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7 things every entrepreneur must know

If you have never been an entrepreneur and have been contemplating this path, it is helpful to recognize the process is full of wake up calls. You have opportunities to redefine freedom yet, nothing comes from nothing. Nothing ever could.

My own experience is life-transforming on many levels. This involves overcoming obstacles in different countries and gaining priceless insight into myself and what is possible. Consider seven things every entrpreneur must know;

1) Dissolve the entitlement attitude. When you work for someone, you are conditioned to believe you deserve a certain wage or salary and are paid for time and effort. Entrepreneurs learn it is necessary to invest selflessly without measuring time. You reap benefits later based on what you sow now.

2) Book writing serves you. To compile abook is a great exercise when a business model prompts you to network for content and promotion. You can compile ebooks, physical books,  pamphlets or booklets with multiple purposes in mind. You are a creator. Deliberately shift to make it conscious.

3) Everyone is an entepreneur-in-training. Regardless of your source(s) of income, all you do is basically aimed at building self-confidence. Life is an exercise in learning to get re-aquainted with the self. In order to prove to others you are capable, you must first effectively be convinced of your own self-worth and acceptance. Every effort to dialogue with soul and the external world stretches you into new territory.

4) Faith and trust come from within. You create your schedule, your mindset, your attitude and decide what, when, how and why. All of that motivates you from inside. Reconnect with your core motivation and you realize all reasons why you do what you do, are inside, waiting to be harnessed.

5) Freedom comes with responsibility.  Being your own boss, you decide what to do and when. Self-discipline helps.  People can justify anything from procrastination to workaholism.  Somewhere in this spectrum exists the healthy, peaceful Middle Way. Inkings of what to do emerge before ideas of how to it. Consciously engage in the process.

6) Doing what is right is crucial. Some people view business as an extended exercise in ethics training. A person cannot predict all scenarios, all human personalities and situations encountered. Doing what is right is not always equated with doing what is easy. Soul always guides choices that maintain a clear conscience.

7)Seen and unseensources of support exist. The game of life has no map or recipe to guarantee particular outcomes from events. What matters is to know whatever path you are on, guidance is constant and perpetual. People have taken your chosen path before you and others are on the way. Its always possible to reach out to seen and unseen sources of wisdom. How and when you sense or explain them, is up to you.

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Reader Comments (6)

These are some great lessons to learn! I like the one about investing time selflessly, and also making a book. I'm definitely going to put one together some time soon.
May 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPenny
Penny, great to hear these entrepreneurial tips are helpful to you. It is amazing to realize every person actually has many fabulous ideas percolating and ready to be harnessed. The when, where how is totally up to you!
May 21, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. this post fits me now .. having been to San Diego .. where everyone seemed to give me the thumbs up for my blog .. subsequent book, e book, newsletters audio talks, radio presentations, and loads of ideas I had already .. just makes me want to get on with it ..

however one step at a time .. my mother first .. and building for the future .. however I am hugely excited and just so pleased that life is taking me in this direction ... who'd have guessed?! Not me, nor my teachers, nor my family .. something within and my mother providing the inspiration ..

Thanks - really interesting post
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
May 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, everything you do stimulates inspriation for everything else. The feelings you work through in one area of your life are actually teaching you valuable lessons you apply in other instances. It is wonderful that your mom provides inspiration. As Billy Joel sings, "Tell her about it, tell her all your crazy dreams. Let her know you need her, let her know how much she means..."
May 21, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I have had 2 more CD sales today, one by Paypal and one by check to my Fabulous New P. O. Box, and I am sitting on top of the world!

To actually have a real finished product after years of a nebulous "someday" feels very very nice to me. I've been having fun writing little letters (or I should say my "shipping department") has been having fun writing little notes and mailing off the packages.

Ahhh, this was such a lovely day. Actually, it is now yesterday as it's past midnight.
May 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Jannie, it is meaningful to value every stage of learning. Many people are results-oriented and feel a sense of impatience, inadequacy, restlessness and other misplaced emotions precisely because the mind is focused on the future. As you train the mind to reorient to the present, then you grow content wherever you are and however you feel at every stage of the learning curve. This is the unspoken, invisible point of it all. Every human being is worthy, more than enough, loved and a true blessing just as he or she is right now. For some, this is a revelation.
May 22, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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