Nothing is actually taking place

Notice what happens as you look at something directly. In essence, you shift perception to see its opposite. You are conditioned to see fear in love. As you awaken to the truth of forgiveness, knowing arises that nothing truly exists to fear or forgive.
Every moment you fear/forgive, this brings you to closer to unwavering trust in the unseen. As you come to feel we are all the same, you begin to forget yourself as a person. Let go of the mind, its images and dualistic thinking. Forget the conditioned self. Notice what remains. Feel the being beyond time an space. Allow awareness to be. This is not you. It is oneness acting as you. Nothing is actually taking place.
"How can ONE really Explain what ONEness is What the Grand Love is What ISness is ... ONE can Try to explain it ONE can Try find Words ... ONE will not really succeed with it. One WILL FEEL "it" It It being Nothing It being ALL." -Rama
Reader Comments (4)
Everything's still
As chlorophyl dances
in the grass on the hill