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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in ego (90)


Decoding trauma leads us to truth

Notice that Truth emerges out of trauma, even layers and layers of trauma as one finds unimaginable courage to to sift through it. This process is about exploring taboos and caverns within us that the mind has us believe are out of bounds, covered with no trespassing signs. Yet, being undeterred from what mind scares us into believing is "mischief" , non-conformity, even instills fear of death or God, is the yellow brick road in disguise, the ultimate path into the unknown that allows the wizard behind the curtain to reveal itself.
Turns out, truth is the unbearable knowledge we are taught to fear and avoid, what ego develops around to hide deeper realities. Truth leaves ego speechless, utterly crippled, unable to know how to relieve its agony as its very existence is threatened. It avoids "Truth" entirely by developing the imaginary level of consciousness. This is where we create an idea of false self that is tolerable and can allow ego to manage the unbearable reality it has to face. It also creates familliar physical senses to ensure the real does not erupt in the face. So, unbearble familliar knowledge becomes repressed, forgotten. Amnesia hits. One becomes clueless, deliberately throwing away the key to knowing itself.
As a strategy, ego creates a symbology, a logical or rational way of seeing and analysing things to ensure the mind stays trapped in the imaginary world. That level of the the symbolic only affirms the imaginary. It simply creates more karma and confusion. True symbology enables us to see through the illusions of imaginary reality that the conscious ego exists in. That conscious level of ego existence is no more than a prison or hell room, (some call it a red room and have fun here for a time). Yet the growing agony of limitations that the imaginary register create difficulty, forces one to play a character that one knows is not one real Self. One feels its an inauthentic being . This cripples the possibility of any lasting happiness and lasting relationships.
To know true happiness, the ego must be released to rediscover what is truly real. This differs from what has been accepted as real, conceptualized as such and then repressed. The act of meditation begins by dropping all concepts to offer a glimpse of truth. At first, this is dropping of imaginary concepts, then the eruptions of the real must be felt and dropped. This brings on the dark night of the soul. Then as all unconscious is recognized as unreal, and the shock of reality may feel like hitting rockbottom.
Despite this, the ultimate trauma for ego is real love. The love ego seeks is the love that reinforces its own illusory existence, that is, conditional love. The ego cannot become vulnerable enough to love deeply or know true intimacy. Ego can only express love as insatiable desire. The desire to be desired is simply the desire to be seen as an object, a body lusted after, used, possessed, defiled by the other. That kind of love is sought as a way to deal with other unbearable trauma. Of course, the awake being knows this is not real love. For it simply leads to more desire for illusory love to fill an emptiness that cannot be filled.
The only way to be free of this is to discover what true love is for oneself. Only through direct experience then does it dawn that you are more than a body. more than a mind, more than emotion. The love that comes from one's own heart is something the ego can never reach. The ego is too repressed to allow itself to be open. To find courage to enter the heart and rediscover love, we rediscover chakra 5, the ability to refute or dismantle the fantasies that have been destroying one's life and crippling one's capacities to manifest one's potential. Yet, once one has access to real love, the ego and power it exerts over consciousness, is dissolved. This fabrication was only meant to enable a helpless child to survive, not to be in charge of the adult body.
One continues to run from oneself, continues to fall into repressed infantile states, until one is ready to grow up, let go of dependency. This is about taking responsibility. We each have ability to self sabotage . As we recognize the ego's folly, nothing to fear. Demons are mental delusions, memory traces. Monsters we project are inviting us to lturn within, see the source of fear. So long as we choose to live in the past, we do not value or fully embody the real truth. Real Love leads one to the real Self.



Shift from struggle to surrender

Notice we are each making our way from unconscious struggle to surrender. Some of us may feel we struggle more than surrender, but we get here. Every moment, we have opportunities to shift energy, vibration. The matrix of interactions is complex. Everybody has unique experiences and manages them the best they can based on their references and level of consciousness. We see through the lens of fear (ego) or the mirror of love, acceptance (Soul).
Bottom line is, when we struggle in the external world with events that evoke discomfort, resistance or anything other than peace, its because there's imbalance inside us. We do not feel okay. We store energy that bothers us. It follows we feel restless about all we repress, deny or attempt to escape. As the result, we struggle to experience the outside world in ways that make us feel better. So, external things cannot bring lasting happiness.
Ironically, people struggle with the intention not to struggle. They struggle to forget or let go of their inner struggle. In essence, ego struggles to get things the way it wants and keep them that way. Fighting, disagreement, ill health, all happen because we each have different ideas about what will bring us peace, fulfillment, satisfaction, wellness. And struggle is not spirituality.
Curious thing is, nobody ever satisfies a desire by fulfilling it. Its like we close the door on one desire to feel better until something else begins to bother us. Nothing we do is ever wrong or bad. When people get what they want, they fear losing it. There must be a better way to know peace. We can learn and grow from it all.
The spiritual journey is very much about the inward shift. Then, the competition and struggle are suddenly with yourself. Do what challenges the 'self' concept. If we struggle inside and decide we have no problem then this is not the answer either. Spirituality is not a struggle and not denial of lingering struggles. Fighting with the self is common. What does it mean to grow spiritualy? It is not about how long you can meditate or how quiet you can be. Its the process of surrendering to the fact things are not as you think. Everything has a reason for the way it is without us. It is the result of cause and effect, universal laws. No accidents exist.
Some say the spiritual journey really begins with the willingness to take responsibility for our role in unfolding events. It also takes everything being as it is to interact as it does. Beyond judgement, everything is the result of all that ever was. Wake up to realize what is right here, now. Its not about whether you like it or not. Same thing with every moment. All forces invite us to surrender honour, respect, this moment in front of us. Each is very special. Something inside is distracts us from the reality of the moment in front of us. Shift away from struggle to seeand feel the blessings right where we are. This is the act of letting go of the unreal. We are each on a unique trajectory of radiating divine light, joining dots and streaming beyond space-time.

Be receptive to the present

Notice at some stage, it dawns no separate personal, public, professional or spiritual life exist. The fragmented ways we are taught to view our lives are paths and back to wholeness.As we begin to make the shift from ego to soul, we may encounter opposition or interference. Those most closely connected to us resist our shift because we have created predictable patterns (healthy or not) and this keeps others in their comfort zones.

Anything we attempt to push away, deny, fragment or forget is stored energetically inside us. As we allow ourselves to feel the tug-of war, discomfort fully, honour, accept its right to be, learn, grow from the experience, then energy and related conditions dissipate.
Truth is, we also cannot undo past events. The pain we feel related to what we cannot change is a form of love. To be open and receptive to energies coming through, is part of learning to be comfortable with all vibrations. Growth only happens when we learn to get comfortable with and decode our own discomfort, energies we are not completely equipped or ready to handle. Anything that is stuck inside is unfinished energetic business.
Life is about getting in touch with our inner selves. When we no longer attempt to control and manipulate life, we stop triggering our stuff. If we are unaware or not taking care of our inner world, then our outer world reflects this.
So, if the mind is healthy, no emotional or mental "needs" exist. Yet, if we are afraid, tense, insecure, anxious, not paying attention, our uncomfortable vibration projects into our external. Certain things can happen outside that make it worse inside, that magnify inner disturbance. Most people are disturbed far more than they are at peace. Inner disturbance are the most common underlying reason we tell ourselves we want to take vacations, buy things, get different relationships, new homes, jobs or create new businesses or conditions. Until we deal with the underlying issues that drive all of this in the mind, they simply emerge again.
Some people go out of the way to put themselves in challenging situations. When conscious, this brings out the best versions of us. What if you could awaken in the morning with no notion of what's next? Simply be spontaneous and totally okay about that?
The ultimate aim is to be receptive to energy flows, to let energy pass through and choose not to carry it with you. If it is not unfolding right now, then it is no longer relevant to our attention. Life can be savoured moment-by-moment without unfolding in a certain way. Living with the uncertainties and stress of modern day can feel s of the ego is to know life does not have to be what we are taught. We can feel our way into new realities.overwhelming, but only if we allow it. To recognize dreams and goals are ego constructs is to know life does not have to be a certain way. We can feel our way into new realities.

8 Tips for Making Decisions

What process do you use for reaching decisions? Some say, its best done on a case-by-case basis.  Are you guides bythe logical mind or feeling heart or some combination? Consider these 8 Tips for making decisions:
1. Don't let stress (fear) direct your choices
2. Breathe and make the most of time for reflection 
3. Weigh the pros and cons
4. Consider whether it aligns with core values
5.  Does it allow you to feel more aliveness
6.  Talk it out with a trusted friend or mentor
7.  Keep a diary
8. Live spontaneously

Return to Love

Notice that to love another anything is to see the face of God. As we consciously love another, recognize the mirror reflection, we love and accept ourselves fully, we see the perfection through imperfection. Anything we do not love is a teacher about love, guiding us to let go of illusions of separation between real and unreal.
In this world, we are taught to seek someone else's idea of a better life, external approval, something other than what we are, to aspire to be somewhere else with someone else, to be only selectively aware and to selectively feel, to avoid what evokes discomfort. Thoughts keep us focused on the external, create chronic dissatisfaction, prevent us from remembering what it feels like to be happy now.
Trust is about refocusing inward, releasing fear and judgement of others, ourselves as well as the unknown. As we trust, something always invites us to stretch and grow into the full spectrum of our emotions and unleash untapped potential. At a given moment, whatsoever is needed arises beyond scope of ego mind. Surrender arises from deep down, from a knowing all is well.
Happiness then, arises in the present, where truth is, where we let go of the fear something can be or go wrong. When we allow mind to wander between past and future, we get lost in depression that negative history may repeat or anticipation life canot meet our expectations and will disappoint. Only as we stay present, do the best we can with the body we have, does trust arise as a focal point of awareness and shift vibration. The same energy can be felt as fear or peace in this moment. We control a gauge of how we feel.
In essence, we get all we truly need. As needs arise, they are satisfied. That´s the beauty of trust. By and by, we learn existence goes on providing, caring, supporting our journey. We are not indifferent to existence. It does not ignore us. Trust fully and no obstacle exists that cannot be overcome. As we truly get the knack of trust, all worry disappears. This is the way to blossom into fearlessness.