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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in energy (254)


Know the Value of Innersight

Notice to see or touch the Void from which all resources are accessed and all energetic info is downloaded, we must do more than look outside ourselves using only external senses and a rational, scientific level of consciousness. Rather than simply study celestial bodies, we must develop innersight, see elements and compounds visible in our own anatomy. Rather than talking about or focusing on the light, we must look honestly into the depths of our Soul, to see more of who we are and let go of who we are not. Every HUman holds the cosmic technology, resources and inner power to co-create within, yet to master this, it requires we see beyond the logical mind and venture fearlessly into the unknown. Trust and surrender are some of the greatest lessons. We are invited to not only listen to the Universe and rely on the intuition, but also respect the Natural and Universal, grow into allies of All Beings.


View things from beyond Time

Notice its possible to view everything from outside of time as HUmans come to know it. Being in 3D as a HUman is about grwing aware of more dimensions. As our senses expand, we grow to see beyond sight, to detect the hidden, tune in and feel divine Source within, not just divine creations. As we create, the creations reflect an expression of us or product of imagination. As God creates, the creations do not merely reflect God, nor are they mere products of God’s imagination—they are God made manifest in form! Every new moment allows possibility to transcend the last. Our core carries the same potential for creation that existed before the universe. The force that birthed the universe lives is itself Soul's creative force.


Unleash your inner magic

Notice unleashing our "inner magic" is about aligning with the fully -sovereign God conscious being within. When we wish to see veils or illusions in the external dissolve, this begins within ourselves. Its about reading our patterns, unplugging the programming, getting out of our own way. As we nurture strong discernment, we grow super- aware of incongruencies and stop allowing them to continue. The only way to create a soverign energetic field is to stop ignoring what bothers us and act differently. Karmic relationships are going. Discomfort arises so situations can be transcended, healed and integrated. Every trigger is a gift. Discomfort arises as long as we are triggered. What is not fully integrated keeps surfacing. We are meant to purify and integrate the lessons. Go in deep to remove the weeds, step out of the Matrix. When we do not speak our Truth, we are not loving the self fully. Everything must be questioned. No more spiritual bypassing. We must let go of victim consciousness. Becoming super -conscious again is being aligned with ethics and morals that ought to be common sense. Its about knowing we can be in pain and not suffer. We are realigning with core values, integrity in practice. This unlocks the multi-dimensional self. Who are you being while you are doing what you do? We see trans-formations within as we are ready to emerge as the phoenix. This is about coming into full alignment with our Crystalline Being Self. As we transcend the illusion of separation, we have conscious contact with different levels of consciousness. Everyone has to do his/her own work. Shifting onsciousness is moving from polarity consciousness to the frequency of unity consciousness. This is the Zero-point energy or the Holy Grail. Divine Love and neutrality are strengthening. Magnetic storms bring imbalances to the field. This is not about feeling no emotions. Holding balance is about being steady in the eye of the storm. Anything that is trying to play out is collapsing. Everything is unfolding in the Now moment. Focus on the child-like excitement of knowing all is well. Know everything comes together. Trust the unfolding. Many levels of battles are happening. Fighting simply feeds the fire. Centering or being at peace with oneself is the key. Listen to inner guidance to transcend survival fears. When we are aligned, believe in miracles, they turn up. Know your worth. Takes a lot of strength to stand up for ourselves. Say no to what is not in alignment with true self. Believe we can survive and making a living doing what we love. Support your clearing. Huge DNA clearings are happening for the multidimensional collective codes coming online. Everything is revelaed to us in the Now. Breaking through the programming requires coming into balance. Be aware only the programmed mind is triggerable. Move beyond it. Betrayals come up in relationships in part from other timelines. This is not personal. We cannot allow people to project onto us anymore. A program within us allows it. Your feelings are your navigational guidance system. It dawns we are not here to fix others but to set boundaries and rise above our programming. We are watching the codependence and narcissists dissipate. First, we must come into oneness to sense the power of inter-dependence. Stop the shennanigans. No more energetic leaks. Send love and consciousness to those who do not grasp their programming. We are transcending persecutor, rescuer and victim roles. This is the unconsciousness fighting for its "ego"self, its survival. Fom the moment you no longer fear attacks, abuse or negative expeirences, the program stops running. Heal the auric field. Be grown up about mental-emotional reactions. Say no to the universe about anything other than pure love. Empower yourself and laugh more often.


Access more timelines

Notice how we sense and experience the natural world mirrors how we tune and experience ourselves. The more we expand into cosmic consciousness, a sense of interconnectedness of all things, the more co-existing worlds and dimensions merge and enter our scope of awareness, the more the activating lightbody grows self evident. Through every thought and feeling, we determine the direction and energetic reality of our life. What we allow and fully integrate into our Being determines a range of accessible timelines.


Awaken to deeper remembering

Notice we exist to awaken into full spiritual remembrance. We have opportunities to know different stages of Consciousness. Everything is reminding us that we are much more than we think. Tuning into inner knowing shifts our Present Consciousness. As we come to realize pure consciousness exists beyond time and space, through varied states of awareness, we explore aspects of self in our own reality Our Stored Consciousness holds all the experiences in every lifetime at any age and we can access these aspects of ourselves, ask them to come forward to share wisdom. We then travel through realms of our Alternate Consciousness, where key decisions created other versions of ourselves in alternate realities. We can interact and gain insight from alternate selves. Moving through our Parallel Consciousness, we are active in other bodies on Earth in other eras of Earth’s history. Each energetic exchange leaves all aspects of ourselves in a higher vibration. Interacting with our Interdimensional Consciousness, we experience the knowing of being in other life forms or dimensions again for exchange of energy and insight. As we embrace our Eternal Consciousness and pause to experience that transformational energy, it dawns we merge and are All That Is. Each HUman being is an awakening Avatar. Each of us is a creation and mirror of God. To know Source exists, is to know we are each droplets of Source with potential to activate and sustain optimal functioning.