How are you a transmitter?

What would you say if you began to feel like a transmitter, a relay station for incoming and outgoing energy vibrations? Like any instrument, the accuracy of transmission depends of the receptiveness and awareness of mind and brain and links to the Source.
Even now, your creative expression is inspired by the strengthening of your inner hearing. What is this? It is what happens as you remember how to shift focus from the external to internal mental plane. It is how you experience telepathy, divine inspiration, and other kinds of soul-level communication. To tune into the reservoir of universal thought is to attune to the wise voice of silence.
Human beings will ask, where do dreams, inventions and inklings originate? One view is everything emerges as energy and sound from nowhere. You call soul into action and resist the flow or not. When there is no hindrance, it flows to unleash Cosmic Synchronicity.