Allow rose of clarity to blossom
Monday, September 4, 2023 at 3:36PM
Liara Covert in adversity, attachments, clarity, fear conditioning, flower, hope, love, rose, tragedy, transformation, trust, worthy

Notice fear-based conditioning teaches us to cling to suffering perhaps because in some way, we think it makes life worthwhile. The mind thinks joy must be earned. Irony is, the more miseable we are, the more we cling to what does not serve us, the harder it sems to let go. In truth, one who is truly happy does not cling to life,or form unhealthy attachments. Deeper reflection brings new insight.
People who are suffering maintain their version of "hope." They always hope
something different or better, will occur tomorrow or down the track. Those who live in adversity create an image of heaven or paradise that helps them endure discomfort. Yet, this distant idea of relief is like a carrot on a stick guiding the rabbit in us forward. Its a mind game to keep us frozen where we are. This tricky mind would like our attention to be hijacked away from the present moment. Still, that future never comes as it does not exist as mind would have us believe.
One big lesson here is only as we begin to feel hopeless about our perception of life or situation, does real hope and falling into surrender become possible. Only in a moment of real crisis or tragedy does transformation happen. So, when we think we have no real or acceptable options, maybe feel stuck in a hard place, this is when the heart cracks open and light finally reveals itself unexpectedly. The rose of clarity within blossoms in this perfect moment and not a moment before.
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