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Insight of the Moment

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Remember what you need

As you increase your level of awareness, you begin to discern the fullness and beauty of life.  You also experience revelations about what you need. Its possible to let go of situations, to detach from relationships that you outgrow.

Everyone and everything is in a state of evolution.  Part of the process involves remembering how to attune to the true self, to accept unconditionally the conscious creator you are.  You also sense you are opening up and releasing barriers that block access to the spiritual self.  Choosing to feel and be pure love is part of the renewal process.

What if you begin to sense new kinds of energy acessible to you?  What if your paradigms and self-view are shifting? What if sensing unlimited abundance is part of recognizing endless cosmic energy that already flows through you?  Cosmic Synchronicity is not only a healing force and cosmic stimulus. There's oh, so much more.

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Reader Comments (8)

I found a sense of what might be called cosmic synchronicity in my way of life prior to onset of a physically devastating and incurable illness. Very simple things were sources of joy. My pre-disease life was characterized by a sense of ease, energy, and freedom from pscychological burdens like lethargy and boredom.

With serioius bodily harm and disability, one's experience of life is necessarily very different. Being flat on one's back most of the time and completely housebound imposes very real limits on one's possibilities for life - that is, directly. After 16 years, I've mentally and spiritually adjusted to my physical situation but that situation itself closes many doors.

What I've found remarkable is that peace and integrity can actually deepen even with such severe adversity.
January 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Maurice Martin
When we actually remember, one realizes there are no needs. ONE needs NOTHING.

By forgiving the neediness, beauty then flows into one's life. The need makes something that much harder in truly feeling an experience. It keeps one seperated from the center and essence of all that is being INvestigated. A need is a compulsion or an addiction. There is nothing wrong with needing, it too is an experience, but like all compulsions and habits, they blind us and cloud our memory from knowing there are endless choices and opportunities.

If we need a relationship, then we limit all other potential relationships in this moment because we are subserviant to the needs of our bonded attention. One is then stuck in a single gear or dimension. One is likely unable to switch modes. Therefore, it is good to question one's believed needs and to dissolve them or face them and see them till one touches the essence of their existance. By touching them, one finds they vanish as if they were an illusion.

I am currently in a physical library as I type. At hand, I can tap into infinite stories being told in books. I can read a sentence and travel between the words. I can see one word and learn the context of the designer. There are infinite options therefore even in an external small space. Exploration is then both an external act and an internal act as if one becomes an innernaut feeling the conveyance and streams of energy that infinitely surrounds us all.
Bern, people sense all kinds of consciousness shifts. Ultimately, nothingness expands nowhere. Energy is constantly changing form and formless states. Everything is energy. The power accessible in something as miniscule as a grain of sand could power a city for a year but human beings are not yet at the level of awareness of correspondences. You access energy in ways that you are ready and willing to expeirence. As you say, human beings need nothing. A perceived need itself is a teacher about desire, belief and judgment.
January 15, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
The grain of sand that powers a city is a symbol for the energy that is contained in the infinite universe. When one taps into source, All is nourished. It can take form or not. Therefore, we are creating rules of using energy. Currently our rules are limiting in the sense that we get our energy from petroleum or from food as we see in the super market. They are agreed upon symbols for gaining nourishment and propelling society forward towards the next meal or moment. However, we can begin to see that everything that we digest fully by fusing and interfacing with is a meal or exchange of energy its self. Again, everything we touch comes from an infinite energy field, and so it is the infinite field that nourishes us and not the symbol that we are consuming. Then we can say that we are the infinite field, so we really are not consuming anything because we are everything. We are just playing with forms that are created from nothing. Therefore, we really do not need to eat and power up anything because nothing is really happening.
Bern, as humans truly connect with their core identity as energy beings, they get-to-know themselves again without any previous conditioning. Some beings subsist on prana energy particles available in the air. Everyone is invited to re-expereince, re-learn and remember. The infinite energy field is everywhere. Yet, a person who is open to possibilities, expands into them. A person who blocks perception of possibilities is selectively unaware. The idea of playing with form reminds people how they delude themselves about perceived needs. You can choose to feel warm, cold or perfectly satisfied wherever you are now.
January 16, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Paul Maurice, as you open up, you feel the love that is you and allow self to experience what it feels like to reach an internal climax or revelation that is you. To detach from conditioning about external needs brings you face to face with what you are. Love is constantly expanding. Human beings who appear to experience physical setbacks are some of the most peaceful, loving beings. Sometimes it is apparent physical setbacks that trigger the most profound revelations. Through resulting feelings of helplessness and vulnerability, people realize what it feels like to let go of resistance and surrender to the joy of the moment. You inspire others unconsciously to go deeper within in ways you may not realize. We are forever grateful for your sharing.
January 16, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. Paul Maurice Martin - is amazing that he can share and give his thoughts to us - we learn so much from people like him. My mother too - where she has the inner strength from I'm not sure .. but I'd love to know but cannot ask, as it's too difficult for her. It's a learning experience - and I know I'm growing now, but will do so lots more in due time.

It's so good to be around people who can accept where they are at .. and get on with their lives - however challenging they are ..
Thank you - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
January 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, it is always possible to reframe conditions to sense blessings wherever you are. One perspective of inspirations is that they are those people who find good in everything and everyone. Every human being has the potential to recognize this ability in himself. To admire others draws attention to something within self.
January 17, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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