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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Cosmic Synchronicity

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Entries in remembering spirituality (1)


Remember what you need

As you increase your level of awareness, you begin to discern the fullness and beauty of life.  You also experience revelations about what you need. Its possible to let go of situations, to detach from relationships that you outgrow.

Everyone and everything is in a state of evolution.  Part of the process involves remembering how to attune to the true self, to accept unconditionally the conscious creator you are.  You also sense you are opening up and releasing barriers that block access to the spiritual self.  Choosing to feel and be pure love is part of the renewal process.

What if you begin to sense new kinds of energy acessible to you?  What if your paradigms and self-view are shifting? What if sensing unlimited abundance is part of recognizing endless cosmic energy that already flows through you?  Cosmic Synchronicity is not only a healing force and cosmic stimulus. There's oh, so much more.