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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in self-acceptance (23)


Why surrender to broader knowing?

Every moment of physical existence, you are conditioned to resist what the heart tells you.  This happens as you are invited to adopt language and symbols, as you are taught to make choices that please others, as you are inclined to favor doubt over intuition.  That which you hold as your object of attention is part of your way of filtering and exploring what matters. You engage in life with selective awareness by choice.

Now, in this moment, new perspectives are always arising. Beyond the body you see, the essence of being is actually a force of energy. It sends you messages from a state of complete allowing, a state of no resistance.  That is, your personal perspective shifts into an observer. This witness is a perspective of broader, cosmic knowing.  It does not judge, doubt or fear.  As a pure consciousness, you are non-physically focused. This energy vibration is the most dominant vibrational part of you that shapes your perceived experience. So, why surrender to this broader knowing? Why Be your Dream now?

Notice what happens as you observe the ego mind rather than believe all it says and allow yourself to be contolled by it.  Focus shifts to unconditional love and appreciation of everything. Difference no longer exists. You see everything as a divine reflection. There is no separation. If you encounter conflict or judgment and take it personally, notice your energy vibration. How you feel about others mirrors how you are treating yourself. The state of your external world mirrors the vibration of your inner world.

"All of our reasoning ends in surrender to feeling." -Blaise Pascal

Satisfy the soul

The mind has you believe you must do things to satisfy the soul.  What if the soul is fulfilled from the moment you align with the core state of being? The soul responds to gentleness, the receptive state of tenderness, innocence and whenever you set ego aside to access truth and beauty.  Its all here now.  Be open to it.

Soul also responds to experiences when you allow yourself to delve deeper into states of compassion and open the heart to unconditional love.  Opening to joy is a powerful way to connect with soul, connect with your dreams and embrace the love that is beyond words.

Being authentic or true to yourself takes shape in experience. Quiet the mind. Tap into your soul blueprint.  This is like spiritual DNA.  On a soul level, this reveals you chose your innate talents, key relationships, core gifts and conditions.  How you respond to these or what you do with them while in a physical body is not pre-determined. You established pre-birth soul contracts with your parents that allow you to develop beliefs and scripts.  A web of patterns, strengths and weaknesses arises to hides your gifts until you are ready to claim them.

Self-acceptance and unconditional love do not require external validation.  To feel them is to know they are their own proof.  Dare to be you and embrace higher wisdom.


Identify that turning point

When an event stands out and you feel confused or get emotional, this is a turning point.  Much like pop singer Bruce Springsteen, you know how it feels to take One step up and then take two steps back. As you hesitate or stagnate, hard lessons jump out.  Are you noticing patterns or history repeating? Are you ready to get the bigger message and move on to new lessons

To shift from going backward to moving forward, imagine what it feels like to stop judging yourself or others and sense you are every aspect of the experience.  Even now, you are gradually freeing yourself from being controlled by the past, by perceived pain, from from the idea of assuming everything that appears to bother you is separate.  The energy of this thing/ event guides your movements, the acceptance of deeper feelings.  You only cease resisting, or release whatever holds you back when you begin to accept your role in everything. Watch what happens as you begin to see yourself in the mirror reflected by that which irks or saddens you most.


What is transformation?

Every word you choose brings with it your belief system or conditioning.  Human beings often have unconscious associations with particular terms they further organize and judge as 'good' or 'bad.'

The term transformation implies change on seen and unseen levels.  You may notice the will to evolve or to let go of things that alter your nature, form, character or appearance. It may affect other aspects too.

When you are open and receptive, you are not holding on to any limiting thoughts.  One aspect of this process is to be willing to be aware of your choices, aware of how and why you judge now.

To sense any kind of discomfort weighs you down.  As you bring this energy to the surface, you find you are able to accept what it is, sense lessons or other messages, and absorb it into the complete whole.

You can choose to feel the energy that flows through you, notice the vibrations. As you are altert to the energy flowing within, you have the choice to grow more open or closed, to resist or feel at ease. Every choice you make determiens whether you move more freely.  What do you transform into and why?


Nothing transforms you faster

Nothing transforms you faster than love that is unconditional, unwavering and constant. Time suddenly loses all meaning. Everything is now. Where you are and how you perceive relate to awareness of and surrender to pure love energy.

As love grows more unconditional, every event is viewed as an expression of compassion or invitation to reframe perception.  As you propel along a process of self-revelation, the mind is selectively aware, yet the soul being is universally alert. Consider you are about to unveil what the core already knows;

1) To transcend temporal, linear processing, stop thinking.

2) Reason is the major block to reaching higher consciousness.

3) Accept love and non-judgmental forgiveness as a lifestyle.

4) Recognize no justified resentments or grudges exist.

5) Prepare the conscious mind for a holographic universe.

6) Grasp how you react depends on worlds you perceive.

7) To be humbled by futile beliefs urges willingness to change.

8) All beliefs are unfounded at higher levels of awareness. 

9) Unless you choose to change, painful lessons lose meaning.

10) You are powerless until you intend and act to self-disclose.