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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in wholeness (29)


Live life to the fullest now

If living life to the fullest in this moment is possible, what prevents you from doing so? Who or what are you waiting for?

Imagine for a moment, you only ever wait for yourself.  No-body else exists. You are in process of catching up with true Self, that aspect of you in the know, aligned with higher wisdom. It exists in a timeless space. You imagine this pure awareness watches 'you' in silence, all your experiences and aha moments framed in space and time.  Can pure awareness foresee your choices before you make them? Who is really watching whom? Can a watcher watch itself? a fire ignite itself? a light illuminate itself? 

Of course, in truth, separation is illusion, but is fun playing the game or you would not be so engaged in this game of life.  Live your best life now.  Savour every moment. Love everything and recognize you cannot hide from innate wholeness forever.


Focus is everything

Notice that focus is everything.  Your conditioned attention determines what you create and manifest.  It also determines what you notice and what you do not permit yourself to see or integrate into conscious awareness. Brace yourself.  The ego creates shutters with the mind.  It  prevents you from seeing with true clarity. Be aware the shutters are dissolving at your pace:

1) Notice what unfolds from the moment you only allow yourself to see blessings in everything.

2) Notice what unfolds from the moment you always take responsibility for your emotions.

3) Notic what unfolds from the moment you see wholeness and love speaking through all life.

4) Notice what unfolds as you recognize its not possible for anything to go wrong.

5) Notice what is arising in awareness as all your beliefs and judgements fall away.


Stop taking things personally

If ever you ask yourself how to stop taking things personally, you are really asking yourself to look deeper inside at what is truly bothering you.  Feeling stuck or victimized can reflect in every area of your life to get your attention.  You may wonder what or whom you are really resisting?

When you allow other people to control your emotions, you give your power away.  When you feel stuck or victimized, you resist your true self.  That is, you do something your true self would not do.  You create your own stuckness because you resist expanding beyond your belief or idea. When you are peaceful or accepting of the way life is unfolding, you accept your true nature, you accept people as they are and know it is not about you.  When you experience negativity, emotion is pointing to something you do not wish to see inside yourself.  

You may resist change because you think it is threatening.  You may take things personally because you may forget confidence and worthiness are innate. The human side of you fears going into the unknown, fears what it cannot explain. It wants to go somewhere on its own terms, controlling the what, the where, when and details. The human creates an ego identity to protect.

Every moment you feel stuck or uncomfortable, you are pushing yourself outside of your self-created comfort zone.  As you choose to accept whatever other people say about you without being adversely affected, you are connected to self-acceptance.  When you truly love yourself without conditions, you stop taking things personally. What other people say no longer matters.  Your experience or projection of the external world is a mirror of how you feel about yourself.


15 Benefits to seeing things as they are

For some people, seeing with genuine clarity happens spontaneously.  Other people journey through life and reach for guidance during stages of awakening, that is, a process of letting go of who they are not.  The more you come to see things as they are, the more revelations unfold.  As how you view changes, what you see also changes. Ponder what transforms as you:

1) Take nothing personally.  E-motion is energy in motion and no longer gets the best of you.

2) Feel complete and secure. Know what it is to require nothing outside to feel whole.

3) Be soul-centred rather than self-centred.  Discover purpose without being ego-driven.  

4) Realize all beliefs and intentions manifest.  Direct the true power of mind and thought.

5) See through behavior patterns.  Self-sabotage ends. The unconscious grows conscious.

6) Accept no answers exist to life. You know you always seek true nature or love.

7) Observe what you resist persists.  Surrender is accepting yourself as you are.

8) Activate quantum level healing.  Any imbalances re-align instantly & permanently. 

9) See Oneness rather than separation.  This allows deep appreciation of infinite diversity.

10) Act as your own authority. External approval is irrelevant.

11) Love fully.  This is about being light-hearted, feeling free. You live as joy.

12) Listen to stillness. Take breathes as a detached observer. Listen is 'silence' re-arranged.

13) Feel true nature is awareness. You are self-recognizing. Everything emerges here. 

14) Be in the now. All suffering resides in the past or fear of the future. When you live in this moment, the past and future are irrelevant.  Suffering cannot exist now. Awakening is knowing now is all that is. It never began and never ends. Core essence is aware being. From awareness emerges consciousness, the ability to think, from thought, the thinker arises in perceived time. 

15) See time as illusion. Recognize all suffering only exists in a period of perceived time where there is a lack of self love. The mind cannot engage in something with no points of reference. You cannot stop thinking.  Yet, as you come to see thoughts are unreal, you can let them flow. When you do not give them attention, they pass. That which never changes is real and never threatened.  


Rediscover true nature & freedom

Many people experience what they feel is significant personal loss and instinctively begin to search for spiritual comfort and understanding. Finding meaning in suffering and change is part of the spiritual journey. As you are no longer controlled by thoughts and emotions, you no longer identify with them. This brings release. As you begin to see through illusion, let go of what is not real, true spiritual nature reveals itself. Be willing to die inside to feel reborn. Each time you let go of an ego delusion, an initially obscured spiritual quality or ability, arises into conscious awareness. Rediscover true nature and freedom. It is only ever a breath away.