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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in spirit (44)


What stands alone?

You are not asked to defend reality, for it stands alone and has nothing to prove. As you expand consciousness, you discern hyper-dimensional worlds and aspects of the self you forget.

Myth is energy vibrating through spirit. As you feel something from deep inside, it is your truth, the truth of your ancestors. In passing, the second sun you glimpsed on the horizon is Nibiru, Planet X. This is not a figment of the imagination.

Reality is not what you have been conditioned to believe or revere. It is inside you. It is energy moving through you. It expands far beyond physical senses. You see through symbols meant to subliminally distract you from what you are.

Most people do not consciously know or accept the depth of penetration of ideas that obscure the truth. Technology actually messes with your ability to discern the truth with familiar senses. External manipulation can shift frequency, visibility, energy vibration and interfaces with physical matter. What stands alone is your conscious development, how you ascend harmonic levels of awareness beyond all illusions.

Even now, you are awakening to the significance of inter-galactic cycles and the implications of the long Mayan calendar. Your internal self functions purely with no beginning and no end. You consciously interface with vectors of light and detach from the bombardment of earthly messages and conditioning that is not you.

History is a limited interpretation of time and space by the mind and physical body. It is not what you are. Your higher consciousness is dissolving misperception so you feel portals.

As you stop getting anxious about what the physical body supposedly needs or how it must be breaking down, you begin to realize you need nothing. What you are stands alone.  You need no school or particular training to be yourself. In fact, external teachings tend to distract you or divert attention from what you know. Get back to that. Its never too late to be you.

As a number of people begin thinking the same thing, collective thought takes on gravitational force, tangible form and exerts actual force. As you realize thought has measurable effect, you move beyond superficial ideas of laws of attraction. Energy stands alone. You are energy and awakened already.


What do you learn about self?

Increasingly, you hear people speaking about how they are helping someone in some capacity.  It is understood this person or group needs help or, benefits from something you give.  You are in the right place and mindset to be offering time or some other service that makes someone's life easier.

This said, you may not realize that you choose to help others in part because their behaviour is telling you things about yourself.  In fact, every relationship you engage in relates to energy vibration. You are attracted to a person or situation for reasons beneath conscious awareness, at least initially.

Now, you may devote yourself to volunteering, to serving with some organisation, to helping a sick person heal, or even to raise the spirit of others.  Whenever you engage in anything, you make that choice as part of a path to awaken more fully. 

In other words, every thought and feeling you generate, and even those you generate in relation to another person, situation or event, is part of a deeper soul journey.  What do you learn about self today? Why feel grateful for judgment or short-sightedness? Why appreciate where you are right now?


7 Ways to heal wounded ego

As a person comes to realize he has an ego, he also comes to realize that a healing process in ongoing in order to liberate the soul.  This process may seem to require multiple lifetimes and experiences.  Even now, you are making choices to acknowledge where you stand and expanding beyond that. 

Part of you may be asking what you can do to engage more consciously in this healing process.  You may not be fully aware of what is happening or how the unconscious mind is gently helping the self to awaken and manage the changes.  Consider these 7 ways to help heal the wounded ego;

1) Choose to attune to what occurs in mind, body and spirit.

2) Pay special attention to how you feel and what you deny.

3) Grow aware of vulnerability & why you suppress thought. 

4) Notice inhibition and find the courage to overcome fear.

5) Take responsibility for your choices and act with integrity.

6) Detach from thoughts and emotions that hold you back.

7) Be aware of possibilities & express true self more freely. 


Why hearing voices serves you

Spiritual development can be surprising and uplifting. To discern growth is multi-sensual creates a new baseline for acceptable, meaningful experience. To hear voices serves you as you grow to absorb timeless insight. Consider what hearing voices echoes valuable wisdom from your deepest soul;

1) Loving voices ground you. Inner voices that are sincere and genuinely offer wisdom never suggest harming the self or others. Some people equate innervoices with soul or higher intuition.  This guides healthy choices. Soul gives reasons to be aware, and just be.

2) Ego perpetuates itself. Every moment, you are invited to make sense of what you perceive is happening within and around you. When a voice urges you to focus on self-serving action, or what others think, its ego. This is not the real you.  Ego teaches you what you are not.  Stillness also speaks.

3) Energy awareness is evolving.  As human beings sense they are made of energy, they can raise consciousness to levels where they encounter spirit beings of unseen energy. This adds another dimension of voices. Humans sometimes encounter entities not highly-developed. You learn a range of  more and less developed spirit entities exist. Learning to communicate involves projecting love and peaceful energy to deal with them.

4) Meditation expands understanding. When voices echo loud and clear, quiet self-reflection or participating in healing group meditation can be beneficial. Its useful to take responsibility to realize possible reasons for receiving messages. Some people believe every being s chosen but not every person chooses to hear their call.  Spirit channelling is one possibility. Inter-dimensional dialogue is not limited to what you are consciously aware of at this moment.

5)Possible external influences interfere. Sometimes hearing voices is scary or figment of imagination. Where drugs and alcohol are ingested, lucidity is not present and one is not in a position of integrity. Under such circumstances, voices heard may be created out of delusion or fear. Whatever the case, the strongest inner voices speak to self out of love.  Awakening to your thoughts, feelings and habits is like another chance to live. You do with it now what you choose.


7 things every entrepreneur must know

If you have never been an entrepreneur and have been contemplating this path, it is helpful to recognize the process is full of wake up calls. You have opportunities to redefine freedom yet, nothing comes from nothing. Nothing ever could.

My own experience is life-transforming on many levels. This involves overcoming obstacles in different countries and gaining priceless insight into myself and what is possible. Consider seven things every entrpreneur must know;

1) Dissolve the entitlement attitude. When you work for someone, you are conditioned to believe you deserve a certain wage or salary and are paid for time and effort. Entrepreneurs learn it is necessary to invest selflessly without measuring time. You reap benefits later based on what you sow now.

2) Book writing serves you. To compile abook is a great exercise when a business model prompts you to network for content and promotion. You can compile ebooks, physical books,  pamphlets or booklets with multiple purposes in mind. You are a creator. Deliberately shift to make it conscious.

3) Everyone is an entepreneur-in-training. Regardless of your source(s) of income, all you do is basically aimed at building self-confidence. Life is an exercise in learning to get re-aquainted with the self. In order to prove to others you are capable, you must first effectively be convinced of your own self-worth and acceptance. Every effort to dialogue with soul and the external world stretches you into new territory.

4) Faith and trust come from within. You create your schedule, your mindset, your attitude and decide what, when, how and why. All of that motivates you from inside. Reconnect with your core motivation and you realize all reasons why you do what you do, are inside, waiting to be harnessed.

5) Freedom comes with responsibility.  Being your own boss, you decide what to do and when. Self-discipline helps.  People can justify anything from procrastination to workaholism.  Somewhere in this spectrum exists the healthy, peaceful Middle Way. Inkings of what to do emerge before ideas of how to it. Consciously engage in the process.

6) Doing what is right is crucial. Some people view business as an extended exercise in ethics training. A person cannot predict all scenarios, all human personalities and situations encountered. Doing what is right is not always equated with doing what is easy. Soul always guides choices that maintain a clear conscience.

7)Seen and unseensources of support exist. The game of life has no map or recipe to guarantee particular outcomes from events. What matters is to know whatever path you are on, guidance is constant and perpetual. People have taken your chosen path before you and others are on the way. Its always possible to reach out to seen and unseen sources of wisdom. How and when you sense or explain them, is up to you.