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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in physical (15)


Revisit the 'bees' knees'

Increasingly, people inquire about joint issues and how they relate to life. Here, we address the knees from different viewpoins to invite you to reflect on what feels relevant for your body right now.

As an idiom, 'The bee's knees' implies something 'excellent, of the highest quality.' Your favorite food or favorite expeirence, for instance. The phrase 'the bee's knees' came from the 18th century. In some circles, it was a fanciful phrase that referred to something that didn't exist (like its all in your head or imagination- not real) .

When we explore energy anatomy, knee chakras are minor points that can have major significance in our life.  How our chi (life force energy) is flowing upward and downward (or not) indicates what is going on inside. We can reflect on what is going on for us physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and on other levels.

Consider knee chakras are felt above the knee and  below the knee cap. They are also complex metaphor for life change and how we respond.   The health of our knees can echo messages about how flexible we are physically and metaphorically. Rigidity, pride and stuobbornness may also come up to be addressed.

In another way, knees bridge realities- the physical and spiritual realities. The state of your knees may offer messages about whether you are actualizing your spiritual (soul) path while enhancing your physical life, or holding yourself back in some ways.  Knees are the physical joint point of interchanging energy between upper and lower leg areas. Your knees echo why you may feel stressed.

Knees also invite us to ponder life balance. If you continually live a physically-focused life, or if you overdo things (over extend yourself) the knee will let you know.  Knee issues often relate to life direction, how fluid or resistant we are to options. Knees absorb our thoughts.  Each physical step is a metaphor for your movement and life direction. If moving forward, taking steps elicits physical emotional or mental pain and suffering, this invites you to meditate on the nature of your resistance.  Notice your heart is residing in the spiritual domain. Your head may choose a differet path than what your soul wants.  The heart chakra must develop in order to ground the energy of your soul and align with soul purpose.

Recall that the left side of the body (feminine) is influenced by the right side of the brain and right side of the body (masculine) is influenced by left side of the brain. Left knee is guiding you toward or deeper into your spirtual path.  Look at it physically: are you turned inward, are you flexible and allowing about your spiritual path? Or are you rigid or resistant? Listening to intuition helps you release tension in the left side.

Perhaps fear arising points to the results of what you need to change.

As an aside, which foot do you step forward first? Left foot leading right reflects being grounded in the spiritual world.  Right foot leading as you walk imples you are more grounded in the physical.

Issues with right knee suggest a lack of trust in our physical path, maybe a block in our physical path, over-controlling,a fraid of not knowing the outcome of your choices. You may feel bombarded.

How can we step into the place of service and surrender? Prostrating, kneeling down in reverence to mother Earth can put us in a state of relaxation. Yet, the state of your knees may be better suited to other practices. Consult us about tailored yoga options and working with the earth elements.

Contact ius about sound healing, tuning fork therapy and yoga sessions for meridian and chakras and marma


Dream Analysis of the Week- Etheric dream


The aroma of Palo Santo stood out.  Smoke danced upward in a spiral.  Had an imprint of a blue purple haze or cloud.  The shade changed.


When a dream is directly linked to physiology, such as a present injury or ailment like arthritis, then its a physical body dream. This is grounded in time and space.

Yet, this dream concerns the etheric body (second body). Etheric dreams evoke confusion in Western psychology. Freud misunderstood etheric dreams for dreams caused by suppressed desires.  Dreams caused by suppressed desires exist, but they belong to the physical body, (first body). If you have suppressed physical desires, if you have fasted for instance, then you may dream of food (breakfast). Or, if you have suppressed sex, then sexual dream fantasies can arise. These dreams belong to the first body. The etheric body is left out of psychological investigation, so its dreams are interpreted as belonging to the first body, the physical. 

In truth, the etheric body can travel in dreams. There is every possibility of it leaving your body. As you recall this, it is remembered as a dream, but it is not a dream in the same sense as the dreams of the physical body. The etheric body can go out of you when you are asleep. Your physical body will be there, but your etheric body can go out and travel in space. There is no space limiting it; there is no question of distance for it. Those who do not understand this, who do not recognize the existence of the etheric body, may interpret this as the realm of the unconscious. They divide man’s mind into conscious and unconscious. Then physiological dreaming is called “conscious” and etheric dreaming is called “unconscious.” It is not unconscious. It is as conscious as physiological dreaming, but conscious on another level. If you become conscious of your etheric body, the dreaming concerned with that realm becomes conscious.

Just as physiological dreams can be created from the outside, so too can etheric dreams be created, stimulated. A mantra is one of the methods to create etheric visions, etheric dreams. A particular mantra or a particular nada – a particular word, sounding repeatedly in the etheric center – can create etheric dreams. There are so many methods. Sound is one of them.  Smells are another.  For instance, the warm and soothing scent of Paol Santo has been used for eons in religious rituals and ceremonies. The Incas, indigenous people of the Andes, shamans and healers, have long used it for its metaphysical properties of purification and cleansing of the soul.

Colors also be of help. If you have ever dreamed of a particular shade or colour, you may find seeing this colour again, meditating on it even may create etheric dreams in others as well.  It is said certain colours stimulate etheric body dreaming.

So when someone goes deep in meditation and sees colors, and experiences perfumes and sounds and music absolutely unknown, these too are dreams, dreams of the etheric body. So-called spiritual visions belong to the etheric body; they are etheric dreams. Gurus revealing themselves before their disciples is nothing but etheric travel, etheric dreaming. But because we have only searched the mind at one level of existence, the physiological, these dreams have either been interpreted in physiological langugae or discarded, neglected, or, put into the unconscious.

To say that anything is part of the unconscious is really just to admit that we do not know anything about it. It is a technicality, a trick. Nothing is unconscious, but everything that is conscious on a deeper level is unconscious on the previous level. So for the physical, the etheric is unconscious; for the etheric, the astral is unconscious; for the astral, the mental is unconscious. Conscious means that which is known. Unconscious means that which is still not known, the unknown.

Any type of dream spiral  is a mode of communication to the physical world. In short, its the way in which our 3D world reflects the spiritual plane.  As we grow and evolve as a soul, we climb the metaphorical spiral path of understanding.  So, to dream of a spiral, is to come to identify more with the univese or Christ consciousness.

We offer in-depth Dream Consultations on single or multiple dreams, to address karma, energy and more.  We also offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course.


Dream Analysis of the Week- Dolphins


The dream environment seemed like a kind of lock or tank, an enclosed space between land and ocean. Locks are used to step levels of water up or down, and between dams, depending on the direction of travel. I felt like I was swimming upstream but felt that this was necessary to reach my destination. At a distance, a small minke whale was watching the waves rising and falling around me.

Someone else was there with me--a man who appeared to be both intrigued and frightened. He was gripping a grid work with clenched fingers. It was as if he was expeirencing more than one dimension or timeline and feared letting go.


Each dream may be seen from different viewpoints or levels of consciousness. This dream suggests you are ready and in process of stepping up into a new level of consciousness, on the edge of change in different life areas. In the dream itself, you may have have felt trapped at the boundary between the Dream Zone (land) and Astral (ocean). In waking life, something holds you back, keeps you where you are.  You attempt to turn your back on it. Remember to see things in perspective like the optimistic, playful dolphin. If you do not face obstacles, then you are still allowing something external to control you or cause you to feel less than you are.

The dreamer is literally "beside himself," torn bewteen aspects of his fragmented psyche. Ever hear the phrase, "Should I stay or should I go?" Who is asking this question? Part of the dreamer is open to new experiences, other realms and contact with the unforeseen. Another part of him is clutching the grid work of ordinary consciousness in fear, not wanting to let it be altered, resisting shedding some aspects of his own identity.  Humans are often so addicted to physical reality.  Still, it is often by encountering humans that we’ll often find contact with a nonphysical being and change can be terrifying. The prospect of big change exists outside of time and space as we know them, and it seems alien to us.

Dolphins echo higher vibrational consciousness, very far in advance of most humans.  Unfamiliar vibrations may feel alien, as we imagine a dolphin and whale consciousness would feel. Dreams sometimes present alien consciousnesses in the more familiar forms of creatures. Dolphins and whales are associated with playfulness and good humour, as well as highlight natural optimism we sometimes lose touch with.

Just as dolphins and whales come in various sizes, so do guides we may encounter during our dream travels.  Size of a dream creature may reflect the degree of evolution of their consciousness. Level of consciousness determines how and what we tune into.  A minke whale-sized consciousness suggests you are in the company of a very advanced  (spiritually-developed) guide.

We offer Dream Consultations that guide dreamers through single and multiple dreams to better understand their journey.  We also offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course.  Contact us for details.


Breathe the way to clarity

Notice many spiritual traditions echo we are multidimensional humans. We exist simultaneously on several planes and in several bodies which range from the familliar. physical body, to the astral body of dreams, to higher energy bodies that access realms and states of consciousness beyond our wildest dreams. Questioning our assumptions and being open to alternative possibilities increases our flexibility of consciousness, that is, changes how we receive, decode, and transmit energy. Each of our bodies has its own set of abilities and limitations. When ready, opportunities present that guide us to develop innate abilities. Imagine intentionally inviting your consciousness to leave your body to expand experiences, and breathing your way to clarity. Many options for expansion exist.


Match the frequency of new realities

Notice our current unique version of reality echoes a specific frequency band. We experience limited bands unless we are willing to expand into more. Core being functions in electromagnetic language. Each belief reflects vibrations. Physical reality arises based on what the mind echoes to be true and real. On a physical level, this takes shape in what appear to be life choices, work, our relationships, and perceptions. As our sense of reality expands, it dawns we cannot perceive what is not aligned with our vibration. How often we interact with others may seem to be based on availability, calendar schedules, or verbal consent. On a deeper level, all that occurs reflects frequencies that align. All that appears in our scope of awareness is encoded. The unknown (as of yet unseen) is where the rest of us resides. It is nothing to fear. Each instance we are willing to face and integrate our own shadows, dismantle and let go of our beliefs, we are consciously breaking down self-created barriers of time and space. Each step is about becoming a conscious worldbridger, to experience boundless realms, dimensions and beings that co-exist simultaneously on different freqeuncies of a cosmic radio dial. We only tune into we what we are willing to integrate into our evolving reality. An analogy is we are each like a computer circuit board that can only handle a certain intensity of energy flow. So as not to blow our own inner circuits, we allow energies to enter our awarness in-line with proper upgrades. Energetic shifts allow us to hold more light and expand our reality at our pace. Match the frequency of the reality we want and that is our experience. This is the way of the energetic universe.