What stands alone?

You are not asked to defend reality, for it stands alone and has nothing to prove. As you expand consciousness, you discern hyper-dimensional worlds and aspects of the self you forget.
Myth is energy vibrating through spirit. As you feel something from deep inside, it is your truth, the truth of your ancestors. In passing, the second sun you glimpsed on the horizon is Nibiru, Planet X. This is not a figment of the imagination.
Reality is not what you have been conditioned to believe or revere. It is inside you. It is energy moving through you. It expands far beyond physical senses. You see through symbols meant to subliminally distract you from what you are.
Most people do not consciously know or accept the depth of penetration of ideas that obscure the truth. Technology actually messes with your ability to discern the truth with familiar senses. External manipulation can shift frequency, visibility, energy vibration and interfaces with physical matter. What stands alone is your conscious development, how you ascend harmonic levels of awareness beyond all illusions.
Even now, you are awakening to the significance of inter-galactic cycles and the implications of the long Mayan calendar. Your internal self functions purely with no beginning and no end. You consciously interface with vectors of light and detach from the bombardment of earthly messages and conditioning that is not you.
History is a limited interpretation of time and space by the mind and physical body. It is not what you are. Your higher consciousness is dissolving misperception so you feel portals.
As you stop getting anxious about what the physical body supposedly needs or how it must be breaking down, you begin to realize you need nothing. What you are stands alone. You need no school or particular training to be yourself. In fact, external teachings tend to distract you or divert attention from what you know. Get back to that. Its never too late to be you.
As a number of people begin thinking the same thing, collective thought takes on gravitational force, tangible form and exerts actual force. As you realize thought has measurable effect, you move beyond superficial ideas of laws of attraction. Energy stands alone. You are energy and awakened already.

Reader Comments (2)
The newest train of thought that I found is that Nibiru is not a planet but a battlestar or giant peace ship that is in oppositional orbit to the earth on the other side of the sun where we can not see it. It is supposed to be a flagship of the galactic federation.
So the question is, who is right, if anybody at all. And what I have learned is that nobody is ever wrong. Everyone just experiences what they experience. If everything we experience comes from inspiration, then we make nothing up. It is all a gift designed to fullfill our intentions and desires. So if this is all a matrix, then energy is constantly being shifted around. If we look to the future and believe in a certain outcome or storyline, then we split down that avenue towards our expectations. So if we pull the future into the moment, then the past can also shift where certain events no longer happened. If things are forgiven in the past, then it gives us more options in the future. As the fabric of these times loosens up, the dreams will shift in many directions where everyone will get what they attract to themselves. At least this is what I am sensing. Every possibility quantumly exists right now. It can all change as we change our own personal dream by detaching from the collective dream.
Therefore, going back to Nibiru....we can pick whatever story line we want to experience, or we can have Nibiru not exist in our world at all. But if it did exist, why not make it a part of a federation who's purpose is to support humanity towards its ascension. Sounds and feels like a good positive and higher storyline to experience, in comparison to a Reptilian home-base that is being used to manipulate humanity.
As Stacey just mentioned from next to me, every moment is paradise, because we are gifted with exactly what we draw into our lives. Its what we choose to experience whether we believe we are stuck in it or not.
What Stands Alone.....Nothing
Nibiru [Planet X] sparks intense curiosity. As you watch nature, it tells you things. You choose to attune, listen, or not. Human beings weaken themselves when they adopt external views of truth. To doubt intuition is to give away inner power. To distrust your own instinct is to forget the truth is grounded in unconditional love and acceptance.
To tell yourself certain events are an act of God, invites an internal wake-up call. You can also choose to realize higher forces and unlimited power begin and end within. Revelations affect what you feel and states of cosmic alignment. What a person requires to raise consciousness does not come from the media or cosmic observation.
Consider that on 5/5/2003, over 400 tornados hit the middle of the United States. Some people view this as a series of disasters that project the end of the world. Other people view this and recent sand storms to cover Sydney, Australia as related to the passing trajectory of Planet X.
Regardless of what you sense about Nibiru, a tornado is an energy vortex. This phenomenon moves energy from one place to another. Vortexes manifest energy in the third dimension. The nature of perceived storms can also be viewed as a reminder that collective thought energy is powerful, changing and reminding everyone there is more happening than you are told. As you reconnect to the heart, you remember what matters. The rest dissolves.