Upcoming Workshop in Greece

Details are coming together for my June 2015 "Clarify & Purify Your Vision" workshop in Greece. Join us to
- Unleash more of your creative potential
- Make connections between changes you notice within yourself, on planet Earth and in the universe
- Clarify shifts in energy, awareness & sense of life purpose
- Recognize links between yourself & sacred geometry
- Take part in activities to raise your vibration
- Expand feelings of Oneness & Unity with All that Is
- Discover increased vitality, as more Life Force flows through you
- Deepen ability to love & connect to your Divine Essence
- Find it easier to let go of what no longer serves you
- Build deeper trust and empower yourself
- Ground more of your Spirit in the physical
- Tune into more of your gifts and talents
- Enhance your intuition
And so much more
- Find more about my forthcoming book In the Flow
Express interest here, contact me directly or via Facebook.
Early bird tickets now available through this link until Friday April 10th, 2015 as well as tickets closer to event
Note accommodation cost not incluced in event cost but special prices available for on-site accommodation. Details available upon request.
Also listed in Vitality Link , Real Adventures (Live it!) ; Spiritual Events Worldwide
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