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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in fearlessness (17)


Notice everything from a total view

Whatever you notice, you can choose to view it from a perspective beyond the mind, beyond conditioned beliefs and attitudes.  You can choose to see everything from a place of non-resistance and fearlessness.  As you recall you are an energy being, you know whatever you are vibrating is reflected in what you feel.  How you feel influences which manifestations unfold, those you discern or overlook.  Notice your focus now.

Consider you only ever communicate with yourself.  Every experience invites you to recognize and drop mental filters that allow clarity to reveal itself.  What feels right is as meaningful or meaningless as you decide.  What you are allowing or surrendering to determines how much of the real presence of being is noticed.  This is changeless.

To know deep down all is well enables you to step back from what appears to be unfolding and reflect on how it relates to the whole of who you are. Being who you really are is to see everything through the lens of unconditional love and acceptance, to see every situation as offering you a message about love. Difficulty only exists in the mind. You already know how eagerness and inner peace feel. Everything reflects what soul knows. You choose how and what to see. Notice how easy it is to be keenly aware, to know the universe confirms all that matters. Every moment is as remarkable or non-descript as you allow.  Every imagined division that falls away expands the view.

"Awakening is the process of overcoming your false self and discovering your True Self." - Steve Baxter


Allow light to speak through you

Everything of the universe is multi-dimensional.  Based on levels of awareness, wisdom, knowledge and truth reveal themselves. If you are not ready or willing to listen to the heart, you feel discomfort.  Degrees of truth emerge based on levels of fearlessness, or what you are willing to love and accept unconditionally into your scope. 

Words are vibrational patterns or sound. Emotions emit vibration. They arise based on mental perceptions of the past. Feelings arise in the moment and allow what is to express itself. Imagine being the consciousness of the sun or, that of a star.  Allow light to speak through you. Illusions and darkness serve the expansion of one creator. To pinch off unlimited knowing invites you to dig deep within. Allow truth to shatter the paradigm of duality.


Feel the truth in your heart

To know the truth of your authentic self is to awaken to the truth of all things. To feel the unconditional love youa re is to know you have nothing to forgive. What is it that dominates your consciousness? As you push aside your reliance on others, and move beyond the desire for approval, you rely on your intuition. You accept limitless being. You are present with what is. You know what you read or what anyone tells you invites you is not you. Everything points to the harmony you feel outside the story.

Feel the wisdom in kindness and compassion. Trust in choices that echo peace and love. Resonating peace quiets the mind and empowers one beyond measure. A sense of self disappears. Bliss unfolds. To be still is to be true to soul, to rcall the inner gift of fearlessness. You are pure love.


Drop the self-deception

Much of the process of mindfulness is about touching the immediacy of the present moment, the quality of experience as it is. Notice how you can be attentive to whatever arises, to contact and feel infinite forms directly.  Open to notice who you are and what you do. What happens as you stay with it, trust more fully?

Many people are conditioned to be distracted from the present.  Meditation is a way to shift focus back to what is unfolding now.  It helps you realize why you may numb out or turn away from discomfort.

Remind self that if you do not get-to-know fear, then you do not understand fearlessness. You cannot drop conditioning without getting-to-know fear, surrendering and letting go of old ways of thinking and behaving.  You do not evolve alone. Your pain is not a dream.  It connects you with everything. Suffering dissipates as you choose not to focus on the ego self.  How you use beliefs invites you to see alternatives.

As you wish for others to be happy, as you wish for unconditional friendliness toward self, mind and emotions, then you also radiate acceptance out toward others. As you self-reflect, choose to see through your thoughts and feelings, you develop compassion. What unfolds no longer scares you.  Judgment fades.  You develop trust and strength. Insight into all feelings mirrors what other people feel and deeply connects you.  Let things evolve at their own speed. Drop ideals and concepts. There is nothing to measure up to.


What is the point?

You can choose to continue being busy with yourself or make a different choice. Recognize that what was never lost can never be found.  What you never had can never be obtained through pursuit.  What would you say to realize you have everything else already?

Some people conclude that the point of being is to reach a state of desirelessness and fearlessness.  Yet, they tend to reach this perspective as the result of experiencing what it feels like to create desires and fears.  How often do you  experience things you do not want in order to build awareness that you do not want to be there? The path to revelation is all about aligning wth Cosmic Synchronicity.