The Truth cannot be Forced

(Cosmci sacred geometry by Endre Balogh)
Notice the brain is a transceiver of vibrational frequencies. If you are in an energy field that evokes resistance or discomfort, or you attempt to integrate information too quickly, your body may not be able to handle a level of differential frequency. (Imagine the brain as a circuit board, and you do not wish to overload your circuits) The common response is to withdraw or get away from the intense energy source. For example, if music is too loud, you turn volume down or leave the space. A similar thing happens when you are offered levels of "truth" energy you are unable to assimilate. You only receive what you are ready and willing to accept. This is why people are meant to be initiated, receive guided info in progressive stages, in forms they can digest, and also why some people refuse to accept certain info as truth. They may not be ready. More than one process is going on. A self-purification process is necessary to integrate progressively higher vibrations. If the body cannot handle an influx of energy (data differs too much from baseline frequency reference), the body can respond with imbalance, rejection, health issues or other blocks. Hence, it is said one ought to take everything with a grain of salt. If "it" resonates, take it onboard. If not, let it flow in one ear, out the other. If it is meant for you, then you hear it. Layers /levels of Truth cannot be forced. They unfold from inside- out. (Cosmic sacred geometry by Endre Balogh)