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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in awareness (633)


This is the perfect moment

You exist intent on reaching a place that connects you with who you are.  Being in the body is as easy as you choose.  Notice where you direct your attention.  You feel the subtle energies running through you.  In fact, energy is you.  This is the underlying current of creation.  It is the perfect moment to experience revelatons about your true formless, inconceivable and limitless self. How do you feel?

The more attention you direct in certain directions, the stronger your focus on the energy field in your midst.  The image that arises in mind is already taking shape in physical form. Your feelings are making it happen.  How you feel is what makes it seem real. You are a seeker and a finder.  This is part of the process of growing more conscious and listening to your self.  Its also Cosmic Synchronicity.


Be aware of nothing

Many people are focused on events that unfold in the external world.  Imagine what occurs as you shift attention from the objects and events you perceive to grow more aware of the space itself.  What if nothing is more life-transforming than noticing this nothing behind the scenes?

Allow yourself to feel the space around you.  To concentrate on nothing triggers internal shifts in awareness.  To be conscious of the space behind your focus, you begin to be aware of the feeling of emptiness or no-mind. Notice the mind cannot hang onto what it cannot conceive.

As you remember how the invisible dimension feels, you begin to remember more.  You also recognize when the real you is unbalanced.  You become more aware of fear, core well-being and what distorts deeper seeing.  Love is. Healing is not required.  Knowing is Cosmic Synchronicity.


Erase the external programming

What if you decided to erase the programming, dissolve beliefs that create the reality of your experience? Many people are opening to connections with energy on levels that transform their perception.  Even now, you are beginning to discern a multi-layered world.

So, you are awakening to the truth of a holographic experience. You validate what you are fed by your conditioned senses until the moment that you choose to move beyond that. As you move to erase or transcend the external programming, notice what remains.

Visualize the multi-dimensional experience where physical laws you are taught no longer apply.  You can move to sense frequency patterns, to see beyond the physical body to sense resonance and far more.  The vibration of your level of awareness determine rates of vibration of other parts of you.  As you choose to shift, you access expanded perception of new realities and Cosmic Synchronicity.


Be the architect of your own life

You may not yet consciously realize it or accept it fully, but you are the architect of your whole life.  This might seem daunting at the same time as a most incredible revelation.   After all, this implies you are in charge of everything you experience.  That includes those things you like and do not like, those things that enable you to feel comfortable and uncomfortable.  Each one is helping you.

Consider the human mind conditions you to goal-set based on perception of the external world.  You are taught what is supposed to feel good, how your body is supposed to function, why you are expected to treat people in a certain way undercertain conditions.  Even ideals are ingrained in your mind about what is perferebale to wear, eat say and do. It all guides your choices and beliefs.  You are awakening to realize how powerful thought energy is.  You are not your values, thoughts or beliefs. You are so much more. 

Take a moment and brainstorm words or things you would choose to describe yourself. You might select words like 'sick' or 'healthy,' 'happy' or discontent,' Notice the judgment and how each word speaks to you. When is the ego-mind speaking and when does your heart feel  and express self-love? Every adjective or descriptive sentence reflects something back about your state of mind as well as your state of being. Each step you take to raise awareness about how you think and feel is how you choose to Transform Your Life


Where do you go from here?

It is human conditioned nature to pinpoint a linear path, to orient the self using time and space and get bearings.  One perspective would say such action actually distracts you from present awareness.  Some people use the mind and others feel with the heart.

Consider how you respond as you realize that no words can describe it, no example or analogy can identify it.  To sense where you are is not deluded or hidden except by something within.  To sense the implications of no limits suggests where you are and how you truly feel does not fit into any category. Progressive revelations are all part of your growing awareness of true Cosmic Synchronicity