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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in words (4)


The Power of Words

Notice the power of words.  They point to that which cannot be named.  Be aware of the nature of the words you use and the emotions behind them.  Taking resposibility for life is easier and more straightforward than the mind would have you believe.  The words cannot be you because you exist to give them life, perceive and hear them.

Consider that as you grow aware of your choices of words and the intentions behind them, you have the power to stop using words that do not serve the highest being.  Be mindful.  Listen to your words.  What do they reveal? Watch what happens as you stop using words outgrown.  Your external world transforms.  What do you choose to see?  

Are your words empowering or disempowering? What do they say about optimism or pessimism? Is it your tendency to use the present tense or do use more past and future tenses? Which words reveal who you truly are and which words reinforce what you are not? Notice how your words influence the word choices and life perspective of others.  You are powerful beyond measure.  Every word you utter is a silent pointer.

Join us on Aware Talk Radio with Steven L. Hairfield (The American Monk) and Jeoff Hutcherson on Wed Nov 2 (or Thurs Nov 3 depending on your time-zone) when we explore this subject.  You can also listen to show archives.

"Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill." - Buddha

"Prayers and mantras show us how to express thoughts which are most noble, which are completely beneficial, pure, and good... these activities sow the seeds for good and right things in our mind which will become the basis for the expression of what will benefit ourselves and others." -Thrangu Rinpoche


Be with yourself

Ever get tired of words? Ever get tired of talking? Notice the mind tends to create stories and ideas about fear and other emotions. Sensations are like doorways that beckon you to walk through the drama into something else.  What happens as you realize form is the stepping stone, anchoring yourself deeper in dormant senses? 

The body is a bridge to the meditation that unfolds as the state of being. Awareness is open to the natural flow of things. Feel what its like to be with yourself. This is not an invitation to think with ego mind what this means. Be aware of your own conditioning. Notice that awareness is connecting with what the heart is drawn to do every moment.  Allow everything to be as it is.  Discover within yourself what happens as you allow and accept everyone as he is. Love never argues for itself or rationalizes its presence.

Every moment, the one being that is speaks through what the ego mind perceives as separate self. You may feel you oscillate between clarity and confusion, acceptance and self-doubt. Being with yourself is not about escaping the problems or suffering. It is an experience beyond concepts. When the ego mind asks the question, the mind cannot come up with and trust the answer fully. Listen to the heart. The soul knows what feels right. You cannot know the best course at the level of mind.  Accept that.

"You're just left with yourself all the time, whatever you do anyway. You've got to get down to your own God in your own temple. It's all down to you, mate." - John Lennon 


Know words are irrelevant

Consider no limits exist to what you can experience when you move outside resistance. On many levels, you have no words to describe what you are already experiencing. Feel rather than describe. Words are a byproduct of vibration. You attract based on your energy and your words.

The words you use reflect your state of mind. Knowing is a state of being. Without analysis, you are releasing levels of resistance beyond conscious awareness. Silent blockages disperse easily. Talk about discomfort, you give it energy, the blockage gets bigger and more irritating. You notice physical senses are vibrational interpreters. As you allow it, you sense beyond that. Go where you do not require words.They lose importance.

As you come to that place where words are less relevant, you just know. This is merging with who you are. You are awakening to the opportunities and experiences you receive without consciously feeling them fully. Allow them to fill you. It only matters you grasp it. Timeless beauty and wisdom reach you. What other people do or do not take on-board is irrelevant.


How do you know the self?

Reality emerges from sound and light.

Everything you admire in others awakens it in you.

You are travelling awareness, a particle of light.

To exist outsde of time and space is a revelation.

You vibrate reality in environments you project and absorb.

Each energy being has a vibratory signature or soul imprint.

The reflection you see in mirrors is a holographic projection.

You exist beyond reason and senses in a vibratory hum. 

Words that exist in your universe do not express what you are.

You expand in ways immeasurable and indetectable now.