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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in letting go (39)


Come into Remembrance

(Visionary Art by JR

Notice if we have some difficulty, we are used to saying how can we make our mind different, what do we do about it? How do we get beyond whatever holds us back? How do we/I let go? Every stage is appropriate for the stage we are at. What occurs when we no longer ask what to do with or about it? When we no longer attempt to manage conditioned self, stop seeing a destructive pattern to fix, then the projector behind it reveals itself. Every point of view is a level of consciousness complete at every moment. Consider going to the root. This is the point where we see beyond obstacles to surmount or situations to 'work through'. This is not for everybody. The way you are used to dealing with yourself, whatever is causing difficulty, can shift to seeing from a point that is truly objective. When we are no longer affected emotionally, then the root arises. Focus shifts to what it is that feels what you feel? Things get quiet quickly. It brings us into the lived experience of being ourself, shows us immediately "I really do not know." The more you look inside to find yourself, the more you find a false self. There is nothing wrong with this. Its simply not primary. It leads us exactly where we wish to go- the Void, mystery, the Nothing. Look into the mystery behind all your ideas and aspirations. Behind all the drama, stories, and personality, is the Nothing. Everything is about avoiding the Nothing that is ever-present. To fall into the Nothing behind the mask called 'you/ me, self/other' is to discover what we really are. It is not what we imagine it to be. It does not end up being the Nothing we assume, but much more than that. It reveals itself beyond concepts. Everything in the mind is distracting us from the Nothing; that perceived past (memories), future, anxiety or whatever seems to happen in between. All of this invites attention for lessons or whatever we assume is gain. The concept of "who am I" takes shape as you dive into infinite waters. It spontaneous awakens. Zen teacher Shunryu Suzuki echoes, 'the Most Important Thing is to find out the Most Important Thing.' Until you find out what is The Most Important Thing to/for you (not what someone says should be the most important), you have not yet touched your true power, ignited the inner spark or fire. Tune in, see how it moves. Watch and experience what you really are relate and function in the human experience. Be aware how you operate, every cell, organ and aspect of being. How does true nature see your conditioning. Life is self-authenticating. The Truth is Self-evident. A true teacher keeps you on track and points the way for you to find things out for yourself, step by step. Come into remembrance.


Uncover what sustains you

Notice a certain longing arises within that no external relationship can fully satisfy. Every external relationship arises in hopes to do so. Yet at a point, it dawns its not possible to be fulfilled that way. This hope or longing is only satisfied as one falls in love with the whole. No part can fulfill it. To fall in love with the totality and realize One is that, is to fall in love with Oneself and feel utterly complete. This allows contentment to arise. Nobody is content right now. Contentment simply is. No need arises that thinks it needs to be satisfed. To feel truly fulfilled then does not happen with any relationship or love affair of the world. Being in love with, tuning into the love energy of existence, sustains us. Other situations may seem to enrich that, but they are not it. The belief that they are or can ever be leads to restlessness and discontent. If one partner or another thinks their relationship is the answer, is required to feel complete, issues may arise. Two individuals who feel complete within themselves can enrich each other. All your external relationships are enriched as you love and accept yourself. You invite feelings of love and wholeness to be reflected in your life and entourage. From the moment One glimpses true fulfillment, the Path or Way to peace reveals itself. Awareness is the pilot. To be fulfilled is to overflow with Love, and know true contentment is uncontainable. Letting go of falseness allow One to radiate the frequency of love to bless others and be a blessing itself. It happens within yet any imagined boundary with the "external" then dissolves.


Focus on breath to realize the Divine

Notice a common belief is that to connect with God or Divine Source requires a prolonged practice, sacrifice, mediator or heroic effort. Letting go of such beliefs guides one to realize a focus on breath is key to realizing one's own Divine Nature. Watch what happens as one lets go of the belief one must do anything to be whole and complete. During meditation, breathwork, yoga, other spiritual practices, a blissful state may arise akin to a rush. The desire to go deeper into it may lead to involuntary breath holding. Does it seem you must exert huge efforts to go deeper, to get anywhere or realize something you work toward? Each breath affects the whole because each of us is the whole. Although breathing is natural, for many people, it is unconscious and uncontrolled. This state blocks knowing True Nature. As long as the breath remains unconscious, it is not part of spiritual practice and one feels separate from Divine Source. To focus on the breath (in yoga- pranayama), we learn to vary the length of inhalation and exhalation as well as to suspend both, either to retain the inhaled breath or empty the lungs completely. Conscious, controlled breathing is like reclaiming true power. By bringing unconscious activity into conscious awareness, and by focusing on the present moment, pranayama and other breathing techniques begin to transform breathing into a spiritual practice. Regular conscious breathing leads to different stages of remembering about what it is to feel truly alive. Watch what happens as you engage in breathwork more often. (image from



Activate the hidden secret of breathwork

Notice Humanity is growing aware of its own innate technology ready to be activated. Advanced breath meditation techniques awaken the ability to regulate body temperatures and pull energy into the physical form. Breath crystalizes spirit into form. When human systems are fully activated, they nourish the body by pulling the ether directly into the crown chakra. This eliminates the need to eat food to survive. This breathanarian ability must be developed. Shifts in body functions require letting go of beliefs and expanding consciousness.

Recall everything is energy. To turn inward awakens core knowing and empowers you to let go of all that blocks optimal functioning. Sun gazing helps you harvest the energy you need from on your own. The Sun provides essential vitamins and nutrients. Technology exists in a reality to show the species what its capable of manifesting. Anything we achieve with technology is also achievable with mind power. The mind is capable of emitting any frequency that technology does. It’s simply a matter of learning to consciously activate the frequency. Some frequencies may move items like huge stones or monoliths. This is a type of magnetic frequency and this is also how antigravity is formed. Recall Earth ia radiating a magnetic frequency. This works in harmony with the magnetite crystals naturally found inside the brain. These magnetite crystals allow our biological warning system to signal bad weather like a hurricane or earthquake. Animals tune into such collective intuition and migrate based on foresight. Manipulated sound and vibration in music, sound, computer and data collection technology keeps the human mind in a low frequency. (i.e. Bluetooth or WiFi). These two are set to low vibration frequencies which may manifest disease into the human form, thus keeping the perception of the individual on physical matter. However all diseases are manifest when a person's energy body is misaligned. Thus, as you raise the body frequency high enough, disease cannot manifest.

At the perfect moment, it dawns you are the conscious driver of your vehicle and choose experiences that manifest. This is done via the emotional body or frequency of the individual. Meditating is one of many ways to raise the body frequency. Light is assimilated through prana. Prana is assimilated through breath. "Pranic-feeding" or the ability to sustain oneself purely via sunlight, is an advanced stage of human evolution. Time- space may also be manifest differently once oner eclaims control of one's biological frequency. When you are happy, time seems to fly. When you are sad it seems to drag. This is a key example of how you start to access control of time-space. Focusing on what brings you joy and nurtures passion will allow for experiences of teleportation or manipulation of time space to manifest into your reality. This insight is key to hack into the programming systems of life itself and allows the user to control the manifestation process on higher levels. Being heart-centred is the most effective way to transcend manipulation. Align the chakras and stay in a happy (high) frequency. As the light body activates, divine radiance reveals what the human mind itself cannot conceive


Allow the metamorphosis to occur

Notice the stages we go through of hanging on and letting go and the underlying reasons for our own resistance. As we outgrow who we thought ourselves to be, it can be scary to let go of adopted objects, labels, jobs, people, habits, your home, ego identity, even feelings, stories and boxes of stuff that are not yours. Live lighter, differently. Nature's creatures invite us to tune into signs and signals within ourselves and listen to the heart, moment-to-moment. Symbols are the language of the unconscious mind and appear to us through dreams, synchronicity, observations & life experiences. All of Nature invites us to rediscover the feelings of aliveness and fearlessness. Let go of control. Surrender to unfolding changes. Getting excited about change is allowing a metamorphosis to occur.