Do you sense more to life?

You are ready to be more conscious of your frame of mind. Ingrained within your belief system, you may believe that disharmony, lack and discomfort are part of life. In truth, they are not. As you choose to let go of every idea, concept of belief, you realize you have the opportunity to choose the joy of being. You are coming to recognize the creator within yourself. You shift states of being.
Invite yourself to remember who you really are. What does this entail? It is completely your choice. As you begin to realize the extent of your choices, you remember you align with limitation or limitlessness. You choose to get frustrated by conditions or find reason to laugh and break free from the prison of the mind. Each decision is a stage of Self-Disclosure and Cosmic Synchronicity.
Tune into my radio show entitled, "Remember who you are" or, visit the archives: