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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in joy (89)


Bridge fragmented aspects of self

Notice the first step is to wake up enough to see what is actually going on within yourself. Nature is a soundboard and guides us to see our true colours. To dive deep into infinite waters allows us to expose illusions and rejected aspects of our being. The deeper we go, the less fazed we are by waves, currents, unexpected storms and obstacles appearing on the Path. Developing a compassionate relationship with self and others allows spontaneous joy to arise along the journey. It does not matter so much where you are so as who you are with. Loving and accepting yourself more fully allows you to find courage to create rainbow bridges, integrating all sides or fragemented aspects of Self.


Tune into True Nature

Notice tuning into the pulse of the ocean allows us to listen differently, grow aware and recall our True Nature. It dawns that playing in the Sun, feeling sand ooze between the toes, listening to wave sounds, creating sand balls, stumbling upon crabs and jellyfish, collecting sea shells, is all part of getting back in touch with simplicity, with what really matters and is ever-present. Everything is a cosmic mirror inviting us to love ourselves more.


Precipitate a revelation

Notice each of us is a version of the universe experiencing itself. Fear nothing. Watch events unfold. A common regret before life transitions is the view: “I wasn’t true to myself.” At the supposed end of one’s life, the key is relationship to oneself (how well does one know self and live in harmony with this knowing?) In yoga, this is essence of the human condition. We are all on a journey to find ourselves, our true nature or "inner" self. Whole universe is an expression of consciousness. Your own consciousness ( sense of being) is part of infinite consciousness of the universe, just as a wave is part of the ocean. In fact, just like the wave, we are not only part of, but also One with the infinite. Not everyone realizes this. We are taught our existence is limited so we experience a limited reality. Yet, we have an inner longing for limitlessness. We want unlimited happiness. In Truth, we want bliss (infinite joy) within, to awaken to our essence. That’s why we’re seeking. That’s why we’ll only be content when we find ourselves. So if we can expand our sense of existence from ego consciousness to infinite consciousness; from our small sense of self to the greater Cosmic Self like a river merges in the ocean waves, then we will experience this bliss we long for.


3 Tips to embody deep gratitude

Nurture the vision of gratitude and escalate into heartfelt appreciation. Embody those feelings as vibrations and sensations as though they are happening in this moment. What is a simple way to do experience the greatest joy and liberation? Inhale and exhale. Notice the sensations of love and acceptance amplify. As we focus, we are one with these sensations that expand and amplify who we are.

Watch what happens as we recall what it feels like to breathe fully and rhythmically. Notice a feeling of gratitude expands.  Sensations of appreciation enable us to unleash more of what we know. Be open to a system of smooth and constant rhythm of energy that feels like a refreshing and exhilarating ocean wave. Life is a series of inhales and exhales. Holding the breath is like choosing to consciously pause life, recalibrate  into freedom, clarity and joy.

Consider these tips:

1) Do breathwork regularly to allow good sensations to nourish the entire body

2) Feel energy growing and expanding throughout the body

3) Discover going beyond comfort zones transforms us (where strength, growth & freedom happen)


5 Ways to live joyfully

As long as suffering exists inside us, we cannot live life fully. It is up to each of us to identify the sources of  suffering in our lives. Only then can we accept, release and replace that life view with genuine joy and celebration. Consider 5 ways to decode setbacks and live more joyfully.

1.  Identify our inhibitions

When we are self-conscious, we are unable to act in a relaxed or natural way. Getting to the root of our hesitation or doubt is key to moving beyond it and existing in a higher-vibrational state.

2.  See the underlying reasons for suffering

Everything arises and disappears in the mind. Anxiety arises as we focus attention on the future, worry about an imagined outcome. Depression arises when we focus on ideas of the past.

3.  Be fearless 

This involves looking at each moment as fresh and new. It is about undertaking all endeavours with enthusiasm and an optimism, knowing everything is possible when we set the mind to it.

4.  Be passionate

No best thing exists to do or be.  We simply make judgements and choices. Being passionate, putting our heart into all we choose to focus on, uplifts and energizes us and all we touch.

5. Love everything

When conditioned, we see the world in terms of limitation. A genius is drawn to do what is needed joyfully. It is no more about you. Self-cosnciousness shifts to selflessness. This is a limitless way of looking at life.