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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in dreams (68)


True Freedom is Self-evident

Notice True Freedom is not about resistance, and is not earned or achieved. True freedom is an awareness that arises as you realize you are God. This is Self-evident. Why you know thySelf, all is revealed. Freedom cannot be taken away, manipulated, or threatened in any way by external forces. True Freedom is. It is embraced or blocked (resisted) in our own mind. The growing awareness of this initiates an alchemical process that affects life choices and situations as well as the expansion of multi-dimensional human experience. Shape your worth in image of God.True essence is mirrored by inner light, or infinite presence that is Divine Being. As we begin to see everything as a version of God, every interaction becomes an act of worship. Energy shifts as one surrenders the ego to God consciousness. Imagine what its like not to be caught up in anything but fullness, joy, service, empowerment, or acts that do not require reciprocity. We move from a materialistic system to an altruistic one. This freedom from neediness, is the realisation is you are already everything. This revelation precipitaes the feeling experience of True Feedom. All bondage relates to ego consciousness. The only path for relief from suffering is to turn inward to the open heart and realize I AM That which I have been looking for- the faceless, imageless presence. The act of self-recognition can happen in an instant. The moment we let go of the demands the external world says we require, it dawns True freedom is here all along. This dream is made up of our own projections. Once we awaken and become co dreamers of the cosmic dream, the world becomes a sea of blessings. These are not made up of our wishes, but rather inconceivable things that often go unrecognized. The very wanting of reality brings forth that which we do not initially see. Recongize the supreme reality that radiates on the phenomenal plane. This moment beckons for us to gain an unrestricted, unlimited insight into who we are. Be open to a level of mind that transcends artificial divisions such as language, decentralisation or ideas of separation of any kind. Awaken to True Freedom. All life is suddenly an act of grace. (image: Golden Beings of Light)


Interview with destiny

Wouldn't it be nice to converse one-on-one with destiny? These questions are an invitation to grow aware of what is driving you: the logical mind, feeling heart or some combination.  Do you self-question and hear no response? Imagine the future or more authentic version of yourself is eager to answer and finally more audible than ever before. 

Q: Peers have big changes happening in their lives. I feel stagnant, stuck. Am I lost or, is there something wrong with me if I am unaware of similar shifts in my life?

Notice comparison is self-judgement or lack of self-acceptance. To sense or focus on what is not happening takes attention away from noticing and thriving on what is. Everyone is on a unique path to seeing and accepting their own greatness and innate genius. Each at his/her own pace.  

Q: Okay, I have the vision. How do to make it happen?

The what is the creative role of the mind and comes before the how. Ego thinks it controls the what, the how and when. Another voice echoes dream-making and dream-finding is an exercise in give and take between the heart- mind.  To assume separation has you think you must force things. Do you think you never do enough? That you are not enough? Just as you cannot force love to happen, you cannot force visions. Surrender guides you into the flow. Similarly, you do not really bake but allow it to rise based on right conditions and what is out of your control.

Q: So, I feel silly talking about my dream. It sounds crazy!  What do I do?

Who or what feels silly or crazy? The ego. Why? Ask yourself what threatens the ego. Focus on the heartfelt version of you that gets excited about the vision and does not doubt or fear. It knows all is said and done.  Keep adding detail to the vision. Where are you? What are you doing? How do people feel around you? Know and feel that its all real and happening. Write it down. Share your enthusiasm. It rubs off! Remember-watch your thoughts: you catch up with what you believe.  Watch your words: your reality emerges from all you express.  Observe your experience: are you living the dream or do your thoughts, beliefs and self-expression echo obstacles exist between you and dreams? What are you choosing to perpetuate: love and harmony in thought, word and action or, fear and disharmony?

Q: I feel purpose-driven. Not knowing my destiny worries me...

Purpose changes at different perceived life stages.  To create an ego identity, you adopt labels and life roles.  Ask yourself to grow aware of who these labels appease. Who holds expectations? Everything mirrors you. Language and behaviour reveal how you feel about yourself. You cannot escape the truth but you can hide for as long as you choose.

Q: Which emotions are safe to feel?

Self-love is reflected in the energy of excitment, belief in yourself, knowing that dreams are realized. Self-doubt, self-hate, self-loathing focus your vitality in self-defeating or self-sabotaging directions.  Although its valuable to recognize and feel all emotions, and explore triggers for the purpose of healing, where you focus attention shapes your experience.  Imagine what a simple change in self perception does. Destiny is not about what you do but who you are, and the degree you accept this in all you present to the world.

Q: When does a person stop seeking destiny?

You decide exactly when seeking stops.  When you stop focusing so much on job-seeking, the perfect opportunities mysteriously find you.  The right person, place or whatever you used to be looking for comes along or presents itself in unexpected ways.  This is about seeing yourself and realting or connecting to everything differently. Its a difference you feel.

Q: What can I do to be more authentic? 

Authenticity is about listening. When you are open to learning more about yourself and why you think and feel as you do, intuition grows louder. It is ever-present, but often overlooked or simply unheard.  Detecting vibes of the heart-mind allows you to notice more synchronicities.  Its up to you what to notice, how to feel and when to act. The flow does not give you the outcome the ego wants; it will not make things necessarily easy for you.  It does not give you what you want but what the soul needs to grow and blossom.

Q: What is intuition exactly? 

Intuition is the language of the Soul. Like any language, one can tune in, block out, forget, remember, learn or unlearn signs and symbols.  They are created and decoded by you.  Imagine yourself as a code-breaker, extraordinary detective, and also one or knows your life vision. You simply join the dots you choose to see. 


6 Tips to deepen self-love

Many people ask the question why am I here? Or is what I am doing really right now worthwhile? Each person is invited to determine the course of his/her life in stages and steps.  Reflect on the 6 acts of self-love to get you to that as yet unidentified destination;

1. Integrate emotional memories

Loving every part of you is about uncovering and healing sub-personalities and the emotions that give power to these sub-personalities.  This means uncovering core beliefs that drive you, owning the foundation of your sub-personality and healing the pain that keeps false beliefs alive.

2. Real forgiveness

True freedom is about making grudges and distorted (unloving) relationships conscious, communicating your truth and taking responsibility for how you feel and recognizing who has the pwoer to change this. Specifiy who, if anyone, you wish to forgive and give yourself the gift of greater peace of mind.

3. Redefining boundaries

Choosing to speak and honour your truth in other ways is about communicating your realty, what you will and will not accept.  This is about making people-pleasing tendencies conscious, recognizing and healing co-dependence in relationships and distorted dynamics in other settings.

4. Give yourself what makes you happy

How often do you allow yourself  to listen to the heart? follow intuition? Prioritizing what enables you to feel good can be as simple as creating space, 'me' time, focusing energy on self-care and self-development. Now is the moment to be good to yourself. Let go what causes misery.  Focus attention on what uplifts your spirit and nourishes the Soul. Share what evokes happiness for you right now.

5.  Merge with those dreams

Taking action to realize dreams is not meant for the back burner. Your dreams exist to be made manifest by your focus and applying the power of your thoughts, attitude and intention.  The point is not to escape the material plane with doubt about 'pipedreams' but rather to be the magician to empower and transform.

6. Focus energy on mind-body wellness

To be truly powerful and demonstrate self-love in action, simply focus energy, which is the same thing as money and time, on what keeps your heart and soul together. Nurture interconnectedness and heal whatever perpetuates discomfort or the illusion of separation between who you think you are and who you wish to be.


Interview with Maria

I am often asked what brings particular clients to me. Some wish to journey into higher realms for guidance, get grounded, transform troubled relationships, identify and release limiting beliefs, or increase capacity to heal their bodies. Every individual is unique. I share this recent exchange with Maria for the benefit of you who are seeking answers to your own questions. 

What prompts you to open up to me?

Maria: To be honest, I was not looking for a coach with specific credentials. I am trusting my gut. In speaking with you,  I felt a real connection. It just felt right to take the next step. I explored your website.  What I read on the internet confirmed this is the right choice for me. 

Have you had  coaching expectations?

Maria: Well, before beginning, you asked if I had specific intentions, whether I have any experience with hypnosis, remembering my dreams, past life regression, various therapies and healing practices. I suppose my point of reference for our sessions began with the idea I could add to what I have experienced.  I want to learn to trust myself more, get to the root of obstacles I am facing, to shift patterns I see that are holding me back, get clearer on where to go from here.  If I ask you what you feel you can do for me, what would you say?

I am not here to answer your questions, I am here to help you stop asking them. As a sound-board, I help you to notice when you think and feel the way through life.  I also help you to begin to recognize and take responsibility for each of your choices.

Maria: That says a lot.  I ask loads of questions.  Answers are not always clear to me.  I am told I am too emotional and wish to get a handle on that, take more time for me and get over my fears.

Whatever you fear invites you to get-to-know yourself differently. As you change the way you see things, what you see changes. Noticing anything about filters?

Maria: I am seeing obstacles differently.  I am more aware of lessons and options to respond to what life throws me. The way I react emotionally to people and events my life is not always helpful. I also notice emotions I am not really in touch with and resist feeling.  I still take some things personally and wish to change this. I do not like losing control.

Some perceptions are helpful and empowering, while others keep up negative patterns.  A shift in perspective starts with an increase in awareness. Do you relate?

Maria: Yes. As I grow aware of the my judgements and beliefs, I begin to grow aware of what and who triggers me. I really want to stop losing control over my emotions.

Indeed.  As we progress with sessions, are you noticing any shifts?

Maria: I am noticing that my reality changes based on how I feel about it, who I hang around and how I use my time. I am also more aware that making the unconscious conscious is one path to healing. My own ignorance, indifference and inaction only perpetuates discomfort and keeps dreams out of reach. 

You may have heard the idea, 'you are becoming like the five people you spend the most time with.' Personal reality is based on beliefs, expectations.  Experiences reinforce beliefs. So, if you want to change your reality, changing perception is key. 

Maria: In my case, re-training the mind for change takes practice. I work on self-discipline.

Letting go gets easier. Of all the practices we are exploring so far, what stands out?

Maria: The breathwork, different mental processes and ah-ha moments that I have after our open dialogue.

Why are you receptive to breathwork ?

Maria: What you offer are techniques that enable me to gain deeper insight into myself, my resistance.  It hits I allow myself to hinder or speed up self-healing. I am more aware of core beliefs that have been running me and the reasons why my life brings me to where I am.  It feels good to take steps to shift my focus and priorities. 

Why has your most recent session helped you?

Maria: You give me opportunity and space to explore things that I do not make time for by myself. I am more aware than ever before that I get wrapped up in the day-to-day tasks of being a wife, parent, student and doing my best to juggle it all.  Until today, I had no idea the deeper source of my patterns.  Making the unconscious conscious is already changing how I feel about myself and how confident I am about where I am headed.  You guide me to recall what I forget.

I'm sure you have a theme: the theme of your life. You can embellish it or desecrate it, but it's your theme, and as long as you follow it, you will experience harmony and peace of mind. - Agatha Christie


10 Tips to do what has never been done

As energy streams intensify, you grow aware of the inspiration flowing through from nowhere, or from where you cannot explain.  Part of you may wonder how you are going to do what has never been done before. 

What if you are in the process of catching up with a future version of yourself? Details are emerging as you act on intuition, sense qualities and messages in your life that resonate deeply. The 'what' always arises in awareness before the how. Consider 10 tips to keep you on course:

1. Find inspiration in children's stories

The dream to do the unthinkable may be inspired by C.S. Lewis who created Alice Through the Looking Glass. The Queen of Hearts says, "sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."  Then, there's Mary Poppins who hops into other worlds through sidewalk chalk drawings or Uncle Albert (in same story) who levitates uncontrollably to the ceiling and sings "I love to Laugh." Who can overlook Tashi in the Tashi Stories with his magic flying shoes and eating ghost cake to walk through walls?  Ponder characters that inspire you at different life stages such as Pippi Longstocking, Anne Shirley of Green Gables, Matilda Wormword, Huck Finn, Mulga Bill and Harry Potter. Brainstorm your list of admirable characters and their stellar qualities. Imagine fictional characters you would like to invite to dinner and imagine what you would ask each one.

2.  Discover mentors in movies & books

Trail-blazing is rampant in film.  Ever dream of living like characters in books ? The common belief is such adventures are out of reach or solely for others. The audience lives vicariously through actors/ protagonists who realize dreams or goals during a film/book. Yet, what if you list what appeals to you about mentors from the characters of Tarzan to Indiana Jones, Luke Skywalker and Lara Croft, to actors like Jodie Foster (Dr. Ellie Arroway) in Contact, Kate Winslett (Rose DeWitt) in James Cameron's Titanic, Zoe Saldana ( Neytiri) or Sam Worthington (Jake) in Avatar, Merida in the animated Brave, Kiki the teen witch in Kikki's Delivery Service, Amy Adams (Dr. Louise Banks) in Arrival? Compile a list of characters, aspects, events with staying power. What are you compelled to rewatch? Is it the protagonist? The setting or cinematography? The eye of the director or writer? CGI? Life lesson? genre? Far more than people or characters are speaking to you.

3. Reflect on captivating games  

Something draws you into board, card, video, phone app or computer games that you may not yet put your finger on. What about the games involving skipping rope, dice, jacks, marbles, sticks, pencil and paper or others like hide and seek that require nothing but you? Games you play alone like memory or those you engage in with others, are cultivating skills and identifying clues to your destiny.  What is your sense of your role in the game of life? Each game that seems new or is passed down through ancestors is pointing to something else percolating inside you.    

4. Pay attention to your hobbies

Hobbies may begin as something you do in your spare time and turn out to be the first expression of your true passion. Open your eyes and senses to what you like to do when what you do for money is finished for the day or week. Where is your focus of attention? Are you sewing? building? in the garden? camping, fishing or boating on a body of water? Reading? Sculpting? Hang-gliding? Rock climbing? Hiking? Spelunking? Focusing on something people around you do not see or apprecaite as you do? What is your inner self doing its best to express to you through your hobbies? Its up to you to decode the message and focus more here.

5. See though your holiday inclinations

Seeing through the urge to take a holiday says more about your restlessness than you consciously realize. Ever notice you return to the same place more than once for a vacation? Experience deja-vu? Or cannot get your mind and dreams off a place you have yet to visit? What is really drawing you here? Is it feeling the sand oozing between your toes? Experiencing a warmer or colder climate? Eating specific foods? Hearing particular sounds? Being in the sky?underwater? at another elevation? Immersing in a particular setting have a phenomenal impact on you? Identitfy details.  Be open for what repeatedly beckons you. 

6. Recognize feelings about events 

Whether you feel compelled to attend home, boat, garden or other industry shows, renovation programs, technology seminars, spiritual retreats, teleconferences, music concerts or leisure events, all of it is speaking to you. Maybe you are workshop junkie or hold degrees while still unconscious of the underlying motivation. Look at the feelings evoked by what draws you. The underlying message you may not yet allow yourself to see.  Its up to you to join the dots. This requires the willingness to exert effort, go places, interact and see its all fine-tuning your intuition. This is about being open to changing versions of 'normal'.

7. Notice the nature of your daydreams 

It may hit that you repeatedly imagine how conditions or situations could be better or different.  What you do not like in the world is telling you something about what you do not like (or do not yet accept) within yourself. As Gandhi says, you need to be the change you wish to see, live your message, set an example.  If you truly feel compelled to change something, start by seeing what you see within and about yourself.  This is about recognizing, reshaping and revitalizing what is overlooked.

8. Meditate

Many ways exist to meditate. This is about allowing yourself to listen to silence, observe your thoughts, emotions and behaviours. Practice letting go.  Surrender until unconscious motivations for life choices and perceptions reveal themselves. Only then are you in position to expand how and what you create more consciously.

9. Locate your centre

Locating your centre is about seeing and feeling everything as energy and mastering your power to create and manifest. This kind of center is not a physical place or the center of a circle. This kind of center is a point in the middle of nowhere that can be consciously moved wherever you wish.  It can engulf or shapeshift you with all the aspects of your world and every other world that is empowers you at a soul level.  Feel the Tao.

10.  Trust yourself more

Every moment, you are giving yourself clues about why you exist. The ego has its ideas which perpetuate the illusion of separation.  Heartfelt intuition as well as heart-mind inclinations are guiding you in soulful directions.  The more you identify and engage in what allows you to feel truly alive, the closer you are to expressing the gifts you exist in this world to express. Call it being a pioneer, trail-blazer or dreamweaver, doing what has never been done flows as you allow yourself to focus on what feels natural and go with it. This is unaffected by what other people say, judge or not.  This is about knowing you generate, orchestrate and deny/destroy your dream. You are the master of your changing course.