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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in joy (89)


3 keys to feel more joy

Many people seek more joy, wish to create it in the external world.  You may desire stronger or more intimate relationships, more reasons to feel happier more often. How to make this happen?

1.  Stop forcing the issue

It is always helpful to focus attention on activities that evoke joy, make you feel good. Yet allowing more joy into your life is not about what you have to do, but what it is helpful to stop doing. It is about raising awareness of where you interfere, prevent joyful experiences from happening, get in your own way.  When you wish to force something, you tense up and can no longer allow what is natural to happen by itself.

2. Get beyond the analytical mind

When you stop thinking about something, you stop attempting to control.  When the thinking mind is quieted, it moves into alpha or theta brain wave states, and this opens the doorway between the conscious and unconscious mind.  The autonomic nervious system then grows more receptive to natural, high-vibrational information.

3.  Feel the way here

By raising our energy though feelings and elevated emotions, we become less matter and more energy, less particle and more wave.  We flow with and as, the energy that is everything.  The bigger the field we can create with these energies ( as awareness and consciousness), the more the uplifting energy flowing through us is felt and reflected back in the world around us. 


3 Questions to ask 

Now is the moment to step back and listen to the signs and signals we are giving ourselves.  Three questions we can choose to ask:

1) When feel anger arising within you, what is this really about?

2) When you feel sadness about something outside you, what/whom are you really grieving for?

3)  What does it take to recreate that joy you felt before you stopped smiling and/or dancing?

The universe is patiently waiting for our senses to get sharper.- Eden Philpotts


5 Tips to create your paradise

It is common to assume paradise is a place other than where you are.  What if you have the power to create your own sense paradise from this very moment? Reflect on these five tips;

1. Clarify what paradise means for you

Is paradise represented by a particular place, climate, vegetation, food, objects, state of mind, interacting with certain people, engaging in certain activities, a feeling of being 'home'? Whatever it entails, write it all down, draw images or collage it, to make the vision more real. 

2. Identify your passions

What you are doing when you feel joyful, loving, lose all sense of time, or feel connected to something beyond yourself?  Pinpoint what sorts of things you do already to evoke such feelings. This may include things like; vocations, sexual encounters, giving of yourself or surrendering to inspiration and giving that creative form in ways that enrich the world. 

3. See the external world as a mirror   

How you feel inside is reflected in your external experience. That is, if you are not experiencing your version of paradise in the external world, this is an invitation to do some inner work.  Clarify a new vision.  Every situation offers lessons in love and points to a flip-side.

4. Recognize the power of emotions

Emotions arise to guide us to our own unique feeling of paradise.  They let us know if we feel balanced or unbalanced, close or far away from our unique frequency of inner harmony. You might feel this as respect, light-heartedness (humor), appreciation, acceptance, self-love, self-confidence, calmness, gentleness, humility, or some combination of similar feelings.

5. Feel the way

As well as the metaphors and examples of heaven depicted in books and movies, paradise is a feeling that we create inside ourselves wherever we are.  As we ease into higher levels of self-love and acceptance, the external world mirrors this in different forms. People seem to appreciate us more.  We feel heard and validated. We act in ways that are increasingly intuitive, fearless.  We grow unafraid to be more fully transparent, candid and vulnerable. For example, you can say you are moving into an environment that feels more like paradise in relation to your vision, but this only happens as you love yourself more as you are, where you are .  Come what may, take responsibility for your creative energy.  Recognize you have unlimited power to live in joy.  Now, what do you do when you find paradise? What if its the moment to create ways to share it?


5 Tips to live whole-heartedly

Many people tell themselves they wish to change something about their external conditions, or change something about the external world.  Its also common to desire to change something about the behaviour or attitude of others. Who or what is really ever getting out-of-hand? What is the role of control and surrender in your life? Reflect on five tips to live whole-heartedly;

1. Live more joyfully

Wherever you are, whatever you do, allow yourself to feel and express more joy.  So often, a distinction is made between work and play, time to be serious and relax time to be light-hearted. What if you could laugh and play your way through life? What would this look and feel like? 

2. Model the behaviour you wish to see in others

The external world is a mirror.  As Gandi says, Be the change you wish to see. Imagine life experience is less about doing than being.  Thus, its not what you do or accomplish that matters, but rather, the vibration you send out with behaviour. How often are you fully present?

3. Nurture a loving and compasionate attitude

Regardless of what you encounter, reach deep within for forgiveness and understanding. The temptation exists to allow other emotions to hijack your attention and influence your behaviour.  Know you control how you respond to everything.  Growing mindful naturally shifts your focus, empowers you to reclaim inner power. you had unconsciously given away

4. Recognize every relationship is an opportunity

What if every relationship invites you to see the best in everyone? Only one relationship exists. How you feel about yourself is mirrored.  Be a living example love and acceptance. Do you choose to see and recall the best in everyone, even during moments emotions or illness take over?

5. Demonstrate and create the highest version of Who You Are

Some people feel they exist to learn lessons, climb a hierarchy, meet challenges, realize dreams. Come what may, rediscover what integrity or being true to yourself feels like.  


10 Points to accelerate positive change

Its common to wish to accelerate life change but how to do this effectively is often misunderstood. Change does not happen in proportion to the amount of physical effort you exert. 
The pace of change unfolding in your life reflects how well you understand everything is energy, frequency and vibration in motion and put this insight into practice.   Consider these 10 tips to accelerate positive change in your life:
  1. Allow yourself to focus on the bright side
  2. See the dark side points to what blocks more joy 
  3. Accept personal responsibility for how you feel
  4. Establish healthy boundaries
  5. Practice forgiveness & appreciation
  6. Live in harmony with your values
  7. Use time wisely
  8. Be a pioneer
  9. Exercise the imagination regularly
  10. Surrender to your intuition more often