nature or inner knowing. Your unwavering connection to the source energy is the dominant vibration that guides you.  Do what feels good and you allow who you are to reveal itself fully and close the gap you imagine into being. 

In essence, every choice you make enables you to remember how you create gaps in conscious awareness of the truth.  Every thought and emotion is an opportunity to tune into who you are and feel things into alignment.  You become more due to positive feelings and things you do not see. When you dream, you withdraw consciousness and you re-emerge in the non-physical realm.  This aligns you with the unlimited power to create.  The same thing occurs during meditation when you detach from everything.  Whatever happens, you never separate from who you are. Everything reveals the truth.  You choose to see or not.


What is your take?

THE STUDENT Doko came to a Zen master, and said: "I am seeking the truth. In what state of mind should I train myself, so as to find it?"

Said the master, "There is no mind, so you cannot put it in any state. There is no truth, so you cannot train yourself for it."

"If there is no mind to train, and no truth to find, why do you have these monks gather before you every day to study Zen and train themselves for this study?"

"But I haven't an inch of room here," said the master, so how could the monks gather? I have no tongue, so how could I call them together or teach them?"

"Oh, how can you lie like this?" asked Doko.

"But if I have no tongue to talk, how can I lie?" asked the master.

Then Doko said sadly, "I cannot follow or understand you."

"I cannot understand myself," said the master.