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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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10 Points to accelerate positive change

Its common to wish to accelerate life change but how to do this effectively is often misunderstood. Change does not happen in proportion to the amount of physical effort you exert. 
The pace of change unfolding in your life reflects how well you understand everything is energy, frequency and vibration in motion and put this insight into practice.   Consider these 10 tips to accelerate positive change in your life:
  1. Allow yourself to focus on the bright side
  2. See the dark side points to what blocks more joy 
  3. Accept personal responsibility for how you feel
  4. Establish healthy boundaries
  5. Practice forgiveness & appreciation
  6. Live in harmony with your values
  7. Use time wisely
  8. Be a pioneer
  9. Exercise the imagination regularly
  10. Surrender to your intuition more often

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