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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Create room to vibrate

Everything you do is gradually creating new awareness of multi-dimensional energy. You integrate many parallel memories and the ever-expanding now.  Your expand based on vibration cycles and the paradigm you establish.

You are in the process of altering your sense of perceived time.  The splitting of the second and moments are key.  Both positive and negative polarities are expanding.  Your belief in a new version of reality is coming into being. You imagine structure, rules and limitation and then feel the truth underneath.  You change or mutate as energy.

More than one layer of reality exists. Different grids and vibrations shift according to the energies you vibrate.  Doorways of opportunities are opening to you.  Dimensional shifts unfold and help you sense your roles in parallel universes. You alter your past experience or future possibilities and notice its all Cosmic Synchronicity. 

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Reader Comments (9)

When one enters the space between each second and the gap between each moment and the quietude between each note, new worlds begin to open up and come into conscious awareness. It is from these rooms that other dimensions and realities can be accessed and included into one's personal awareness and energy field. It is a channel or portal to access information so that it can be included and incorporated into the physical existance of this world. They are pores which allow for communication between differing and parallel membranes. We can request energy and resources from these other adjoining worlds. The request, made from a sounding room that amplifies and transmits signals and vibrations, brings forth the matching acoustics to satisfy one's curiousity and wishes of greater knowledge and exploration. With new material and components now available on earth, a new home can be constructed or modified to suit one's changing ideas and perceptions.
Bern, everyone imagines the building blocks of his existence into being. The awareness of possible components of these blocks varies. There always exists the potential in this split second that you are no longer your human self, but reconect to the higher Self. Although you do certain things like other human beings, you do not reside consciously and continuously in the same world. You access inner knowing to access and bridge these worlds. You choose to focus on where meaning and purpose thrive. This means you create new vantage points now.
January 21, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
As my third eye opens more and more, I get glimpses of seeing faces and scenes from the past and in different cultures. The images are crisp and are of high definition. In a few cases I have found my self in a control room scenario where there is a center platform and all around the room are screens presenting a 360 degree panaramic view. Alien creatures have even presented them selves. Intellectually and mindfully the images do nothing. But perhaps the energy behind the scenes and images come pouring through without my conscious awareness that they are eminating from a central wheel. Soul sparks such as my own send information to this hub and higher self command center and the information can be relayed and downloaded into other points of view.
I have always believed that it is the moments in life that matter. Things of significance happen in moments that we live as moments and that we recall as moments. We never recall an event in its entirety, only single blurs of an event... moments that our minds have captured and stored forever. Those moments matter, I believe, because they are what we later think on in our growth process. How do I surpass that moment? How do I learn from its joy or pain? How do I release it, finally, so I can create new moments from which to grow?
January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNevine
Bern, its interesting that non-human entities are given labels to help the perceived describe or ground an 'out-of-this-world' experience. Walk-in souls for instance, sometimes use the term 'higher energies' to describe beings that do not physically ressemble humans. There is quite a range. The mind conjures some images and mixes them with emotion for a blended effect. Yet, to be able to step back as an astute observer and notice intricate details reminds you infinite ways exist to communicate as do infinite forms and formless states.
January 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
So Liara, do you believe as one connects with the Higher Self, they are in direct link and open to their other soul fragments in other times and places and dimensions. And if so, not only are we channeling higher energies from more evolved versions of our self that may have the ability to pass on certain frequencies or knowledge that we request, but we are also transmuting others fears and lower energies so that others within can equalize with the others in the group, or harmonize themselves according to their own wishes and desires? So are we energetically aligning at the same frequency or energy level in all dimensions? So if we get feelings within that need resolving, but are not necessarily our own, so to speak, and if resolve them, are we changing the vibration of the source of these feelings in another place or dimension?
Bern, all questions are answered as you allow yourself the freedom to explore the inner highways of consciousness. As Tom Campbell says in a book called My Big Toe (The Theory of Everything), nothing compares to real experience. He is my scheduled radio guest on Sunday, Jan 24/ Mon Jan 25 (Oz).

As you open yourself up to the experience, you feel what you are. The truth is always there, knowing you are preparing to experience deeper versions of self. Ask yourself if you are allowing self to experience everything without limitation. The only way to make this happen is to let go of every belief and mental idea that things unfold in certain ways. You feel your way to the truth. Nothing anyone external says matters. The truth reveals itself to you in waves. Simply stop empowering resistance. Shift attention to release mental ideas that hold you back. Suddenly, you are equipped to move in a direction where truth is more fully in awareness.
January 23, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. So I must do more .. then I will accomplish more to achieve the multi-dimensional energy. Then as you say different parallels can come into play – and I must leave behind the negative or non-useful aspects. Choose to change, choose to allow opportunities to unfold before me.

Thank you – have a good weekend ...
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
January 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, attitude and perspective shape your life experience. You can shift focus any moment.
January 23, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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