7 Steps to more Conscious Living

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
Contact us (paperback)
Be Your Dream
Transform Your Life
Cosmic Synchronicity
At the perfect moment, we recognize what is required to be more fully aligned with the Laws of the Universe. We are challenged to explore all areas of human experience and to develop different aspects of our being. The more we recognize where we are being inauthentic or unconscious in our behaviour, the easier it is to make new choices. As we choose love, we feel more alive and whole and we get into harmony with our true self.
Ponder these tips to live more fully:
1. If someone is lying to us, this implies we are lying to ourselves and need to live more in integrity. This may require clearing the throat chakra and finding courage to speak our truth
2. If we experience people being irresponsible toward us, we are invited to take greater responsibility for how we think and act as well as our conditions in life. Every moment, every thought and action or silence is determining the direction of our lives.
3. If we feel others are not listening to us, this echoes we are living inthe head and not listening to the heart.
4. If we feel judged or criticized by others, we are doing it to us and can be more accepting and loving to us.
5. If others are focused on stuff, we may benefit from decluttering and lightening our mental load.
This is the perfect moment to step back and view your perceptions with new eyes. Reflect on four self-created myths and tips to shatter them:
Myth #1: Fear exists and must be overcome
The very belief in fear creates insecurity and holds you back from doing and being what comes naturally. Making fear-based decisions or running away from fear is action and keeps you from living your best life now.
Tip #1: Watch what happens as whatever evokes fear is viewed as an invitation to prove to yourself that fear is unfounded. (This assumes you know the difference between imagined fear and putting yourself in harm's way)
Myth #2: Material life and spiritual life are separate
All perceived separation is illusion. The idea of a choice between spiritual and material life is but an example. HUman beings exist on Earth to grow and develop spiritually. Yet, being spiritual does not require abandoning , everyday life and relationships. Growth involves applying spiritual or universal principles to daily life. In the seemingly mundane is the key to understanding the profound questions of Soul.
Tip #2: Making choices is about hesitating to make decisions. Being spontaneous and acting intuitively is seeing nothing to reconcile or no separation. This is about recalling what it is to be in the flow.
Myth #3: Disconnection alienates people
Any disconnection you feel from people or situations is simply a mirror of disconnection you feel from yourself. Similarly, any grief you feel about apparent loss is not about the perceived other but about forgetting innate wholeness which can never be taken away.
Tip#3: Recall everything is love and love knows no separation. Explore the messages that your material life brings you. Allow feeling pointers to love and blessings. This is a gentle reminder of why you choose to be here.
Myth #4: Money is lacking
Another view is money is a form of energy exchange, a social convenience which only takes on the meaning and importance you give it. Ask why you allow yourself to feel you are not enough, less than or lacking in some way. Reflect on when you feel desperate for money to manifest certain things, which emotional buttons are triggered and what unconscious issues this points to for healing.
Tip #4: Seeing everything in terms of energy flow allows shifting from a vibration of scarcity to abundance. How you view and interact with money is siply a reflection of how much you love yourself or deny self-love.
Universal truths apply to everyone, everywhere. Personal truths are not the same thing. Reflect on these 15 points. Feel revelations being triggered. Watch your sense of self and the world shift as you integrate the implications.
1) Everything is energy flowing and changing form.
2) Nature is a mirror for divinity and interconnectivity of All.
3) Home is a state of being in harmony with your highest Self (not a physical place).
4) Everyone re-emerges into the fullness of who they are. When and how is a choice. You can call it ascension, instant alignment via physical death or other transitions to immortal being.
5) Self-acceptance is, whether this state feels like you or not.
6) Experience can only match the experiencer. We accept ourselves fully or not and project unique life experience based on to what degree we accept core wholeness and infinite capacities.
7) Nothing unexpected really exists, only levels of awareness and responsibility taken by the Source Creator.
8) You are forever expanding through thought and contrast
9) All beings are energy first, knowing peace and harmony in their hearts, experiencing oneness with all of life, fully respecting all people and the earth itself. Love and compassion flow in all communications with the real
10) Equality, justice and respect for all human beings reigning on earth is the true state —no more hunger, poverty or crime — abundance available to all
11) Fearlessness is the reality of complete trust in the Divine
12) Every heart is awake to the divine inter-dimensional being it truly is
13) From the moment one lives in complete harmony and moral integrity, free, instant manifestation and communication is available with beings from other dimensions, planets and galaxies and travel to distant parts of the universe and galaxies also happens with these beings
14) Dreams of an ideal and peaceful world are actually both a distant memory of what humand beings once experienced on another timelines and an intuitive glimpse into what is now beginning to happen on Earth.
15) Every experience you have is part of a dream you create for soul growth
People ask me many questions and forget the universe is always doing its thing. A common query is, why hold an event in Greece? Synchronicity guides you when you allow it. Intention is an invisible field of energy that links everything. You are the force and can recall what it is to go with the Flow.
For anyone who has read my books or knows the story of how I met the man who became my husband in passing on a public bus in a foreign country, my life experience reveals the more I trust my heart, the more the universe gives me reason to trust. As Neale Donald Walsh reminds us, everything that unfolds in our lives unfolds in perfect order, including all souls involved, so we grow exactly how we are ready to grow. Only perfection exists. You accept and see it, or not.
If ever you listen to the mind, it echoes that following intuition is a risk that evokes fear, doubt, and creates a like vibration that repels or blocks what the soul reaches for. Yet, to trust the heart is to be divinely-guided, based on knowing a wider sense of things the mind cannot grasp. Being guided by vibrations of the unknown allows you to notice strings of synchronicity, manifest what the heart knows is real for you.
So, why the workshop? It all began with an invite to a wedding of a family friend I've known since childhood. This plants a seed. The familiar "What if?" scenario plays out in the mind. As it is, the bride is Greek and its easier to organize the wedding in Greece than to get relatives to travel. For anyone who has seen the hit film, "My Big Fat Greek Wedding," I am currently unsure how much input the bride and groom are actually having in the event itself, other than the honeymoon destination, but humour is definitely felt in frequent emails being circulated to any friends and family interested in the event, whether or not confirmed guests. The humour never ends!! The bolded end message on every email impacts my subconscious- Go to Greece- OPA!
Next, my dad decides to attend this wedding, which is like the seed becoming a seedling. My kids have not yet seen him this year and he is not coming to Australia again for a while. My daughter just started walking. Both kids love to hug grandpa! Greece is closer than Canada. We can acculumate air miles! You get my growing interest in embarking on an adventure with two kids in tow!?
The child-like spontaneity within me is never really lost, and can you imagine this feeling is intensified by by watching the Mama Mia musical film. Its no coincidence it was made on the Island of Rhodes, go figure! It feels like I am walking into a fairytale until I recall that like everyone, I am always creating my own.
On top of this, a Facebook friend in Athens hears that I contemplate coming overseas and puts me in touch with her friend, who happens to be the owner of a seaside hotel, the perfect venue for a weekend workshop. Travel to this venue from Athens itself is easy. The route allows participants to savor key landmarks and breath-taking sea vistas. As well, they offer me amazing group prices for accomodation, to arrange babysitting for my kids, as well as to arrange a bus to take participants to nearby sacred sites of interest to my event. Key websites put the event 'out there.' People even find me through unforeseen channels. I do not have to know how this happens. I simply surrender to the universe and express infinite appreciation. (Details easily fall into place:)
All-the-while, I am guided to a website about ancient Greek ruins. It mirrors geometry I just painted in my watercolour book. On impulse, I flip back through recent paintings and begin to see a map of images guiding me to specific sites in Greece. Incredible! Low and behold, the first image I click on linked to the hotel site shows me the ancient ruin pictured on the cover of the Greece tour guide in my lap. (The invisible energy field gives clues I see as a string of synchronicities.)
This said, I head out to a local Saturday market and notice the sign along the road to pick Chestnuts is in both Greek and English. How often have I passed it? The original seed that grew into a seedling is now like a tree planting roots, growing branches and leaves that tickle my funny bone. No wonder Greek recipes are coming into my scope and I feel impulses to cook more greek food. I am drawn to listen and dance to greek music, even watch a Greek film. Why is it now I am just noticing I am growing greek eggplants in my backyard? Why am I reading a memoir about a Greek woman living in Melbourne who is teaching me to rediscover edible "weeds" in my garden? Greek connections keep arising, turning my life upside down or right-side up, depending on how I view things.
On top of all this, the Greece chapter in my coming book, related to timeless wisdom of ancient cultures, symbols, sacred geometry and being in the Flow of the universe, is related to what is unfolding. I am evidently taking this book to a whole new level. The book is writing itself just like the universe unfolds itself without "you" or "me". My travel to over sixty countries continues to allow me to expand into more. Even flights that open up offer a route only the divine could orchestrate. Infinite abundance strikes again. Sense momentum building?
This is just the tip of the iceberg of what I am experiencing. When it comes to synchronicity, people you tell about events you view as "inter-connected" do not always feel the same way as you do or see exactly what you see, but what matters is what you know in the heart, what you tune into and feel is real. The human is conditioned to tune out or ignore inner knowing. Letting the universe do its thing is allowing the universe to provide evidence for what you as a smaller version of the universe, knows is not only possible but real.
We are all divine creators or "Gods" choosing a human experience. On one level, the purpose of our lives is what we decide. We choose how to respond to everything that unfolds whether or not we accept part of us creates it for soul growth. On another level, the human exists to align with highest being. Many routes exist to be here. Something beyond you is a reliable guide. Let the universe do its thing. Do what feels is right. Know everything unfolds perfectly. No such thing as coincidence.
Whatever your view and choices, no encounter is unplanned, no event, relationship or opportunity separate. Everything in the universe runs under universal law. You notice it or you do not. Align with what you love, with what ignites a glow inside. Being conscious of growing momentum, inner harmony and wholeness is knowing miracles are the norm. Hear the inner music.