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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in mirror (13)


Imagine total disembodiment

Notice what it is to relax mind into state of total disembodiment. That is, allow the familliar reality to fall apart. The visual world fragments, first into a few large pieces as binocular fusion is broken, then into a few smaller fragments, and eventually, into many separate fragments of consciousness. This state differs from normal consensual reality. Most amazing is the total absence of the body from its normal place at the center of focus. As the world fragments, the body does too, disconnected pieces of the body seeming to exist independently in separate spaces, as if in different universes, like reflections from different shards of a shattered mirror.
And as the visual world totally fragments, all evidence of body vanishes. This is like a disembodied spirit, pure raw experience, just sensations of color, form, sound, light. It dawns its possible to snap back together again to a "normal" consciousness at will.
The geometric regularity of it all stands out. There is a powerful tendency for everything to reduce to ornamental patterns, geometrical arrangements of 3-D and multidimensional shapes, with rich periodic, symmetrical patterns in deep vibrant colors. The deeper one engages with sacred geometry, the simpler and more evocative the patterns are. As the body identity totally vanishes, these patterns are no longer external, but they are. I am the spatial patterns which create my experience. The recurrent symmetry in the mind's eye is somehow primal to experience. It is akin to an energetic grid, the origin of the holographic universe.



Love is a mirror

Notice how you love yourself is how you show others to love you. Falling in love with yourself can seem difficult. We tend to be the hardest on ourselves because we see and feel inside what others do not. Each of us knows ourselves better than anyone. The heart knows we only control our response to situations. Falling in love with self consists in being authentic, seeing through self-created illusions, and being willing to shift and deepen self-love and acceptance. Be true to Soul.


Create a new normal

(Seeing our true selves and breathing new life into what is truly possible- Ladybug macrophoto by Linden Gledhill)

Notice what happens as we begin to see extraordinary moments are dots to join for our new normal. A simple insect or creature in passing suddenly becomes a remarkable inspiration to shatter our own myths about what is possible. We see mirrors of our true selves in these little marvels, see existence through their eyes, experience the exhilaration, the wonder and awe, that is an energy of shared consciousness. Suddenly, our life shifts to operate in parallel with a limitless version of ourselves. We jump further, soar higher, savour simply being and effortlessly reach new heights.


Find out for yourself

Notice what it is to find out for ourselves that there is no-body behind awareness. No deeper return or realm exists to reach. It is like taking a backward step (rather than moving forward or seeking). From the point that flash of recognition dawns, like a spontaneous flash in an empty sky, pure radiance arises and polishes the mirror. The light and dark merge. All urges to compare and conquer, dissolve.


Choose to be vulnerable

For many of us, the idea of opening up takes us outside our comfort zone. It may trigger goosebumps or restlessness. Yet, by choosing to be more vulnerable, we also show ourselves we are worthy of love and acceptance. The quest for worthiness is widespread. We are taught to fear the judgement of others when we are actually our own most critical judge and jury. Transparency empowers us as we have nothing to hide and heavy emotions no longer exert power over us. In her TED Talk, Brené Brown explains, "There was only one variable that separated the people who have a strong sense of love and belonging and the people who really struggle for it. And that was, the people who have a strong sense of love and belonging believe they're worthy of love and belonging. That's it." As we resist the urge to put up walls, we feel vulnerable. Trust you can deal with whatever arises. We may risk facing indifference, criticism or rejection, but being open is also very liberating. When you leave your comfort zone to open up to vulnerability, you make the conscious decision and show others you are worthy. That is a pretty empowering place to be. The world is a mirror. As you choose to be transparent, and love the world, this love is mirrored back.