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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in multidimensional (21)


Accelerate the Lightbody

(image: personalized interdimensional portal)

Notice during this phase of ‘time,' the light body is speeding up and growing increasingly complex so that our species can survive and thrive. We are accelerating at a pace of logarithmic change and determine how this takes shape in our perception and expeirence. The state of our energy body is beginning to influence what we see, think, feel and how we penetrate densities with the mind. The development of this bioplasmic energy body is following the same path as other body systems. Thus, the more your light body activates, the more you activate dormant endocrine, neurological, respiratory and other energy systems. The outer body system human beings develop, is developing into a multi cellular light bodies system. Those who are energetically aligned with Love are growing into conscious interdimensional beings (also extra-dimensional, intra-dimensional). This implies we can 'time travel and move out of the physical body into a spiritual one'. The nature of the unfolding is beyond words. As energetic processes advance, one moves into telepathic and symbolic interfaces. Sacred geometry comes alive as does everything as radiant light.


Activate your Light Body

Notice plants grow toward the sunlight to generate more energy, transform and thrive. Similarly, our bodies are evolving.  The human body transforms into a Light Body, we feel drawn to spend more time in Nature as well more intense Sun. Light Body activation is a practical and effective tool to release restrictions and promote alignment, enhancing the dynamic synthesis of your system. This elevates the frequencies of your body, bringing you into contact with parts of yourself you may have been craving to connect to for what feels like forever. This occurs on a cellular level, as we adjust from a carbon-based anatomy to a crystalline-based form. Our experience of receiving, decoding and transmitting light alters us. As the human body gradually assimilates, it absorbs increasing amounts of light. Sun-gazing also allows us to absorb light differently. The light Body merkaba is a bridge to Divine Love. Imagine creating a reality of universal co-operation and conscious communion rather than division, separateness and disconnection. Children inspire us to be in harmony with the Light we truly are. They mirror True Radiance.


Life Lived through Sacred Geometry

Come what may, it is prudent to remind ourselves what it feels like to breathe fully, relax and engage in creative expression. Immerse in Nature and feel her energy. Watch and share this:



7 Tips to reframe New Year's resolutions

New Year's resolutions typically involve intentions to visualize, create or manifest a personal life that lessens or minimizes suffering and focuses on external ideas of happiness.  Here are 7 tips to reframe your resolutions;

1) Decide to understand everything on a WHOLE new level [Rather than be self-centered (ego-driven) and focused on the external]

2) Shift to feel everything as vibration and frequency (energy).  See beyond appearances to the Source and lesson behind each projected experience. 

3) Be fully accountable for how you think and feel. Read your own vibes of discomfort and discontent about the external as pointers to the tug of war going on in you (conflict between illusory ego & universal being)

4) Know physical senses only perceive a fragment of the existing spectrum. True being has capacity to access every frequency and vibration on the cosmic radio dial and communicates simultaneously at all levels, tunes in and out at will.

5) Accept that everything you encounter is a self-created mirror of yourself. Acknowledge all you imagine into being exists to teach compassion and unconditional acceptance.

6) Be aware the original language of the universe is not words but images, formed by light and sounds. Telepathic/ energetic dialogue is the natural function of your core antenna (unhindered, one receives, decodes & transmits light)

7) Recognize the Path to unlimited power involves tuning into transmissions of consciousness in form (sacred geometry).  The core geometric template or Cryst-all (Christ) consciousness is untouchable, inalterable and expresses the most expanded version of oneSelf; an omniscient, omni-present being of Light that is infinitely loving, multi-dimensional and only knows harmony


Allow unfiltered light to shine 

To view yourself as a person with a perceived identity, is to create reality using physical senses and psychological views of events. Yet, interpretation of reality is not actually reality.  You dream the dream of being human, focus on physical form until it loses its importance.  To recognize all you think is illusion allows mental filters to drop away.  To be present in this moment is to be aware of the higher self as it is and align with it.

Being aware is like allowing consciousness to recognize itself.  As you are increasingly transparent in every sense, you feel lighter and experience an incredible lightness of being.  Intrinsic light of being has different shades of brightness and vibrations. This is not something to grasp but is allowed or resisted. The multidimensional being that is you exhibits traits not discernable to the physical body. What you do not see still exists.

Notice the ebbs and flows of energy that emerge from and return to the source of everything. Unfiltered truth shines clearly through the eyes of soul. One perspective is that you incarnate to constuct and dismantle your own self-deceptions. You are the only witness to your own illusions. You are also the only judge and jury. To deepen inner-sight removes all barriers to knowing that unconditional love is what I am.

"Eyes are not forms, they are transparent, and what one really sees is the light of the soul in them." - Walter Russell