What do love and joy feel like?

Your states of mind or being project into your physical life experience. Realness is something you figure out as it is. Some people mask what is real or choose to compare it to a point of reference.
In essence, the nature of what is presents in what you are. Consider seven densities and seven octaves in each density. Human beings are a physical representation of every state in the universe. In other words, you are all densities and all octaves, all emotions, but selectively choose your focus now.
Another way to look at this is to sense the soul incarnates into the body. It is a hologram of the mind. As you decide to perceive or experience things from the perspective of ego, this is blind to love as it is.
To ask self what love and joy feel like requires that you are able to move outside the perspective of ego, to move outside mind and feel things from the heart. You exist to sense more than a physical body.
Energy is given the opportunity to evolve. One perspectve is everything comes down to what we think and feel based on desire or intention. Free will implies you can involve yourself in anything you create.

Reader Comments (10)
Joy is beyond the entrapment of emotions. It exists outside the polarities of good and bad.
When one dissolves reason, one finds joy and love.
Love and Joy just feels. They are not like anything in particular. It is beyond the particulate and exists outside of matter and what matters. Paradoxically matter and particles contain joy and love as its essence....and lives at its very core of being.
Love and Joy is experienced when everything resonates at once.
As I continue to evolve, this is one thing that is really striking a chord with me - this belief in how much joy and love come from our heart. Or, that "real" joy and love come from this space, from touching upon something deeper within. In our world, I find that it's all too easy to NOT go to this spot, our heart - instead get too focused on pursuing love from the outside...and that's love that is not real and deeply connecting for us. When we can touch upon the inner connection, we are so much more poised for peace and harmony in our lives....
" You exist to sense more than a physical body." - absolutely!!
We are more than our body; we are our soul (which is free of ego). Getting into contact with our soul (our primordial energy) is to open the gates to inherent knowledge that can help us a lot in dealing with the illusions of life on earth (matter).
Now, not everybody is interested in this; they just want to live their lives (fulfill their mission - whichever it might be) and that's it. I don't find it bad, because that is what they are meant to be and do.
Free will is a tool on the path towards the fulfillment of our mission.
Great post :D!
Ah, by the way: I loved the new template!
I look forward to love and joy!
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories