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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in self-acceptance (23)


5 Steps to increase personal power

Notice living in your personal power involves doing what you love, feeling relaxed and at peace most of the time, materializing and monetizing your life purpose without self-sabotage.  Sound like a mouthful? Currently not your reality? Ponder five steps to get greater access to your own innate personal power and unleash the gifts you exist to bring to this world;

1) Tap into negative energy within and express it in a refined way  

This is cathartic. Take personal responsibility for misinterpretations of situations at different stages of your life and recognize the energy can be rechannelled or expressed differently.  Rather than expressing anger outward, recognize that from the moment underlying reasons for it are understood, this energy is harnessed and redirected in ways with unforeseen benefits.

2) Notice self-worth is self-love in action 

Do things that people with high self-worth and self acceptance do.  When you hold yourself in high esteem as a person, you respect yourself and others equally. Express kindness, compassion, love without expectations.   

3) Establish clearer boundaries

This is about finding courage to clarify and present who you are to the world.  It is done from a new level of high self-worth and requires you clarify for yourself what you will and will not do and limits to commitments.

4) Let go of the non-essentials

 Be honest about what evokes suffering, resentment and struggle.  Shift focus of attention to life circumstances that resonate joy and completeness.  Trust yourself more.  Like atrracts like or more of the same energy.

5) Commit to your dream and connect the dots

Only synchronicity exists. Be receptive to what you uncover. about yourself and take steps to actualize what the heart and soul are guiding you toward.  Its already in you.  Simply allow it to flourish.


Change your perception, change your life

Its common to desire to manifest and experience something different. What is this desire and your perception of circumstances really saying? 

Manifestation is a simply pointer to how and what you interpret energetically. You are a combination of energy systems, seen and unseen. Much like more than one person can view a cloud in the sky and "see" something different, more than one person can interact with energy differently and perceive something different.  Its based on degrees of expanded consciousness. Every encounter and event each human being perceives is a game of energetic alignment with what is already here.

In other words, if you think you can create something different, the ego is in charge and what you think about does not show up based on thought alone. What shows up is based on energetic alignment. You have to imagine and feel you are already doing something for it to materialize. This is a vibrational state of abundance, acceptance and love of all that you are and all you are allowing yourself to see in yourself.


15 Universal Truths

Universal truths apply to everyone, everywhere. Personal truths are not the same thing. Reflect on these 15 points.  Feel revelations being triggered.  Watch your sense of self and the world shift as you integrate the implications.

1) Everything is energy flowing and changing form.

2) Nature is a mirror for divinity and interconnectivity of All. 

3) Home is a state of being in harmony with your highest Self (not a physical place). 

4) Everyone re-emerges into the fullness of who they are. When and how is a choice. You can call it ascension, instant alignment via physical death or other transitions to immortal being.

5) Self-acceptance is, whether this state feels like you or not.

6) Experience can only match the experiencer. We accept ourselves fully or not and project unique life experience based on to what degree we accept core wholeness and infinite capacities.

7) Nothing unexpected really exists, only levels of awareness and responsibility taken by the Source Creator.

8) You are forever expanding through thought and contrast

9) All beings are energy first, knowing peace and harmony in their hearts, experiencing oneness with all of life, fully respecting all people and the earth itself. Love and compassion flow in all communications with the real

10) Equality, justice and respect for all human beings reigning on earth is the true state —no more hunger, poverty or crime — abundance available to all

11) Fearlessness is the reality of complete trust in the Divine

12) Every heart is awake to the divine inter-dimensional being it truly is

13) From the moment one lives in complete harmony and moral integrity, free, instant manifestation and communication is available with beings from other dimensions, planets and galaxies and travel to distant parts of the universe and galaxies also happens with these beings 

14) Dreams of an ideal and peaceful world are actually both a distant memory of what humand beings once experienced on another timelines and an intuitive glimpse into what is now beginning to happen on Earth.

15) Every experience you have is part of a dream you create for soul growth



9 Tips to Be Yourself

In the event you temporarily forget, here are nine tips to be yourself, right here, right now:

1) Recognize innate perfection.  Anything you see in yourself that is less than perfect is illusion you imagine.

2) Relish the journey you create for yourself. In order to live dreams, you must take intention to action and run with it.

3)  Be honest with yourself.  Be truthful and authentic in all you do.  Then you have nothing to hide or lie about.

4) Accept what you are.   This requires seeing through what others think you are and not conforming. It takes courage.

5) Acknowledge the source of your power.  This does not stem from ego but from aligning with the heart or Spirit.  True power is grace and cannot be forced or controlled.

6) See your intrinsic value.  Choose to see everything is of equal value.  True balance is felt when inner and outer worlds feel same, and both point to the gift you give yourself.

7) Express your uniqueness.  Do not hide your visions, what you feel and know you exist to be.  Create a new baseline or accepted norm by fearlessly blazing a trail.

8) Love everything. Random acts of kindness are like 'paying it forward.'  Such behaviour uplifts the energetic dynamic of this planet. Being truly real/ yourself is loving everything equally without exception.

9) Create a new reality. Everything you think, feel and experience begins and ends in you.  To change your life, simply change your perception.


See yourself as you really are

As you go though life, you accumulate experience. Notice whether you judge it or, see it simply as experience and allow it to humble you. As you step back to quietly observe, you notice everything as a teacher inviting you to love yourself as you are.  How can anyone love and accept who you are if you do not yourself? How does it feel to do so?

Everything is reflecting back a message to you. Notice what each experience tells you about compassion. It is not your job to teach others what love teaches you so much as to live by an example. You know in the heart when you are true to yourself, make choices inspired by love, and love others as you would true self. What does it feel like when you are not doing this? Open up to Self-Disclosure:Changes from Within.   

"Only when we trust ourselves can we trust others, wisely." -Jack Ricchiuto