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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in empowerment (38)


Feel your way to the truth

Imagine rays of light extending from you and drinking in the feelings of the external world.  What vivid impressions come to you?  Get past the visual information that is detected by the physical senses. Etheric energy reveals far more of itself.  Notice the process of moving beyond your inhibitions and fear of being wrong.  Perception can be expanded in varied directions.  Each empowers you to trust.  Go with the flow.


Appreciate a-ha moments

You never consciously know exactly whom you are going to meet during your journey through life, through airports, bus or train stations, or wherever else you may roam.  And yet, one thing you can be sure of is that everyone you meet is part of your path to aligning with synchronicity.  Why does this matter? How does each experience propel you further into a collision course with who you are?

Every moment, you are growing to appreciate a-ha moments, those subtle revelations that empower you to understand why you make certain choices and how they are quietly helping you be and accept all that you are right now.  What would you say if this is orchestrated from the depths of your innermost heart? Everyone is helping you remember how to blossom more consciously.  Transform Your Life.


What if you open your perception?

Wherever you are right now, consider how your perspective shifts as you choose to open to invisible or great mysteries.  Balance and harmony exist inside everyone but sometimes people forget.  How do you empower the self to reconnect with qualities that may hide?

Notice what kinds of symbols and behaviour reinforce and mirror yoru perception.  How is it reflected back?  Being true to your inner essence sometimes requires a process of remembering and forgetting.  Even now, you take steps to transform your life experience.

"Humans see what they want to see.” -Rick Riordan


How to liberate yourself

If you do not open to explore who you are, you do not allow self to gain insight into the way things truly are.  You also prevent self from moving through obstacles and freeing yourself from repeating patterns.  As you choose to do what it takes to liberate self from mind, you not only empower self by zeroing in at the root of perceived issues, but also help others.  To be here means you are ready.

The first step is to feel what its like to observe the mind.  Notice how destructive thoughts and emotions arise and how you choose to be affected in your exernal behaviour. This invites you to reflect on role models you follow, examples you adopt and underlying why.

The second step is to recognize how you superimpose beliefs onto people and situations.  Consider why you choose to believe each person or thing is independent from you, and why perception of polarity arises. Notice how this triggers degrees of remembering.

The third step is to explore how to reduce your misconceptions. As you grow aware things do not quite jive inside, you are drawn to explore beneath the surface, to learn to see through assumption. For sample exercises as a guide: Self-Disclosure: Changes From Within.

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Let go of the prison you imagine

Many people look into the mirror and assume they have reasons to feel guilt or other negativity.  They hear echos of what other people tell them they are and forget to listen to their inner voice. They lose themselves in the illusion of the game.  They forget how it feels to have complete awareness, to see through the fog.  Instead, they twist and distort who they are, and lose themselves in turmoil.

It is the moment to return to who you are.  You bring love and joy with you wherever you go.  All of this is felt as you choose to let go of the prison you imagine.  You may be searching for a purpose, and to do so, you live vicariously through the experiences of other people. Open yourself to discover everything you admire in others is within you.  Understanding comes from the heart.

As you open inside, you are receptive to harmony, balance and light.  As you choose to let go of beliefs and thoughts of what you are not, you recognize the meaning in all experiences.  They all empower you to attune to love.  No ideas fit into this space.  Relinquish all beliefs. Lose the self you adopted and remember to feel the flow of vibrations now. This is how to align and Transform Your Life.