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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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Entries in perception (195)


Every quest is a metaphor

Every quest is a metaphor for steps required to transform the self from physical to spiritual being.  You are actually in the process of exploring options for what to do now and those things you foresee unfolding from apparent crises or tragedies.

In the midst of your visualisation, you discover inner power.  This triggers a series of revelations that encourage you to reframe circumstances and all the good that is communicating through new hopes and dreams.  How will this world surprise you next? Consider these points along your mission to align;

1) The physical body can transform on seen and unseen levels.

2) There is only one real you beneath all the masks and labels.

3) You can emerge and return to the body at will.

4) You experience out of body (OBEs) whenever you wish.

5) Every perceived imbalance invites you to rebalance energy.

6) Disruptions or crises in physical life are simply teachers. 

7) All you need is love.  Love is also all you are.

8) Knowledge does not arise from external sources.

9) Every thought brings you toward unconditional acceptance.

10) To learn compassion for others, is to grow to love self.


10 Revelations about 2012

The topic of 2012 is explored in other posts on this site. As it happens, I will be a guest on a Blog Talk Radio 2012 New Age on Sunday, August 2nd to discuss related topics. For the moment, I invite you to reflect on 10 revelations about 2012;

1) Recognize the source of your perceived pain now.

2) Recall you chose to experience physical density and fear.

3) Notice when and why your emotions come into play.

4) Detect how your field of awareness is expanding.

5) Sense what it means to detach from heart and soul love.

6) Know you decide when to align with an infinite perspective.

7) Accept awareness is invited and discernment is self-taught.

8) Realize soul is constantly engaged in what it will accept.

9) Intuit illusions dissolve as you reconnect with Oneness.

10) Prophetic insight and interdimensional dialogue arise naturally with spiritual surrender.


10 Ways to heal thyself and others

Kindness is sometimes an indescribable feeling.  It is that which compels you to hope for what is good for yourself and others so that you can each grow in meaningful directions.  Each person is on the path. Consider 10 things you can do to help heal yourself and promote healing in others;

1) Feel and project love and compassion toward yourself.

2) Feel and project love and compassion toward everyone.

3) Be present and available for loved ones in need.

4) Do not judge (for you do not know the lessons of others).

5) Learn to forgive thyself and others completely, forever.

6) Listen to your inner voice and mind with impartiality.

7) Be aware of your feeling responses to every situation.

8) Know true love has no opposite (its not an ego need).

9) Be genuinely grateful for all experience as a stepping stone

10) Realize unconditional self-acceptance is accessible now.


You cannot steal the Moon

Ryokan, a Zen master, lived the simplest kind of life in a little hut at the foot of a mountain. One evening a thief visited the hut only to discover there was nothing in it to steal.

Ryokan returned and caught him. "You may have come a long way to visit me," he told the prowler, "and you shoud not return emptyhanded. Please take my clothes as a gift."

The thief was bewildered. He took the clothes and slunk away.

Ryokan sat naked, watching the moon. "Poor fellow, " he mused, "I wish I could give him this beautiful moon."


Admit what is real & change everything

How often is a person oblivious to how he defines and narrows his own thoughts?  In this way, you starve the mind of the wisdom and companionship of soul.  You are creating the space to open to the life unfolding underneath what is not there. Admit what is truly real and change everything;

1) You are not defined by religion.

2) You are no external label or title. 

3) You are not bound by any land or sea.

4) Your origin and birthplace are nameless.

5) You sense and know all time and all worlds. 

6) You selectively forget what matters because you can.

7) You are nothing and everything all at once.

8) Your words reverberrate through emptiness.

9) You are beginning to give up what you outgrow.

10) You give up waiting and realize love is now.