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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in self-acceptance (23)


10 Tips to rendez-vous with destiny

A popular question that arises is how to catch up with destiny. Many people admit they view destiny as a kind of carrot at the end of a fishing line they feel they are often chasing. Although life purpose may change at different life stages, destiny is viewed as your unique and ultimate reason for being. Does this confuse you? You may be asking what you need to do, where to go, to feel at ease or in harmony with yourself. Reflect on 10 tips to r.d.v. with your destiny: 

1. Recognize your 'comfort zone' 

This entails recognizing your comfort zone in different areas of your life and how this limits you.  In general, the more rigid your (or your kids') schedule, the more comfort zones you have created.  If you are caring for other people, (i.e., relations, pets or other friends), the more jam-packed their routine, the more you fear letting go of control, the more you fear spontaneity, fear creating something new, lasting and enriching in your life or feel uncomfortable stepping into the unfamilliar.  Conscious awareness of why you do things greatly empowers you to shift reality.

2. Find the courage to heal

Comfort zones do not just happen.  They are a symptom of repressed/ suppressed negative emotions, unhealed pain and mental suffering. Finding courage to heal implies the willingness to grow aware of triggers and habits (why these arise), and how you numb out or shift focus from the root cause of discomfort. This involves exploring character traits, possible co-dependence, people-pleasing, unconscious self-sabotage, self-hate or rejection and fear-based action.  Discover what blocks true intimacy, connnection, personal fulfillment & professional success. 

3. Stretch yourself

Watch what unfolds as you envision yourself beyond your current circumstances.  Depending on your readiness, this could mean taking up a course or training, shifting into a new vocation, moving geographically, building a dream home, renovating something, changing entourage, or generally building a new foundation from where to grow. Every instance you see things differently, even taking a new route to work, choosing to wear more comfortable shoes, or openly confiding intimate details of your life without fear of vulnerability, you are tasting your destiny. Every moment, you can take steps to find your way. Consider working with a mentor.

4. Adopt an optimistic attitude

The moment is ripe to function with an optimistic attitude. Listen to your thoughts and words more closely. How often do you hear yourself saying, "this is not possible because..." or "the time is not right because...?" Be aware of how often you talk yourself out of what you want, what feels right or do not even allow yourself to explore possibilities beyond habit. Who is really in charge here? Being optimistic is part of the process of reclaiming personal power you gave away. Imagine reclaiming it and letting go of what holds you back. How does your perception shift?

5. Stop acting to appease others

Whether or not its obvious to you at this stage, you are not always acting based on your own heart-felt desires and dreams.  Self-acceptance does not depend on the nature and intensity of your fitness practices or the amount of what you accomplish in the eyes of family or mentors and role models you admire. As you recognize and stop unconscious behaviours that arise to appease others, you move into that place where you do things you only used to speak or dream about.  

6. Tap into unused potential

Imagine the possibility you only use a fraction of your innate intelligence, wisdom and resources.  Remind yourself the moment is ripe to access diverse skills and abilities that you habitually fail to see and use. Know and accept that within you are powers that facilitate everything imaginable you could become. Simply get out of your own way. Talking to yourself can help you clarify what you wish to do or create in life.  Where you are is perfect for this moment and you are catching up with dreams realized by a future version of you watching your progress. 

7. Set new goals

Watch what happens as you give up complacency in favor of extending your wings more fully, of raising the bar for yourself.  Imagine what it feels like to blossom beyond self-created boundaries.  Set new goals that draw out the best in you.  Work toward those things that enable you to develop a sense of mastery and peak performance.  Begin with a pad of paper, writing implement and undivided attention.  Unleash the unthinkable. Let your fingers do the talking.

8. Imagine no limitations

Take a few moments to imagine you have no limitations in terms of money, no time constraints, health issues, no obstacles to contacts, experience, knowledge or education. That is, imagine whatever you write is possible for you, provided you want it genuinely and are willing to make whatever efforts and sacrifices are necessary.  This implies seeing through mid-life crisis. Go on, surprise yourself.  What would it look like?

9. Build unshakable self-confidence

It may surprise you but the mere act of writing dreams on paper takes a concept to the next level while building your self-confidence. Focusing physical and mental energy on specific ideas gives them life.  The process of adding detail and taking steps to realize it generates a greater sense of personal power and ability.  This is not ego-driven arrogance or pride but heartfelt love of life. 

 10.  Achieve peak performance

Achieving peak performance happens as you clarify goals, challenge and revise your own standards, invite feedback, do not take things personally, give yourself heart and soul to what enables you to feel harmony within yourself.  This may seem like a big ask or a tall order.  Yet, it happens naturally when you are in a state of flow because you function with extraordinary energy and clarity. Everything simply comes together. Uncover what you are uniquely qualified to do and be and even the stranger you speak to in passing reveals a connection to where you are heading. Making a meaningful and lasting impact on the world begins with cracking the shield you have build oer your own heart.  Are you ready to be proactive? Let the Soul be your pilot.


Live as if nobody can teach you

Reasons exist for everything we perceive and invite into our lives. Most people are inspired by others.  We all imagine and create people we admire for qualities and experiences we relate to or aspire to have ourselves. 

Yet, inspriational mentors we connect with and admire also silently invite us to grow more conscious of our own true qualities so we can bring these to light. Ponder these ten points that encourage seeing yourself more often as your own guru or inspirational mentor:

1. Stand on your own

Even for a moment or a day, let go of ideas, all that you are taught. Unspoiled wisdom exists within you. This involves trusting yourself more, living more in love than fear. Trust is not about techniques, strategies or tools, but about getting to the root of your character.  The more you interact with empowering people, the more you empower and listen to yourself, the more you are accepting yourself.  What is your inner voice sharing? How does this en-lighten or en-liven you?

2. See into the nature of pleasantness

The only way to be genuinely pleasant all the time is if everything around you is always seen to be pleasant.  This is unrealistic. To be happy all the time is to deny the full gamut of emotions and lessons available. Every ah-ha moment is drawing you deeper into yourself, to see the origin of your beliefs, projections and reflections. Which core beliefs are you discovering and healing?

3.  Notice assumptions and beliefs cloud perception

As you grow more skeptical about everything and everybody, about social systems, policitial structures, religious beliefs, scientific theories, and popular beliefs about other planets, you discover no ideas enable you to get intimate with real life.  Getting real involves the willingness to question familliar foundations and bravely remove the carpet you imagine that you stand on.

4. Observe the inner skeptic 

Life unfolding around you is never going to be 100% what you think you want.  Ask yourself who thinks it should be? See the inner skeptic as the teacher it is. At any given second, a geosynchronous satellite is emitting a T1 ( a terabyte) of information.  The human brain compresses 3-4 terabytes of information for memory storage. Imagine the interaction between the human brain and geosynchronous satellites and what we are downloading unless we grow conscious and take personal responsibility.  We have the capacity to transcend all that which gives the illusion we are separate from true self.  

5. Delve into the secrets of time

How else could you learn but through the invention of time or imagined gaps between here and there? Earth is not about instantaneous manifestation though many people tell themselves this is what they want or work toward.   Recall your intention in being here. Be aware of conditioned impatience or the urge to want things or results faster. What is time teaching you about yourself, downloads and your human experience?

6. Mistakes are necessary

If you are protected from committing mistakes, you can never learn anything.  Being aware is noticing the difference between mystics and mistakes; mystics see everything the way it is, people who see mistakes judge how things should be.   Watch what happens as you grow more solutions-oriented and then begin to identify the source of perceived problems and solutions is the same.

7. See through illusion of directions

What you assume is up or down, side-to-side or in other directions, is arbitrary. Reflecting on the planet as a spinning sphere, if you are looking upward, you cannot ever be sure which direction you are looking in. The only direction you can be certain of is what is outward and what is inward.  As you explore the outer world, your inner world grows sharper.  Imagine yourself as a pilot in a plane in a wild spin with no sense of up or down. What do you do? How do you ground yourself without traditional points of reference?


8.Conscious choice followed by conscious action

One view of the ideal path is to live with awareness of what is going on energetically within and without.  The more conscious you are of what you dream, the more  conscious action you take to pave the way for what is unfolding as new realities. You take conscious action to draw out more of your forgotten or hidden self.  Notice what is arising within. Trust arises in consciously observing truth and grows as you embrace vulnerability. What truly matters?

9. Stop lying to yourself

Pain and pleasure happen within you. Have you ever experienced anything outside yourself? Who determines what happens within you? Notice what happens as you determine how your experience of life is on this planet is 100% determined by you. You cannot lie to yourself and make any more excuses as the truth reaches conscious awareness. You respond to everything as a way to wake up to the big picture.  Everyone and everything is helping you help yourself. Who or what stands out as helping you most right now?

10. Unleash your inner radiance

What feels like moments for me seems to be hours for others.  Time stops as I discover everything I believed was me is not me. What is here is there, what is there is here, past and future get mixed up until distinctions disappear.  As the fog clears, when two eyes are open, the world of time exists and when these eyes are closed, another reality presents itself though another eye. Watch what happens as Mastering Time becomes a conscious choice.


10 Tips to do what has never been done

As energy streams intensify, you grow aware of the inspiration flowing through from nowhere, or from where you cannot explain.  Part of you may wonder how you are going to do what has never been done before. 

What if you are in the process of catching up with a future version of yourself? Details are emerging as you act on intuition, sense qualities and messages in your life that resonate deeply. The 'what' always arises in awareness before the how. Consider 10 tips to keep you on course:

1. Find inspiration in children's stories

The dream to do the unthinkable may be inspired by C.S. Lewis who created Alice Through the Looking Glass. The Queen of Hearts says, "sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."  Then, there's Mary Poppins who hops into other worlds through sidewalk chalk drawings or Uncle Albert (in same story) who levitates uncontrollably to the ceiling and sings "I love to Laugh." Who can overlook Tashi in the Tashi Stories with his magic flying shoes and eating ghost cake to walk through walls?  Ponder characters that inspire you at different life stages such as Pippi Longstocking, Anne Shirley of Green Gables, Matilda Wormword, Huck Finn, Mulga Bill and Harry Potter. Brainstorm your list of admirable characters and their stellar qualities. Imagine fictional characters you would like to invite to dinner and imagine what you would ask each one.

2.  Discover mentors in movies & books

Trail-blazing is rampant in film.  Ever dream of living like characters in books ? The common belief is such adventures are out of reach or solely for others. The audience lives vicariously through actors/ protagonists who realize dreams or goals during a film/book. Yet, what if you list what appeals to you about mentors from the characters of Tarzan to Indiana Jones, Luke Skywalker and Lara Croft, to actors like Jodie Foster (Dr. Ellie Arroway) in Contact, Kate Winslett (Rose DeWitt) in James Cameron's Titanic, Zoe Saldana ( Neytiri) or Sam Worthington (Jake) in Avatar, Merida in the animated Brave, Kiki the teen witch in Kikki's Delivery Service, Amy Adams (Dr. Louise Banks) in Arrival? Compile a list of characters, aspects, events with staying power. What are you compelled to rewatch? Is it the protagonist? The setting or cinematography? The eye of the director or writer? CGI? Life lesson? genre? Far more than people or characters are speaking to you.

3. Reflect on captivating games  

Something draws you into board, card, video, phone app or computer games that you may not yet put your finger on. What about the games involving skipping rope, dice, jacks, marbles, sticks, pencil and paper or others like hide and seek that require nothing but you? Games you play alone like memory or those you engage in with others, are cultivating skills and identifying clues to your destiny.  What is your sense of your role in the game of life? Each game that seems new or is passed down through ancestors is pointing to something else percolating inside you.    

4. Pay attention to your hobbies

Hobbies may begin as something you do in your spare time and turn out to be the first expression of your true passion. Open your eyes and senses to what you like to do when what you do for money is finished for the day or week. Where is your focus of attention? Are you sewing? building? in the garden? camping, fishing or boating on a body of water? Reading? Sculpting? Hang-gliding? Rock climbing? Hiking? Spelunking? Focusing on something people around you do not see or apprecaite as you do? What is your inner self doing its best to express to you through your hobbies? Its up to you to decode the message and focus more here.

5. See though your holiday inclinations

Seeing through the urge to take a holiday says more about your restlessness than you consciously realize. Ever notice you return to the same place more than once for a vacation? Experience deja-vu? Or cannot get your mind and dreams off a place you have yet to visit? What is really drawing you here? Is it feeling the sand oozing between your toes? Experiencing a warmer or colder climate? Eating specific foods? Hearing particular sounds? Being in the sky?underwater? at another elevation? Immersing in a particular setting have a phenomenal impact on you? Identitfy details.  Be open for what repeatedly beckons you. 

6. Recognize feelings about events 

Whether you feel compelled to attend home, boat, garden or other industry shows, renovation programs, technology seminars, spiritual retreats, teleconferences, music concerts or leisure events, all of it is speaking to you. Maybe you are workshop junkie or hold degrees while still unconscious of the underlying motivation. Look at the feelings evoked by what draws you. The underlying message you may not yet allow yourself to see.  Its up to you to join the dots. This requires the willingness to exert effort, go places, interact and see its all fine-tuning your intuition. This is about being open to changing versions of 'normal'.

7. Notice the nature of your daydreams 

It may hit that you repeatedly imagine how conditions or situations could be better or different.  What you do not like in the world is telling you something about what you do not like (or do not yet accept) within yourself. As Gandhi says, you need to be the change you wish to see, live your message, set an example.  If you truly feel compelled to change something, start by seeing what you see within and about yourself.  This is about recognizing, reshaping and revitalizing what is overlooked.

8. Meditate

Many ways exist to meditate. This is about allowing yourself to listen to silence, observe your thoughts, emotions and behaviours. Practice letting go.  Surrender until unconscious motivations for life choices and perceptions reveal themselves. Only then are you in position to expand how and what you create more consciously.

9. Locate your centre

Locating your centre is about seeing and feeling everything as energy and mastering your power to create and manifest. This kind of center is not a physical place or the center of a circle. This kind of center is a point in the middle of nowhere that can be consciously moved wherever you wish.  It can engulf or shapeshift you with all the aspects of your world and every other world that is empowers you at a soul level.  Feel the Tao.

10.  Trust yourself more

Every moment, you are giving yourself clues about why you exist. The ego has its ideas which perpetuate the illusion of separation.  Heartfelt intuition as well as heart-mind inclinations are guiding you in soulful directions.  The more you identify and engage in what allows you to feel truly alive, the closer you are to expressing the gifts you exist in this world to express. Call it being a pioneer, trail-blazer or dreamweaver, doing what has never been done flows as you allow yourself to focus on what feels natural and go with it. This is unaffected by what other people say, judge or not.  This is about knowing you generate, orchestrate and deny/destroy your dream. You are the master of your changing course.


12 Tips to energize & create a new world for yourself 

This is the perfect moment to review where you are, feel what it is to energize and create a new world for yourself.  Here are twelve tips;

You are energized when:

1. you interact with people who remind you of who you are (unlimited)

2. you recognize you exist to generate energy and create a new world

3. you realize love is not about possession but about giving/ inspiring

4. you question your true origins and fearlessly explore the unknown

5. you trust intuition to guide you to precisely what you need

6. you read books, are open to learning from yourself and also others

7. you are increasingly open-minded

8. you recognize constriction in your body that you can release

9. you grow aware of unconscious responses and move beyond them

10. you are worthy to live the life you have alway dreamed

11. you accept the 'what' always comes before the 'how'

12. your world is as healthy as the food you put into your body (*the most high vibrational food is raw, organic plant-based sustenance)



10 Reasons your current role may appeal

Just for fun today, brainstorm reasons why you currently do the work or offer the services you do. This exercise invites you to draw attention to things you are not yet seeing in yourself.  Career transition coaching explores values and core motivations.  Consider  9 reasons people tell themselves their role appeals:

1) Desire: it fulfills various desires that you may not yet put your finger on

2) Trust: something about the envirnoment or colleagues stimulates trust

3) Belonging: feeling part of a select group with peer acceptance or recognition

4) Gratification: the nature of your work offers quick solutions

5) Leadership:  being a pioneer or boss appeals, all that triggers leadership-related emotions

6) Love: The need for love is common and people seldom find long-term solutions to fulfill this need. Does your product, service, work setting evoke love, nurture self-worth and appreciation from co-workers?

7) Greed: Good money may appeal to the ego and be a pivotal reason you do what you do.

8) Hope: Hope is what drives the human spirit to look for solutions and push forward even when things look bleak. When you offer solutions that enrich lives, health, relationships or careers, this can have staying power

9) Fun: when what you do keeps you feeling light-hearted and at peace wth yourself, you feel stimulated

10) Soulful: something about the way you do the things you do touches or expresses your soul and enables you to touch or comfort the soul of others