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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in energy (254)


Retain deeper lessons and grow

Notice I've lost track of how many times I've died. What matters most though is how I have learned to live. These experiences and lessons cover countless civilizations, timelines, realms, on this planet and others. Some worlds and vibrational information gathering are purely musical, telepathic, geometric or beyond description. Consciousness moves through, sheds and transcends bodies. Books exist on this. Others are already being written.
During the early stages, it was about struggles for survival, safety, and stability. Like a film reel, I am repeatedly running from danger or authority, escaping control, the wrath of accusations of heresy, inconceivable abuse, torture, decapitation, immolation and even the unspeakable. I see from within and beyond body, feel caught in a cyclical trap. Many of those deaths came quickly, were painful or painless. Yet, the complete disconnect from feeling, lack of love, acceptance, connection and belonging evoked more suffering than anything physical. That revelation catapulted me forward, upward.
Next, I moved through experiences that highlighted emotional isolation and repressed sexual energies. In this film reel, I know mistreatment from individuals who are brutal yet, unaware, have a warped sense of self and struggle to function within their own version of reality. Through this mirror, I shifted from physical, biochemical and feeling disconnect to reconnect with natural healing. I allowed the body to do what its meant to do. This opened valves, unleashing limitless creativity and discovering doorways to true intimacy. Again, as winds shifted, a new tune began to play.
Then, journeys arose to reveal events in other spheres that led to low self esteem, lack of will power, hesitation to take personal responsibility. The film reel offered flashbacks about where I was manipulated, exploited, subjugated, dominated by misused power. Only as it dawned that nobody can intimidate me without my own consent did I experience huge shifts in energy, focus, direction, life conditions. It dawned I create my own magic, remove myself from environments I outgrow, come to feel limiting or unhealthy. Sometimes situations repeat in different settings, then hifts also happen simply because I have learned what is there to learn on a deeper level. This happens as I grow to resonate with something deeper, that which I know as my Soul.
Later on, moving through the heart, death seemed more about observing taboos, what we are culturally taught to fear, avoid and resist. The biggest lesson here for me is death is not about losing anything. Rather, its about strengthening a sense of what is always within us. At this stage, death happens as we are ready to recognize and let go of imbalances in our perception, grudges conditioned predjudices and related lies we tell ourselves. Conscious shifts in focus and consciousness are fuelled by the desire to feel more deeply and rediscover another facet of what it is to be truly alive.
Every life contains millions of decisions. Some are big and others seem smaller or less significant. Yet, every decision we make over another affects the outcomes and the direction of our path. At certain points, irreversible variations occur. Regardless of timeline or focus, our choices reveal who or what we truly are, far more than our ideas of limited abilities. Many versions of ourselves exist inside us. Every moment, every one of our thoughts and feelings have an influence on our course of direction. And this course changes. Reclaiming true power and sovereignty shifts gears again. From here, you consciously move in many directions and have a much wider sense of the unfolding.

Match the frequency of new realities

Notice our current unique version of reality echoes a specific frequency band. We experience limited bands unless we are willing to expand into more. Core being functions in electromagnetic language. Each belief reflects vibrations. Physical reality arises based on what the mind echoes to be true and real. On a physical level, this takes shape in what appear to be life choices, work, our relationships, and perceptions. As our sense of reality expands, it dawns we cannot perceive what is not aligned with our vibration. How often we interact with others may seem to be based on availability, calendar schedules, or verbal consent. On a deeper level, all that occurs reflects frequencies that align. All that appears in our scope of awareness is encoded. The unknown (as of yet unseen) is where the rest of us resides. It is nothing to fear. Each instance we are willing to face and integrate our own shadows, dismantle and let go of our beliefs, we are consciously breaking down self-created barriers of time and space. Each step is about becoming a conscious worldbridger, to experience boundless realms, dimensions and beings that co-exist simultaneously on different freqeuncies of a cosmic radio dial. We only tune into we what we are willing to integrate into our evolving reality. An analogy is we are each like a computer circuit board that can only handle a certain intensity of energy flow. So as not to blow our own inner circuits, we allow energies to enter our awarness in-line with proper upgrades. Energetic shifts allow us to hold more light and expand our reality at our pace. Match the frequency of the reality we want and that is our experience. This is the way of the energetic universe.


Accelerate new life shifts

Notice the sense of holding yourself back is a pointer to the root of your own fear and resistance. Its not who you are that actually holds you back, but who you think you are not and the influence of this identity over your choices. You may forget what you are made of, forget how to access it or tune in. Much like the penguin is aware of the significance and benefits of ice water, yet does not always jump right in, we are each aware that our discomfort holds the key to our own salvation. Deep down, we all know what feels right yet the question is, do we always listen or simply cling to "the familliar"? We are each like a seed that contains all genetic material to transform into a progessive seedling, plant and tree. We can continue to produce our own seeds and stay in a karmic cycle, or, come "full circle" and embrace a new way of being. Just as the branches of a tree strengthen and grow upwards to the sky, we too grow stronger, striving for greater knowledge, wisdom and new experiences as we move through life. We hold the seed of our own energetic and crystalline light body transformation. At what point do we cease to resist and recall what feels natural?" As we meet guides on the Path, they can assist in different capacities, depending on what we allow or resist. Sufi poet Khalil Gibran reminds us, 'the teacher who is indeed wise does not invite us to enter his house of widom but rather, guides us to the threshold of our own mind' so we awaken.


Activate psychic anatomy

Notice never was there a moment when I ceased to exist or ceased to explore other realms. In and out of dimensions I walk through walls and cosmic doorways. The what always happens without asking how. Words are obsolete as one merges into energetic flows. Understanding energy in practice is most vital to human shifts or evolution. Into whatever dimension or into whatever segment of the environment we wish to examine, we will only wind up with that inevitable and inescapable conclusion that progression means learning to understand the new world in which we wish to live. As one achieves higher dimensions of living, as there are and will be, countless successive evolutions exist into Higher Worlds. If we correctly understand the word Infinity, we can reasonably suppose no end exists to such an evolutionary course. Our progression is actually re-building and activating our psychic anatomy. We are replacing distortions or anomalies of energy wave forms that were incurred in previous lifetimes. In a certain way, distorted frequencies may stay within our memory consciousness, but we can shift to focus on them as viable and useful pointers to Soul growth.


Focus on the Intuitive Vision

Sacred geometry by Endre Balogh


Notice that every vision holds power. To harness the power of our unique Soul vision requires unveiling, conscious focus, breathing life into it for all to see our trust, surrender and inner knowing in action. We are each worldbridgers, bridges between worlds (realities) we do not want and those of our dreams and beyond. Big shifts happen as we master ourselves and naturally activate our hidden abilities.