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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in spirit (44)


Embody who you are

As you truly embody who you are, you allow level of Spirit to merge with the level of your Humanity.  As you pass through fear, you come into the embodied experience. 

Spirit sees through the illusion.  It is a state of love and freedom.  It knows judgments are simply a mental projection of fear. Being with Spirit is to know, feel and experience life without fear.  To see through the lens of the heart is to see things as they are.  This is direct experience of your own Spirit.  It is about being who you are.  Spirit knows no wounding or reasons to heal.  All beliefs and anything outside this core state is illusion.

Allow yourself to feel what you feel without judgment.  This is what it is to experience life through the heart.  When you resonate with something, you consciously realize you create this reality and it flows out from you.  This is feeling your Spirit.  Allow yourself to be a freely feeling and expressing person and the Spirit comes alive.  As you view through the lens of Spirit, you recall from whence you chose to forget who you are.

Know we each contain collective consciousness.  We are each a bridge.  The Earth emerges from the sum of all of us.  It is always a perfect harmony through lens of love.


See through the fear that blinds you

Imagine what it is to feel what you feel in the heart uninhibited by conditioning.    Imagine what freedom feels like.  Be the direct experience of your own Spirit. Imagine life without the rules and laws that are ingrained in the mind.  Imagine how it feels to be guided only by the heart, by intuition.  Allow all feelings to flow.  What comes to the surface; wounds, fear, frustration and imbalance come up so you can deal with it and release it.  Allow yourself to experience new expanding levels fo freedom.  Come to sense all realities are illusion by nature.  Allow bridging consciousness to speak through you.  You contain it unconsciously. Whatever you are not ready to see is within you.  As you let go of degrees of fear, levels of inner knowing arise and come to conscious awareness.  The heart is the portal to everything. Be an openly feeling person with no resistance.


Let in more light

What if you actually have what you want and create obstacles for the fun of it? What if you can let go of all that no longer serves you? What if doubt, fear and negativity are released? How does the view move from positive to embrace knowing of what you are, all that is real?  

You only ever release anything through direct experience of being.  As you let go of what you imagine, allow focus on states that hold no doubt, no limited beliefs about your mastery.  Simply be your own authority.  The movie on the screen changes to the unimaginable. 

Feel you are all-powerful, and forever loved.  Be conscious of self- mastery.  Be free to perceive everything from a wider, Spirit perspective.  See the perfection everywhere.  No matter what is unfolding, you know you are choosing it.  Taste the full experience.  Benefit from the mystery  you give yourself and transform it. Spirit that sees all events unfold with perfect timing in pure perfection. This goes higher than the aeriel view.  It is all-embracing.

Let in more light. Be yourself. Allow yourself to Be the ultimate Master of Consciousness


Notice being here 

Notice how it feels to be fully present.  Notice to what (if anything) you give your full and complete attention at this stage of your life.  How does it feel? What is the core message?

Consider how you are conditioned to multitask, to only partly listen or partially hear what is being spoken to you, only partly notice signs from your own body, mind and spirit.  Which lessons emerge from not fully listening? from not being conscious in a given situation?  Notice every experience serves you and self-concern until awareness shifts. Feel what resonates now.

"Few people can say:I am here.  They look for themselves in the past or see themselves in the future." -Georges Braque


Reality according to whom?

The experiences you engage in are constructing an ever-changing sense of reality, but reality according to whom?  Ever step back and ask how you got where you are or, ask why you feel as you do? What grabs your attention? It all beckons you to expand vision.

Consider you live based on your perception of reality. The mind tells you its versions of reality grounded in time and space and advises you how to thrive. You also adopt ideas about what people tell you is their reality, heed their advice about how to achieve success, better yourself, or do what you think necessary to feel satisfied or get ahead. You may struggle to clarify a sense of reality that truly matters and has staying power.

As the mind subsides, what is real touches the soul.  Here, you have nothing to learn, and nothing to know. Nothing anyone tells you factors into this.  Its not a version of reality but the way things are.  What the heart knows intuitively prompts you to let go of the unreal, to surrender and accept what you already know when you stop thinking, defining and resisting.  This reality is not what you want it to be.  It is not your story. It reveals itself from the moment you get out of the way.  Allow the unaltered state to be.  It is forever silent and present amidst all the experiences that hijack your attention.

"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination." -John Lennon

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