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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in multidimensional (21)


The power of Authenticity

(Visionary Art by Cameron Gray)
Notice the authentic Self is re-emerging. Its a kind of catching up with the integrated and fully functional version of True Being. The false self originates in electromagnetic distortions/ mutations in the HUman DNA Blueprint. New patterns of stimulus response, a rewiring of the brain, happens as awareness replaces conditioned, self-limiting reponses. Source code is delivered and flows though systems via bio-circuitry. The universal geometric language of light is patterned into a code which is available in every cell of every human being. Yet, Source Code is out of reach or inaccessible to anyone disconnected from the core DNA Blueprint. Our ability to access Source Code has been modified. To access super-consciousness and the vast spectrum of multi-dimensional Human functions and abilities requires biocircuitry be reactivated. Only then can one receive and process higher frequency light. Your level of consciousness and experience are limited by the nature of the Source Code you can decipher, by the intensity of light you can receive, decode, integrate and process within your systems. Electromagnetic Source Code reactivates dormant circuity and adjusts brain chemistry and well as the hologram. It dawns optimum being is self-regulated by an active psycho-sensory process. We are expanding into Solar Crystalline Beings. Integration of the incoming Codes depends on being willing to let go and release all that is of low frequency and keeps you functioning in dualistic response patterns. As the acceleration of the directed solar energy raises consciousness in your morphogenic field, your molecular structure changes along with perception, means of communication and travel. Imagine interplanetary ley line travel and interstellar stargate travels are the new norm. Overpopulation is no longer a concern with galactic travel, migration and immigration. Psychic development, psionic abilities are growing more widespread. The Holy Grail is you. Its your spirit, your consciousness. Life itself is the Holy Grail.

The Power of Authenticity

Notice the authentic Self is re-emerging. Its a kind of catching up with the integrated and fully functional version of True Being. The false self originates in electromagnetic distortions/ mutations in the HUman DNA Blueprint. New patterns of stimulus response, a rewiring of the brain, happens as awareness replaces conditioned, self-limiting reponses. Source code is delivered and flows though systems via bio-circuitry. The universal geometric language of light is patterned into a code which is available in every cell of every human being. Yet, Source Code is out of reach or inaccessible to anyone disconnected from the core DNA Blueprint. Our ability to access Source Code has been modified. To access super-consciousness and the vast spectrum of multi-dimensional Human functions and abilities requires biocircuitry be reactivated. Only then can one receive and process higher frequency light. Your level of consciousness and experience are limited by the nature of the Source Code you can decipher, by the intensity of light you can receive, decode, integrate and process within your systems. Electromagnetic Source Code reactivates dormant circuity and adjusts brain chemistry and well as the hologram. It dawns optimum being is self-regulated by an active psycho-sensory process. We are expanding into Solar Crystalline Beings. Integration of the incoming Codes depends on being willing to let go and release all that is of low frequency and keeps you functioning in dualistic response patterns. As the acceleration of the directed solar energy raises consciousness in your morphogenic field, your molecular structure changes along with perception, means of communication and travel. Imagine interplanetary ley line travel and interstellar stargate travels are the new norm. Overpopulation is no longer a concern with galactic travel, migration and immigration. Psychic development, psionic abilities are growing more widespread. The Holy Grail is you. Its your spirit, your consciousness. Life itself is the Holy Grail.
114Jessica Woods, Cathy Johnson and 112 others



Become a conscious vortex

Notice real time is not linear or limited, but rather, a vortex that bridges infinite gateways and dimensions. As we step outside electromagnetic interference and false conditioning, reality is made up of infinite zero points radiating energy into the space-time of the mind. Physical reality is made up of an infinite field of energy and information. From the farthest star that we can see in space, to the tiniest particles that can only be seen by their effect upon visible matter, its all energy and data, radiating from infinite zero points within all things. As we evolve, we recall our past and see ourselves differently, as if tuning into different frequencies or seeing from varied points on a piece of sacred geometry. Events viewed during childhood or adolescence are seen differently during stages of adulthood. The more experience we have, the more we grow, the more our sense of time is in flux in the present moment. The only reality is direct experience. Our changing viewpoint reframes our experience, makes it seem as if the past is shifting. What we envision as "a future" (possible timeline) is constantly changing based on our state of consciousness, where innersight reveals more of the bigger energetic picture. As we expand into multidimensional being, it dawns that different aspects of self are experiencing the now differently; our sense organs on left and right sides, diverse cells, DNA, internal organs. All experience is registered in collective consciousness which is why it is possible to shift focus, sense of time and viewpoint at any moment. As we let go of the limiting urge to measure and define, we ease into an energetic continuum of space-time. Hyper-dimensional and inter-and multi-dimensional travel cannot be truly understood or explained by the logic or sequential events. One of the most life-transforming shifts a human being makes involves shifting from viewing self in terms of time, quantifiable breaths and a finite lifespan, to where you merge with energy, the breath, know you are timeless consciousness animating the body, that you are in truth, infinite and immortal. Truth is death is an illusion of mind. It is not about vanishing into oblivion but becoming pure awareness, where you experience everything and are conscious of being the space-time continuum itself.


Feel into the expanded Truth

Notice the Truth is in plain sight, yet only those energetically ready are willing to see. The Sci-fi genre has long echoed we exist as limitless energy in a holographic universe. Human life is like a huge Holodek on The Starship Enterprise. We change body, costumes, culture, roles, relations, environment, to explore possible outcomes, before making a choice grounded in space-time reality.
Ever reflect on a quantum computer or a simulation? Participate in a performance rehearsal or a practice game so you could iron out quirks, create the best scenario when it counts? How might unseen actors simulate global events with a quantum computer? What if each human is already a quantum computer with immeasurable power and potential? What if fully activating multidimensional systems enables shifting into divine resonance beyond the game? Recall the classic Wizard of Oz story where the man behind the curtain uses machines to create false realities to scare Dorothy, the Tin Man, Scarecrow and the Lion. It works well numerous times until Dorothy's dog Toto opens the curtain and reveals the illusion. This triggers an awakening in Dorothy & her friends. They change how they see, reclaim their power. Dorothy learns her red shoes always held power she seeks. Like her, we can access inner power Now. Consider the possibility the entire 3D physical Universe is illusory. If all we think we know is within the simulated 3D realm we engage in, then intuition guides us to what exists beyond it. As we grow and trust self more, rather than seek answers outside, we go within, and remove veils we place over our own eyes. This brings us new clarity.More of us are growing aware of a divergence in awareness and consciousness. Its like splitting Earths: one for those who still play unconscious games of self-created limitation and another for those who expand into diverse timelines and interact in different dimensions to return and influence our collective 3D experience. As veils dissipate, the deeper Truth revealed is that by activating and upgrading innate systems, we access more realities, frequencies and timelines naturally. Awakening is about shifting into collective consciousness, knowing we need no external tech interfaces to facilitate what we already do in some realms ourselves. As we ease into extended aspects of self in varied frequencies, we consciously move through the sound and light spectrum like a cosmic radio dial. Exploring dreams and altered states allows us to feel into and start unleashing infinite potential. Being aware and charging our electro-magnetic signals enables us to faciliate huge shifts beyond words.

Be open to receive Light language

Notice at the perfect moment, it dawns the curious energies of external events are pointing to the activation of inner crystals in the head, which can activate to receive, Light languages from the upper dimensions. The revelation of one's own crystal skull activating triggers a knowing about the source and frequency of projections and then, focuses on receiving complex encoded cosmic data. Two of the crystals are located above the eyebrows, directly over the pupils. The third is just below the hairline, inline with the nose. The recorder cell receiver crystal also activates (on the right side of your head, about 1.5 inches above the ear). At this stage, it dawns one had forgetten how many times one has died and how much insight is retained in the crystals. They hold immeasurable wisdom that the Soul has gathered over many incarnation cycles on varied planets and stars. More and more, the recorder cell will download parts of the data into the receiver crystal. You may experience sudden flashes of insight, deja-vus, tingling, even a periodic burning liquid sensation in the area of the receiver crystal. As cosmic codes flow on, their exact origins may be unclear. You may engage more in spontaneous, creative expression or behaviour. Like me, you may have what seem to be memory lapses for what were assumed to be simple things. Such 'glitches in the matrix' arise as conditioned brain pathways grow non-accessible while entirely new pathways are being created. You may tune into new tones, bands of light, color, geometry, Hebrew letters, hieroglyphics, complex equations. This is Spirit energy communication or light codes. As crystalline templates realign, energy bodies change their usual motion into spirals of energy. You begin to hook up into multidimensional mind and begin to receive streams of Light codesl or “Languages of Light”. The pituitary and pineal function together when open, they cause what is known as the “Arc of the Covenant.” It’s a rainbow light that arcs over the top of the head, from the fourth eye to the third eye area. That is one of the decoding mechanisms for higher-dimensional language. Your brain functioning begins to change and you begin to perceive and think in terms of geometries and tones. This may even be all you hear. This may also have been functioning for years (Earth time) and you only recently give it more attention. It may feel unsettling if a direct translation into words may not yet present. As the translation paths open, words simply come and you begin to understand tonal languages, geometries and patterns telepathically. Spirit is using these languages to shift the higher dimensional structure of your blueprint into a new template for a fifth-dimensional Light body. More of the bigger energetic picture reveals itself in alignment with shifts in vibrations. What enters sensory perception in experience is in harmony with one's own level of consciousness. Every Soul is on a unique energetic journey. By creating a more fluid attitude, eating and behaving in ways that resonate, you prepare inner terrain to allow the natural unfolding.