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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in spirit (44)


How do you know what it means?

When spirit present in your dreams, part of you knows the precise reasons.  Yet, part of you may still ask what  this experience brings to light about varied dimensions of reality.  What are you supposed to do with what you are given?

Your logical, human side would possibly assume a figment of imagination magnified inner fear or, just seeks to entertain. Another part of you has a different view, especially if spirit visit dreams regularly. How do you know what to get out of it?

1) Believe in a purpose. You recall dream images and subtle experiences on different levels of awareness. Each encounter has reason for presenting. You choose to attune to certain energy. Believe reason exists. More than one may also appear.

2) Meditate on it. How vivid and memorable is the encounter? What sorts of details stand out? Which colors come to mind? Note strong sensations that stay with you.  Reconnect with details using mental discipline.  Dream journals can be helpful.

3) Reconnect with Higher forces.  Do you realize angels, animal spirit guides and other, higher vibrational energies, hear your thoughts?  They protect or draw attention to different aspects of self.  You can learn to communicate more consciously using telepathy in dreams and expand from there.

4) Ask your spirit guide. These beings often have some connecton to you in a past life and thus have experience on a physical plane. They draw from their own lessons learned to assist or reorient you. Some human beings get more than one assigned at different life stages. Each one assists with lessons.

5) Accept its not black and white.  Some dream visits are fragments and do not initially make sense until you piece a series of them together. A glimpse of a color, feeling, event or sensation has stand alone meaning yet, may figure into a larger puzzle. Patience helps you identify relevant points for you.

6) Trust your gut. As a child, you believe your instincts. You do not question them until adults convince you what you sense is not real.  What they are really saying is your view is not theirs. You can rekindle and revalidate your innate skills and sensitivities by listening to your inner vibes without doubt.

 7) Learn to raise vibrations.  To ask a spirit directly who he is, and/or how you can help is easier as you learn to attune to energy.  Thus you wll also be able to dialogue and get a sense of why the spirit presents to you.  Do not pretend to fully grasp what is happening. Regardless of the energy vibration you are at, others also exist and shape different perception.


5 Reasons to diffuse anger 

You are not forced to believe in reality. Still, reality exists whether or not you believe. Similarly, to become aware of certain feelings like anger, is to permit the feelings to be in your mind at least part of the time. To acknowledge negativity can be a step toward diffusing it and letting go so it ceases to obscure your vision. Consider five reasons to diffuse anger;

1) Energy is available elsewhere. Some people will work themselves up, get the adrenalin and heart rate pumping and sense the intensity of anger gives them renewed energy. The thing is, a person has access to unlimited energy in a peaceful state. Yet, this is poorly understood and rarely mastered.

2) Uncontrolled anger distracts. Each experience is a test that encourages you to get to the crux of a matter. To allow self to dwell on negative energy moves the focus of your energy away from love, learning and problem-solving. Quick venting is a kind of avoidance strategy and emotional control.

3) It limits sensory perception. Every moment, you feel a range of vibrations. How aware and alert you are determines what you feel or not. Negative energy is dense and  heavy.  This 'dead weight' ironically obscures your ability to explore realms beyond the physical.  You block detection of spirit.

4) It blinds you from truth. If you believe you exist to learn lessons and move beyond your current mental state, then lingering anger blinds you from the truth you seek within yourself. It is buried beneath unnecessary conditioning and veils of emotion. As you sift through, you reconnect to  a core.

5)  Alternatives exist. Letting off steam can be done in ways that do not threaten one's health and well-being.  Exploring reasons behind anger deflates its impact and helps eliminate the desire to create it.  To discern and rechannel energy empowers you to make a positive difference in lives you touch


What happens through grace?

Some people ask how to describe a state of divine connection. Direct experience speaks for itself in ways words cannot. You may wonder how Spirit operates and regenerates through you. This relates Soul and Spirit.

If you sense truth is felt, grace may present as overflowing kindness, impulsive generosity and an unending flow of accurate information you tap into through gratitude. Maybe you shift to non-doing or realize what it means to just be.

Grace flows freely.  As you start to recognize your self-created illusions and lose interest in them, you starve them of attention.  They can only fizzle.  As you awaken from another layer of the dream, you feel joy and revelations like ;

1) enlightenment is here and now unless you resist it.

2) thinking about and analyzing questions becomes meaningless.

3) cravings and illusions are generated by an active, ego-mind.

4) a shift of focus to inner power is imminent.

5) neural circuitry of the brain is re-organizing.

6) feedback loops and karma dissolve along with views of a separate self.

7) energy frequency enables you to feel more present.

8) you peel away layers of human interpretation.

9) neurobiological pathways shift, re-align and stabilize.

10 ) senses sharpen and all expanding faculties to reveal themselves.

"Grace isn't a little prayer you chant before receiving a meail.  Its a way to live."
-Jackie Windspear


5 Tips to develop aikido-monk awareness  

Martial artists develop insight into energy, mental and physical strength. They learn the mind and body are inseparable. They see thought and emotion interact together with consequences.  The mind attunes to energy consciousness and sensitivities.

Aikido blends martial arts, philosophy and spiritual beliefs. Practitioners train to re-direct aggressiveness and negativity with precise techniques and loving kindness. Progress arises from using energy fields and learning when not to exert oneself. To harness the flow of energy means one can move out of the way or respond accordingly to heavy energy fields.

Now, monks are spiritual masters of self-restraint. They do not permit egoism, attachment or vanity to control their decisions. They sense the flow of core energy and keep the peace. Monks subdue intense passions and are aware of the right thing to do. They set a standard for wisdom and self-control.

Aikido-monks attain a level of spiritual refinement that combines key traits of both monks and aikido. This hybrid perspective sheds light on inner power and reconciliation. Consider five tips to develop aikido-monk awareness;

1) Set your mind on your vision. Those who seek self-mastery do not find it. Those who master themselves grasp every being has degrees of awareness, but does not always grasp inner power or the paths and guidance to develop it.

2) Step back and observe. The simple step of choosing to become more aware helps you tap into inner knowing. You begin to identify and explore your conditioned responses.

3) Re-pattern instinctive responses to fear. Fear and insecurity are core beliefs that reinforce selfishness. Where these traits are not recognized and addressed, peace and compassion are less likely to become responses to conflict.

4) Synchronize thought, emotion and movement.  Gaining insight into emotions enables you to foresee what is coming or erupting and curtail it. Restraint in the senses can translate into restraint in conduct. That which cannot always be said or expressed in words can still be done. Be consistent.

5) Discipline the spirit. The path to personal harmony invites you to discipline your spirit and to explore power found in action and inaction.  Take steps to reconnect with chi energy and strengthen links between mind, body and spirit. Learn how the storage and sudden discharge of energy is possible without the use of muscular force. Learning is perpetual your way.

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