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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in positive change (3)


4 Tips to Make Positive Change Faster

In the current global climate, the urge to change or make change is arising.    The question is, which changes do we make first and what is the most efficient way of going about it? Consider these 4 tips;

1. Raise awareness

Until we grow aware or conscious of something we wish to change, then consistent change does not happen. We are our own judge and jury.  We each determine our points of reference and what is "positive" or "negative" (desirable or undesirable). 

2. Take responsibility

We have to see our role in a situation before we can make lasting change.  Every moment, we are creating a version of reality based on our thoughts and feelings.  By consciously stating, "Every moment, my thoughts and feelings are directing every moment of my experience and reality," this helps to make key connections.

3.  See the mirror

From the moment it hits the external world changes based on our self perception, we are empowered.  Everything is in fact, a mirror. Thus, to love and accept ourselves fully is to see this reflected in the world around us.  To harbour shadows or unconscious negative emotions and trauma is to see this in the external.  our individual sense of inner reality projects out and contributes to shape the collective reality.

4. Feel into new realities

In order to create a new reality, the key is to imagine it vividly and feel what it is like to experience it in real time.  Use present day language to create the vision. Talk about it as if it already exists.


10 Points to accelerate positive change

Its common to wish to accelerate life change but how to do this effectively is often misunderstood. Change does not happen in proportion to the amount of physical effort you exert. 
The pace of change unfolding in your life reflects how well you understand everything is energy, frequency and vibration in motion and put this insight into practice.   Consider these 10 tips to accelerate positive change in your life:
  1. Allow yourself to focus on the bright side
  2. See the dark side points to what blocks more joy 
  3. Accept personal responsibility for how you feel
  4. Establish healthy boundaries
  5. Practice forgiveness & appreciation
  6. Live in harmony with your values
  7. Use time wisely
  8. Be a pioneer
  9. Exercise the imagination regularly
  10. Surrender to your intuition more often

What if you could transform your life?

What if you have the power to transform how you think and feel right now? Would you do it? You may have heard it said it requires thirty days of consistent change to truly turn a pattern around. Is that always necessarily so?

Many people are beginning to sense they have opportunities for more choices in their lives yet they seem to lack the discipline, the willingness to take initiatives or, the simple inclination. To be here now says something. It means your heart is in the right place. You are choosing to make more conscious choices.  This only helps you.

As your focus on shifts, you contemplate positive change.  One helpful step is to open the mind to how you think and feel.  Self-Disclosure is part of the process of awakening.  You may not realize you are already on a meaningful path to Transform Your Life thoughts and perception.  Tools exist to guide you align with what feels right.