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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in joy (89)


Be happy as you are

Many people ask the question, 'what does it take to be me?'  The thing is, being requires no thought or effort.  Just stop telling the self that you are something you are not.

To accept what you know and do not know is to be willing to accept what you cannot always define or explain.  This is about not trying to be someone in particular, not trying to appease others or, obtain their approval for your choices.  You have the capacity to give up reacting to form and emotion completely.

1) As someone defines you, he only limits himself, not you.

2) Someone else's judgment is that person's alone.

3) Among infinite choices, you can opt to be fully present.  

4) To realize you are independent of form is an awakening.

5) Pure joy emerges from formless realms inside the real you.


10 Ways to feel good

1) Recognize the beautiful light that you are.

2) Understand you can change how you feel.

3) Sense you alter how you perceive every moment.

4) Choose to appreciate vast abilities you have.

5) Forgive others, self, the universe and move on.

6) Know words move vibrations energetically.

7) Realize you can figure out what you do & why.

8) Discern what you do not want and why so you detach.

9) Find a way to match vibrationally with the thing you want.

10) Experience variety to be motivated  to expand into joy.


Listen to Radiate Joy from Within Interview

On August 31st at 11PM PST, I will be a guest on Flora Brown'a Color Your Life Happy Blog Talk Radio Show. The theme of our dialogue offers strategies about how to radiate joy from within.  If you are unable to tune in live, you can always check out the archives. Let visitors to this blog know what your views are on the show, about happiness and how you view the opportunity to radiate joy from within,


Create a bridge to higher dimensions

Right now, every cell in your being is going through key transitions. The path to ascension consciousness reveals your attachments. Shifting of awareness requires different kinds of experiences. If you are of the mind to create a bridge to facilitate your ascension to higher dimensions, consider this;

1) Fear arises as you separate from what matters.

2) Gratitude for all experience dissolves misunderstanding.

3) Perceived chaos or challenge is irrelevant.

4) Illusion is fading away regardless of your awareness.

5) Know you can be held where you are or set free.

6) Awareness without judgment heals the soul.

7) To be pure love, hold joy and let everything grow from it.


Reconnect with your core frequency

"Not all those who wander are lost.” -J.R.R. Tolkein

A new wave of energy triggers upheavals for humanity. You have the choice to believe that completely unpredicatable phenomena will continue to enrich this physical world. You also have the choice to permit fear to shape mental visions and ideas.  What kinds of scenarios seem increasingly present for you? What do shifting moods indicate inside? What if all this is a strategy to reconnect with core frequency?

1) You sense what is happening now.  To be more aware of your creative power, you are learning to discern high and low vibration energy. Its helpful to acknowlege heavier states of being.  You are integrating intuitive and rational sides of the self. To move to sense completeness, you gain insight into the feeling of energy contracting and expanding within. 

2) Imagine the catapult effect.  Energy can be harnessed and released.  Think of a projectile or the action of an underlying catapult.  You decide how deeply you will mentally explore negative energy and vibrations. To grow to discern related sensations offers insight into stress and perspectives that hold you back.  This insight propels you to move to lighter states of being.

3) Rediscover what 'fully awake' means.  You are gradually learning what motivates you to leave a psychological comfort zone and what compels you to return to a sense of baseline frequency.  You create the conditions that inspire and encourage or contract your energy and create unstable energy.

  • Be aware of the effect on your energy when you are altrusitic, self-sacrificing and over-zealous. How would you describe the overall effect on your thoughts, physiology and perception?
  • Imagine shifting between positive and negative views of your current conditions. What wisdom dos this offer in terms of your feelings? That is, what serves you or not?
  • Consider the impact on vibration when you ponder negative scenarios. How does your energy level change? What effect does this have on your core frequency of peace, acceptance and joy?