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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in joy (89)


Interview with Ken Sherwell

As we go about our daily lives, we are often conditioned to imagine people we see in the media, those we read about or, whom we have never met, are the people who motivate or inspire us most.  Certainly, different kinds of mentors exist.

Yet, when it comes to role models, we may underestimate the impact of people we see regularly.  Are we aware of key role models closer to home? This dialogue I share with Regional Kwang Jang Nim, Ken Sherwell. This man is one of my son's inspirational teachers.

Thanks Ken, for making space and taking time to share  these insights.


Tell us about yourself.

I am 60 years of age, born and raised on the Sunshine Coast (4th Generation Sunshine Coast) of Queensland, Australia.  I am married (36 years) with three adult children and six (6) grandchildren!

What brings you joy?

I am a carpenter-joiner by trade. Since 1984, I have been self-employed.  My current business is the Good Bean Espresso Bar in Nambour.  I am working towards being full-time Rhee TaeKwon-Do Instructor. This is a key source of joy in my life.

My son and many other students are grateful for that and feel how much your heart and soul are present.

Any other passions to share with us?

Other than my family and Rhee TaeKwon-Do, my passions are surfing, snow skiing and archery!

Love of archery is widely-shared, considering the popularity of films like Pixar’s Brave and the series Game of Thrones.

Now, many martial arts exist… What guided you to originally get involved in Rhee TaeKwon-Do?

During my late teens, I trained in martial art for a short time with some of my friends. Most young men are aware of martial arts and like many, I romanced about being a "Black Belt." 

You are not alone on that. Raising the bar motivates kids to appreciate a challenge and achieve self-directed goals. 

Well, as my son reached his teen age years, I was looking for something that we could do together and my thought turned again to martial art ! I knew that a long-time friend was involved in a martial art and when I met him in Brisbane one day, I asked what style he trained in! 

Ah-ha! Synchronicity often arises through people we know and we feel a connection!

Yes!  So, he gave me the contact details for an Instructor on the Sunshine Coast and so my son and went along for a try at Buderim Branch - loved it and became members on our second lesson ! The long-time friend that recommended Rhee TaeKwon-Do was Master Instructor For Australia Jerry Hatter and the Instructor that I went to at Buderim Branch was the Sunshine Coasts very own, Master Instructor For Australia Nigel Higgs ! So I had instruction from the best from word go !!

Share some of the benefits from practising this martial art you have witnessed in your own life.

Rhee TaeKwon-Do is founded on strong values - Respect ; Honour ; Integrity ! You hope each day to find these in all people, which is not always the case, however you certainly find these particularly in the high ranks of Rhee TaeKwon-Do and these values are certainly taught to and expected of all of our students ! We also teach self-discipline and perseverance and this has certainly advantaged my life as well as that of all students.

Do you notice an evolution?

World Master Chong Chul Rhee instructs that as you get older, you should keep moving your body and maintain a level of fitness.  This is done as you keep training so that you are always able to defend yourself or others if the need arises! There are many benefits.

So, if I understand what you say here, all martial arts are not sports?

That is correct. Rhee TaeKwon-Do is not a sport, it is Martial Art, however if you look at sporting disciplines, they train certain muscle groups required for the success in that sport! Rhee TaeKwon-Do techniques are so varied that when you are training, you move every part of your body!

What were your values and lifestyle like before and after this became such a significant part of your life? 

I was raised in a Christian home, so respect, honour, integrity and a love for all people - these values were already part of my core belief structure, so Rhee TaeKwon-Do thinking and core values already existed but have been strengthened even more as I train and live the Rhee TaeKwon-Do life style.

Many people are disconnected from their core values. Sounds like martial arts practice is one way of getting back in touch with what has been forgotten or, a great way of reinforcing what is already a core conditioning in our lives. Thanks for sharing this.

If you could describe Master Chong Chul Rhee in one phrase, what would it be?

I think it would be "Do the right thing!"

What a great motto. It is also the title of a classic film and catchy song for good reason...

Let us know examples of students and positive changes you have observed (or heard about).

The majority of Rhee TaeKwon-Do students today are aged between 5 - 18 and the most common changes that their parents make us aware of are; improved behaviour at home and school - more respectful toward their parents and teachers ! Improved grades as more disciplined to work hard at school and dohomework !  Better posture and walk with confidence, which in turn, makes them less of a target for bullies ! Fitness and good health are other obvious benefits !

There is growing interest in mindfulness ad meditation. How would you compare your martial art practice to meditation?

Rhee TaeKwon-Do meditation is to sit peacefully and think about correct technique or to slowly go through their pattern in their mind! To discipline yourself is to think only on positives (or at least focus here)! 

Who are some of your mentors and inspirations? What did they teach you?

I have had mentors in business etc.  However, the most influential person in my life from that stand point was my Dad ! Dad didn't just speak good things he lived good things and always set a great example !  He was a strong fit man, that worked hard, was a good business man, loved his family and cared for the community ! I have found the same in my instructors - both World Master Chong Chul Rhee and Master Instructor for Australia Nigel Higgs, are well educated, successful men that share their life experience with their students ! My success in Rhee TaeKwon-Do is a result of following their instruction , which also filtersdown into my personal life ! Be a good person ; do your best ; don't give up ; be wise in what you do !

Its a friendly reminder for us all to recognize the nature of silent or louder influence and impact of family in our lives.

What kind of advice would you offer someone who is struggling with challenges, low self-esteem?

That they are valuable ; That nothing ever stays the same and life will improve ! That they should take steps in that direction and that studying a martial art will  build character and change their outlook for their future ! If you want to be successful, hang around successful people !

Good advice.  There is a saying: you are becoming like the five people you spend the most time with.  This invites us to reflect on the habits and behaviours of people around us.

Which connections do you notice (if any) among martial arts?

A True Martial Art may have similarities to another style however no connections ! True Martial Art teaches - be loyal to your Master Instructor and train hard in that style ! Many "Martial Arts" today are either sport or they have lost their way - encouraging their students to learn from other styles etc !  World Master Chong Chul Rhee, introduced the art of TaeKwon-Do to Australia in 1970 - Master Rhee is a genuine World Master in the art of TaeKwon-Do and teaches loyalty to your Master Instructor, the Rhee TaeKwon-Do organization and to all members of that organization! Rhee TaeKwon-Do is certainly a family!

How does practicing martial arts impact expanding consciousness?

All Rhee TaeKwon-Do  students are taught situational awareness ! The ability to adapt and change in an ever changing world / environment! We learn to read people and circumstances! We are ever learning and striving to improve. We encourage and protect !

 Many kids look up to martial arts teachers and these kids are also often fascinated with superheros.  Some kids even view their teachers as superhuman. I love how you inspire all students to find the superhero within themselves. We can only see in others what is mirrored inside, even if we are not yet conscious of that.

Please share anything you would like to leave with our readers.

As I have mentioned, Rhee TaeKwon-Do is a way of life - true Martial Art  impacts all areas of your life and the people around you benefit from its affect on your life as an individual.

People do not always realize Rhee TaeKwon-Do is an international organization, with over 1500 branches throughout Australia and New Zealand.  Any instructor at any branch would welcome you to come in and have a free trial ! Rhee TaeKwon-Do is "The Art Of Self-defence"

Let us know how we can get in touch with you and learn more about Rhee Taekwon-Do

For more details, contact me by email on : or mobile : 0401 001 823 

Thanks again Ken, for sharing some of your personal experience and inviting people to discover new sides of themselves through endeavours than encourage physical exercise and great sense of values, self-defence skills and a family-like community.



5 Ways to greater joy

This is one exercise that is part of a group of workshop experiences created to guide participants to deepen theri authenticity. Reflect on 5 Ways to experience greater joy in life:

1. Understand Who you are

Meditate on questions like; 'Who am I?' & 'Why am I really here?'


2. Identify matters most to me at this stage of life?

Brainstorm, dream-vision, vision-board, use whatever means resonates...


3. Interact with those who live/ model or embody your ideal

Which books have you read? Which events have you attended? Where do models come from?


4. Explore obstacles to being yourself 

This implies examining; fears, frustrations, disappointments, irritations which point to belief in the illusion of separation. Only then can one begin to allow self-love to take root.


5. Write out and create the ideal vision of being you in the present tense

Where are you? What are you doing? Who is with you? How do you feel?


5 Tips to feel more joy

The conditioned mind is shifting how it perceives and processes energy. We initially sense intermittent serendipity.  Then, it is as if random acts or events are occurring.  Next, right on cue, deja-vus and coincidences arise.  We come to sense increasing synchronicity until it feels every encounter and experience in our lives is interconnected. The more clarity we get about our passion, the more we unleash untapped inner power, the more we naturally share our unique gifts. We are magically inspired what to do with it.  As this evokes joy, we tune into and live in a higher vibration. Consider 7 tips to raise our pleasure threshold ;

1. Engage in breathwork

Whether we explore Rebirthing, Holotropic, Cathartic, Reichian or Integrative breathwork, Pranayama or  some combination of deep connected breathing techniques, this is a useful step to access and release emotions which offers glimpses of inner peace.  The more we tune into the rhythm of the breath, the more we get a sense of which emotions drive us and when, the more interconnected events and encounters grow self-evident.

2. Uncover limiting core beliefs

Negative or limiting beliefs are the filters through which we are taught to see ourselves and the world.   So long as we are unconscious, self-defeating patterns continue.  Awakening is about growing aware of the origins of our behaviours so we can allow healing or energetic recalibration to occur. 

3. Empower yourself

Standing in our power implies we are willing to recognize our misperceptions and shift our fear-based beliefs to unconditionally loving ones. This is about accepting and integrating all experiences as part of the whole.  It is also about recognizing that negative emotions are pointers and gauges for how much we love or reject ourselves.

4. Speaking our truth

Part of the deepening process of self empowerment involves getting clear on our passion and sharing that openly. The more we speak and express our truth creatively, the more we begin to live our truth rather than presenting different personas to different people in different settings. Speaking our truth is one way to raise self esteem and confidence. We are letting go of masks or identities which are incompatible with our soul.

5. Act on life purpose

This is about actually doing and being what and why we exist.  Once we are fully conscious of our passion or core reason for being, then it is up to us to translate or express that for others. The mind can never quiet until we recall or uncover our unique gifts and find the courage to take steps to use this to enrich the world. It is about noticing and following synchronicities, and allowing the truth to flow naturally without fear. Being authentic is the epitome of fearlessness.


5 questions to reveal synchronicity

Every moment, whatever we do or not, we are responding to a call within to love ourselves more or differently. Asking ourselves questions aloud and writing them down is a way to step back and gain perspective. Allowing ourselves to respond intuitively to our own questions is an eye-opening exercise.  Jot down these five questions and respond ...

1. Why are we really drawn to move to or live in a specific area?

This invites us to reflect on our underlying motivation or changing priorities: (i.e., imposed career move, lifestyle choice, family benefits, reputation, climate, perceived energy or opportunities, logical or strategic stepping stone, intuitive decision. Does it reflect balance on physical, emotional, spiritual and other levels?)

2. What are we meant to do to generate income at this stage of our lives?

We may really enjoy certain endeavours, find these fun and rewarding. And yet, if how we love to spend our time does not yet pay the bills, we may feel an underlying guilt or anger arising. We are taught to follow our passions and money comes naturally. And yet, until we trust fully, and impatience subsides, the timing of that flow may require us to do things we do not like as much to pay for those we do.

3. Why have we chosen a particular/ current partner?

Our partners enter our lives as conscious and/or unconscious choices.  This may be based on impulsive physical attraction, lust, someone set it up or arranged the marriage, or it could also be deeper, like a Soul agreement or energetic entanglement.  Whatever the case, when ready and open, we are invited to unravel the reasons and lessons ourselves.

4. Which is the best course of action ?

If we feel caught 'between a rock and a hard place', or feel like we sit on the fence, about something, then it is helpful to remove ourselves from the personal and see the bigger picture. It pays to ask ourselves who's idea of 'best course' we are referring to here. Everyone is not at the same point of understanding or awareness of who they are.  Everyone is not even wanting the same thing.  Everyone does not give themselves the same message.  Depending on our priorities and how well we know ourselves, different desires emerge. Choose from the head or the heart...

5.  What opportunities should we pursue or avoid?

This depends on our soul level of development, whether we live based on the personal or whether we resonate more with universal laws.  Some souls reach a stage where relaxing and trusting feels completely natural.  To reach this stage of fearlessness implies we only focus on what evokes joy.  Pushing ourselves to overcome obstacles may have been important in the past.  In this moment, it feels right to trust what presents rather than seeking out specific opportunities.  If something is meant to happen, it will.  To release any feelings of constriction, flow with any opportunities that come our way.  This will be obvious, when we are open, relaxed rested and trusting. As we trust we are in an expanded state, we know what feels right and thus, where to go.


Interview with Darron Eastwell

We each have a story. How we perceive ourselves and respond to events of our journey, enable us to grow and also offers opportunities enrich the world.  During a recent professional event, I had the privilege of meeting Darron Eastwell. This versatile author and speaker has experienced major shifts and its a delight to share our interview. 

In a nutshell, please describe yourself.

I’m 44 years old, married 20 years, father of 2 kids. I live in Buderim, on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland (Australia).

Of course, there is far more to you than initially meets the eye. Would you say you had a conventional career?

Well, my main work life was a 25-year banking career with National Australia Bank (NAB). Since leaving high school, this was my only employer. I'm originally from country Victoria.  However, due to my NAB roles, I relocated many times for different job opportunities.  While holding Business Banking management roles, I moved around Victoria, South East Queensland and Central Queensland before settling back on the Sunshine Coast in 2015.

Sounds like you come to thrive on change.  What has driven you through it all?   

Working for a large, corporate bank in demanding, high-pressure jobs consumed me. However, I really enjoyed the opportunities the bank provided.  After all, I never finished high school or gained any specialized education qualifications. I stuck with my banking career, worked my way up. I used to say I have a “Street-smart” degree.

Your life demonstrates that being adaptable enables us to respond well to whatever comes. Tell us how your work priorities have affected your family life.

I have always been a highly-dedicated family man with my family being my number one priority as I was the “bread-winner” for many years.  My wife and I chose to raise our kids so that they didn’t have to attend day care or after school day care. So, Bianca stayed home, looked after the kids while I went to work, traditional family compared to these days, we were very fortunate.

Sounds like you had your life pretty much planned out and the details were coming together. What caused your life to change dramatically?

Due to my mountain bike accident, our roles were reversed. Bianca had to be my carer then go out and work while I stayed home and continued rehabilitation and recovery.

How did your life focus and values change in all this?

I no longer feel that my high-pressured, corporate banking job is important. I feel like I was just a number to them. All I want to do now is gain part-time employment so I’m not consumed by work. Creating a healthy work-life balance enables me to enjoy the Sunshine Coast, all life has to offer. 

Share some key life challenges and how you respond.

Pre-accident, life was great. I didn’t have a worry in the world other than what most people would worry about. (i.e. how long would it last?) Yet, job satisfaction with NAB was nearing an expiry date and I still didn’t own my family home I had to work to pay the bills. 

My key life challenge was no doubt was on 23/05/2015 when I had my mountain bike accident, which changed my life forever. Even three and half years later, I still have zero memory of that day and the following 12 months after the accident due to the injuries. This is probably a good thing. Injuries sustained from the mountain bike accident were as follows: Fractured Skull, Fractured Neck (occipital condyle fracture), Fractured T7 Vertebrae Severe Traumatic Brain Injury (Diffuse Axonal Injury).  I was in a medically- induced coma for 10 days. I had a Glasgow Coma Score of 5 (GCS range from 3-15 -the lower the number, the more severe the injury; GCS of 3 equals a dead person).  Once I awoke from the coma, I had Post Traumatic Amnesia for 32 days.  Given the duration, this indicated a very severe TBI.

What you describe feels like a huge shake-up and perhaps a wake-up call on many levels. What else stands out for you?

I was in 3 different hospitals for a total period of 2 months, spending 6 weeks in the Princess Alexandra Hospital Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit where I had to undergo rehab Occupation Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, Balance Therapy. It was full-on.

Wow! You are certainly one resilient spirit! As your experience points out, challenges may seem economic or physical on the surface, but beneath it all, it is our attitude, will, how we respond mentally and emotionally, that determine what plays out.  

Yes. I had to re-learn life's simplest of skills, basically relearn to live independently again.  But I was so focused on getting well, nothing got in the way. I felt I had so much to live for including; my family, where I lived, my house, the lifestyle we had set up for ourselves.  I just wanted to be healthy again. My drive for recovery came from my perseverance and 'never give up' attitude, which I still have to this day.

What you say here invites readers to quietly ponder what is really important, what they really want. Its not usually what first comes to mind. What brings you the greatest joy?

My greatest joy is that I now live a quality, healthy life with my loving family on the Sunshine Coast in our family home which we built 10 years prior. I’m living my dream. I am now able to spend more time with family, exercise more and play my guitars more.

Ahh! So, you are also a musician! Have you always played? 

Well, I did not make much time for that hobby before my accident. My wife and I always spoke about returning to the coast, not having to relocate again.  We wanted to live a simple, uncomplicated lifestyle, enjoying the beaches, the sunny coast, warm climate.  We feel motivated to be outdoors.  We wanted our kids get to grow up in such a beautiful part of not only Australia, but the world.

As the saying goes, ‘Ask and it is given.’ You have given yourself your most heartfelt wish. Tell us, in your own words, how setbacks can be seen as gifts.

Set-backs can be gifts as they can change how you think what's really important.   Without your health, you little to feel joyful about.

Many people who have Near Death experiences (NDEs) also have out-of-body experiences (OBEs).  My NDEs and OBEs have changed the way I see myself and the world. Consider also people like Dannion Brinkley- he died twice by lightning and wrote At Peace in the Light & Saved by the Light. We also feel the impact of OBEs explored in Interview with William Buhlman and others on this blog.  How did having an NDE and OBE change you?

Surviving my near-death experience (NDE) has made me a better person and appreciate life more and I now realise how life can change in a heartbeat.  My brain is empty now. I am noticably calmer.

My mind echoes: I am not going to be a victim. I am not going to be negative about what happened. I believe everything happens for a reason. Positivity is so powerful. Having a positive mindset can assist with overcoming the impossible. I wouldn’t change what happened to me for a second. It has enabled so many doors to close but more doors have opened.

This echoes that saying, "When God closes a door, somewhere he opens a window." Let us know what windows inspire you, what nourishes your soul?

I’m inspired to live the best version of this new Darron, inspired to remain happy & healthy and share my story of survival against the odds. My wife is the biggest inspiration. Without her support, I wouldn’t be who I am today.

What a heart-warming story of connection with your family, your deeper self to inspire the world. This is a perfect lead in to tell us about your new book.

My book is, The Day I Broke My Brain. Basically, this is what I did through my accident.

It reminds me of Proof of Heaven by and the implications explored in Interview with Dr. Eben Alexander and the the book and Ted Talk Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor.

As previously shared, due to my injuries, post-traumatic amnesia and severed memory problems, my occupation therapist suggested that I start writing a daily journal.  This   improved my memory and fine motor skills such as writing. I began with my name, address and where I had lived, my family’s names ages.  Then, I wrote about my thoughts, emotions and anything that I felt like writing.  This went on for about 6 months before I thought of the idea that I could have a book on my hands about my survival and rehabilitation story. Thus, over a period of 12 months, the daily journal writing evolved to have greater detail.  I had longer and longer writing sessions, all by hand, to the point when I had finished my book in its manuscript version.  I still have the hand-written notes today.

Other than assisting in your rehabilitation, what is your hope for this book?

Besides writing the book to help me deal with or at least uncover what happened to me, my hope is to help other people impacted by brain or other severe injury, to provide inspiration or motivation for healing. My recovery is proof that you can recover, not always 100%, but at least to redefine a high-quality and independent life. I now see life is far more than what I thought is was before my accident. Having a book is the modern version of a business card. It provides creditability, paves the way for new connections, and new career opportunities.

 Your story is one of determination and empowerment. It reminds me of the attitude of quadruple amputee Kyle Maynard who wrote No Excuses. What do you foresee next?

My hope is that it continues to sell, provides opportunities for me to meet new people. Talking at public events provides more income and eventually help with me gaining employment. My ultimate goal would be if the book could be put to movie as I think its a great story a positive story of someone beating the odds and overcoming such an injury it changed his entire life for the good.

How do you envision your book can help people?

I think my book can help people not only impacted by brain injury, but it can help anyone who is lacking the drive, motivation to improve their life, change mindset to see that nothing is really bad.  We do not have to wait for tragedy or an NDE to trigger the change.

What else have you done and are you doing to contribute to a new level of well-being?

After 12 months of traditional rehabilitation in hospital, I had had enough of it and was screaming out to do something else to feel happy.  Hence, I thru myself into physical exercise, music therapy, meditation, yoga, and naturopathic supplements.  In addition, I didn’t drink a drop of alcohol for two and half years.  Now, I only drink very small amounts, changed my diet to try and eat more healthy foods, intermittent fasting and eat brain foods.

Congrats on reaching a new level of balance and well-being. Who is your book's intended audience?

My audience is brain injury survivors, their families and individuals in need of motivation due to challenges. It is estimated about 700,000 people in Australia are living with a brain injury and in America around 3,000,000 people are impacted by brain injury.  Clearly, many people impacted by a situation related to my own.

 Where can people obtain a copy of your book?

The book has been purchased in 17 different countries so far or reading my blog on my website

As the result of your bike accident, how has your outlook and life perspective shifted?

I love my family and extended family more than ever. I no longer fear dying.

I relate to other people who have survived near death experiences (NDEs), tragedies or overcome trauma, sickness and injury. I can relate better to these kinds of people.

I don't have patience for materialistic people who are not realistic or they show no compassion for others. In general, I feel I am a calmer, more relaxed person because of my experience and enjoy the simple little things these days better, especially chatting to people 

As you look forward, how do you see your life unfolding?

I foresee my life unfolding like this:

  •          I will continue to live on the Sunshine Coast with my family & finally can call it home
  •          I will continue to visualize making a difference and seeing ths happen as in The Answer by Allan & Barbara Pease (I have used this technique 15 years and know it works)
  •          I will return to working in 2019 in a part-time capacity
  •          I will secure a job for which I am training now  (as a barista within the coffee industry)

Like yourself, I can attest to the effectiveness of feeling my way into a new lifestyle and way of being. Our life focus shifts with our awareness and priorities. It happens with perfect timing. As Gandhi echoes: happiness happens when what we think, do and say, are all in harmony.  Bobby Davro says a measure of success is happiness and peace and mind. How do you view success?

I will be successful at what ever I'm doing as that is how I am programmed.  When I do things, I have to do it right and put in 150%. I have high expectations for myself.

If you had a piece of advice or a vision to leave with our audience, what would it be?

Never take life for granted, go for your dreams or what makes your happy and ensure you live a healthy uncomplicated life.

Please share anything else you would like to add, including events, websites, links, broadcasts or any other ways our audience can connect with and learn more about you.

Here are some links to articles about me. Invite readers to visit my website, and find information relevant to their own journey.  (Refer to pages 16-19) Refer to page 24

Thanks Darron.  We know you are an inspiring success and continue to enrich all thoe lives you touch. You invite us all to recognize blessings where we are, and to appreciate who we are and how we can assist each other. 

Notice our collective reality arises from what we choose to believe about information our elders leave us, and whether we choose to question it. If we insist on believing we are separate from God/ Source and each other, then life is about living in separation. Many people believe God condones violence as a means of conflict resolution and feel separate from what does not affect them personally. Behavior arises from belief. Our big challenge is to find ways to get people to see, feel, act collectively. The issue is we often seek to solve problems at every level except the level at which problems exist. What if creating heaven wherever you are and its the prime objective? Imagine a life without fear, guilt or anger. Imagine the end of frustration and anxiety, and negative feelings. Imagine experiencing awe and wonder, the impulse to give freely, all expressing itself through you due to your expanding awareness. We can begin to create this in lives of those we touch. It is a matter of making conscious connections. Internal shifts transform external experience.