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Insight of the Moment

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Entries in dreams (69)


Dream Analysis of the Week- Relationship Change


I thought i was going on a romantic island getaway with my partner yet had mixed minds about it. Instead, we found ourselves on a luxury yacht with hot tubs and spas in different rooms and were told by ship captain that the trip was going around islands in circles near the horizon with people we did not know. My middle sister showed up with a duffle bag full of white fluffy towels and put it on a big bed.  I went up on deck, saw a lifeboat tied to the side and jumped in. I started rowing toward a portal that opened in the ocean. As I passed through it, time stopped. I saw my children were playing next to neighbours at a park on a white fluffy cloud. My boat suddenly turned into a hot air balloon. I landed on the floating world and the kids climbed in.  We lifted off, flew in a new direction.  Another portal opened.  I navigated the balloon through.


Relationship change on the horizon. The definitive decision is yours. Its clear your current personal life is not taking you where you wish to go.  You may feel unforeseen burdens by circumstances beyond your control.  Water and spas echo your emotions or empathy toward others. You might be overly sensitive and would benefit from freeing yourself from taking on other people's energies. Remind yourself you consciously define your own frequency. Making a conscious move to become the captain of your own ship would expedite a rapid change of energy and scenery. You may recall energy of doing it before. 

On another level, this is about re-adjusting templates of energy and recalibrating personal energies to align with inner wisdom you are ready to share. You may sense an urgency to shift or a sense of 'time running out' in order to prompt you to shift into your soul role. The quickening you feel echoes you are really have (and are in) 'no-time'. Pressure you place on yourself to be more authentic is helping highlight and let go of illusions that already served their purpose.

A lifeboat echos your ongoing spiritual journey is offering an exciting mixture of possibilities as you move forward. This includes switching timelines and dimensions according to the nature of your vibration. As you recall more of your true power, there is no choice only being in alignment. Lucid dreaming is a tool we can use to consciously move into dream yoga and new scenarios in waking life in ways that reflect our true nature. What would activate your own inner magic?

Fluffy clouds tend to represent peace and harmony. You are not only moving toward but also know what this really feels like. The true playground is unlimited, a holographic reality like the holodeck of the Starship Enterprise of Star Trek. Tune into your inner child.  Allow light-hearted feelings to guide you to the best course. Let Soul be your pilot. The moment arises to intuitively move beyond, reframe or rise above difficult life situations. Changes are definintely in process.  The direction you go from here is up to the degree you are willing to take radical responsibility, trust and surrender to the unknown.  To face oneself is to observe without judgement.

"When we're deluded, there's a world to escape. When we are aware, there is nothing to escape." -Bodhidarma 

We offer Dream Consultations of single and multiple dreams and also offer an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga course. Contact us for details.


7 Reasons we dream of home

Many people share they dream about different houses. Sometimes it involves their own house or an unfamilliar house under construction, or even part of familliar or unknown homes, even dream homes.  Consider 7 reasons you might be dreaming of a version of a home:

1. Ready to integrate early memories.

Recurrent dreams of familiar places imply the dreamer is working through old memories. What is unfolding in your life right now of relevance? Imagine visiting the attic, going through old photos, a process of letting go.

2. Expanding our sense of who we are

Often, when we dream of a previous place we have lived, we may notice something different, but really, it is us who has changed or evolved. You may be in the process of creating a new sense of "home".  If certain house rooms change, or renovations are ongoing in a dream home, that is a mirror of our ongoing growth and expansion on many levels.  Some people also come to feel home is not a physical place, rather, it is where the heart is, and they take it with them wherever they roam.  A feeling of home may be felt outside any structure. 

3. Reclaiming Soul fragments

Dreams of our old home can remind us of lost parts of our soul that are ready to be retrieved and reclaimed. If we find ourselves in a playroom, we may be growing too serious in life and yearn to for more  chill time. Maybe trauma happened in this home, and the subconscious urges us to recognize it as part of our healing journey? 

4.  Representing your body

Houses can also be a metaphor for the body, pointing to an area that might need attention. For example, dirty windows are like eyes that are not seeing clearly. Would you benefit from an optometrist visit? Electrical wiring points to the state of the nervous system.  Plumbing echoes state of ingestion, digestion, and elimination (How is your own inner plumbing?).  Basement invites swimming deeper into our ocean of emotions.

5. Children are on the brain

Dreaming of a childhood home may echo visions of security, fulfillment, success that involve children. As we parent, care for kids, or contemplate having our own, many childhood memories, and even wounds, are bound to come up, may even be modelled by the behaviour of children in our midst.  The subconscious echoes what it was like when we were kids so that we come to see beyond our beliefs and behaviours. It can also help deepen existing relationships we develop with kids.

6. Nostalgia

On a basic level, childhood home dreams can also mean we wish some aspects of our lives were like they used to be, especially amidst adult challenges.  Adult responsibilities, relationship/marital issues, bills, laws and regulation, time constraints, sometimes trigger people to wish everything was always taken care of for them like when they were kids.  

7.  Refers to level of maturity

Childish or immature behaviour could also present in our reality. Whether it's you who is behaving childishly or someone you know, it can remind us of our youth, and subsequently, the house in which we lived as kids.  This could also signal the end of an earlier version of ourselves we have outgrown or a nudge to "grow up." Fire, death, and destruction of buildings  and how we respond to house-related crises may seem drastic in a dream, but they are not always so negative.  They can also be symbols of transformation. We are who we are because of all our expeirences and are invited to learn to accept and integrate the lessons in it all. 


Dream Analysis of the Week- Sold the Teeth


It seemed my dream referred to a past life. I lived in Egypt, and wore tattered cotton clothes in faded colours. From my window, I saw sand blowing and pyramids in the distance. I struggled to survive. I even sold my teeth for money.  When awake, I touched my teeth to see if they were there.


To say, "I had a dream..." is very deep.  How do you know?  The answer is simple.  The 'you' who looks through your eyes and sees the outer world is experiencing events occurring in the dream.  Only one conscious being exists.  You are either experiencing the dream world or the waking world.  Note you intuitively use the word "I" when describing the dream events and also when waking up. This reinforces they are one in the same.

We can explore a few symbols that stand out:

Teeth- Teeth are physically used to bite, tear, chew, and gnaw. In this way, teeth symbolize power. So the loss of dream teeth (or removal on purpose) may refer to powerlessness, giving away power or feeling loss of power or influence in waking life. At the moment you recall this dream, you may experience feelings of inferiority and a lack of self-confidence in some life situation or relationship.  Yet, we are also reminded that each time we lose something, we are gaining something in the process.  It is our focus and level of consciousness that determines how we respond.  ON a literal level, losing teeth implies that you are growing out of one phase (or have outgrown where you are). This is about grounding a new level of consciousness in your body. Embrace change!

In addition, as another way to reframe loss of teeth or what they may be used for: there is a warrior legend about a being who was fighting a God and won, emerged from the ocean wearing a shark tooth. This is why many surfers and divers like to wear this magic piece of jewellery-it symbolizes protection and safety.  When one wears jewellery or a necklace with teeth of one's ancestors or from the mouths of enemies, each tooth is like an embodiement of the deceased, whose power & energy was transferred to the wearer.

Sand- you may associate sleep with the passage of time, impermanence and sleep (or unconscious behaviour). Ask yourself where in your life could you be living with a sense of impatience, what triggers a sense of timelessness, feels like you do not have enough time, how to make the most of the time you are given? You may feel like you have blown into your circumstances or like restlessness and discomfort are out of your control.  What if you refelct on the soruce of the wind and nature of direction in new ways?

Pyramid- a structure with multiple facits and dimensions. It can appear to represent your 'internal architecture', a geometric reminder there is far more to you beneath the surface. You may also sense this 3-D shapes echoes the trinity- mind,body spirit. The pyramid in a dream can embody transformation, interdimensional tral, parallel doorways, that something on the horizon or well-underway. Pharoahs and important people were buried  within or under them as a passage to the "Otherworld" as it is believed something about pyramids holds the key or acts as a path to a higher level of existence. Certainly, further spiritual aspects present, inviting to be explored.

Reference to money is an invitation to ponder your relationship with scarcity and abundance.  Its opportunity to count your blessings, practice appreciation and tune into reasons for peace and contentment often overlooked.

We offer in-depth Dream Consultations for single or multiple dreams, offer dream services as part of coaching & spiritual psychotherapy.  We also offer a Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga Course.  Contact us for details.


5 Ways Dreamwork benefits Mental Health

For many, dreams represent unsolved mysteries. From ancient civilizations to modern times, dreams have been interpreted as messages from something beyond us, premonitions of things to come, or even symbolic of our deep fears and desires. Dream interpretation can offer new perspectives into the nature of the mind, obstacles that present but the credibility very much relates to what you decide. I can be helpful to  practice or explore dreamwork with a psychotherapist.  This said, dream analysis and interpretation can have huge benefits for your mental health. Explore five ways dreamwork benefits mental health:

1. Improved Self-Awareness

Dream analysis can help you gain a deeper insight into yourself and your emotions. When we dream, our subconscious mind speaks to us through symbols and metaphors. This is the language of soul. By exploring these symbols, giving them context in our own lives, theis helps us understand their possible meanings.  We can gain insights into our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. This new self-awareness can help us identify and begin to address underlying issues that may be affecting our mental health.

2. Reduced Anxiety

Anxiety is a widespread mental health condition that impacts millions. Research has shown that dream analysis can help reduce anxiety symptoms by providing a safe space to explore and express emotions. Dreams can be a source of comfort, creativity, and inspiration. By brainstorming possible hidden messages, we can gain a sense of control over our life and reduce anxiety and worries.

3. Enhanced Creativity

Dreams can be a source of inspiration for artists, writers, and musicians. Many of the world's most famous works of art and literature have been inspired by dreams. By analyzing your dreams, you can tap into your subconscious mind and unlock your creativity. Dream analysis can help you identify recurring themes and symbols that may inspire your creative endeavours.

4. Improved Sleep Quality

Sleep is essential for our physical and mental health. Unfortunately, many people struggle with sleep disorders that can affect their quality of life. Dream analysis can help improve sleep quality by addressing underlying issues that may be causing sleep disturbances. By identifying and addressing these issues, you can enjoy a more restful and restorative sleep.

5. Increased Spiritual Awareness

Dreams have long been associated with spirituality and the afterlife. Many spiritual traditions view dreams as a way to communicate with the divine. By interpreting your dreams, you can gain a deeper understanding of your spiritual beliefs and practices. Dream analysis can help you identify spiritual themes and symbols that may be relevant to your life.

Dream analysis can have significant benefits for your mental health. By improving self-awareness, reducing anxiety, enhancing creativity, improving sleep quality, and increasing spiritual awareness, dream analysis can help you lead a more fulfilling and meaningful life.


Dream Analysis of the Week- Walk Away

Dream : A wrangler jeep was covered in mud like it had been through the wringer. A man ressembling my father-in-law was driving it fast through a rainy storm along muddy roads.  He squinted, could not see clearly yet sped up oblivious to danger. Meanwhile, a woman slept in passenger seat beside him and a tall child reclined (out-of-sight) in trunk (boot).  Suddenly, the jeep skidded, went off road into quick sand. Woman and child seemed to sleep through the ordeal. Vehicle sank. From a distance, it appeared nobody escaped, that everyone died.  Yet, from another perspective, all three got out. This was seen looking from the other side of the car.  The woman helped the child. The man sat on a nearby tree stump, shaking his head, worried about the lost car oblivious to woman and child.  The woman took the child in hand and walked away.  The sun emerged from clouds to shine down on them. The mud fell off their clothes and they looked rejuvenated.

Interpretation: The three different people are versions of the dreamer's psyche.  The unconscious driver exhibits unawareness or forgetting the repesent moment. He represents focusing on getting ahead, on the future, the build-up of related stress and anxiety and undesirable consequences.  The passenger echoes sleepwalking through life. Part of you may feel out-of-control or directionless.  It dawns something about life conditions require attention: financial issues, relationships or job scenarios are but examples. The young person represents the inner child.  This is a semi-independent, out of sight but not forgotten aspect of self that subordinates to your conscious mind.  Being aware of its pure love and acceptance within can enrich your life

 The occurrence of quick sand draws attention to the inner call for a new kind of stability in your life.  You may not feel like you are on solid ground which echoes feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. The dream is calling for ingenious solutions to tough problems. It points to the potential to get out of anything and also the need to detach from what holds us back or is not validating our sense of truth or reality.

The nature of this dream also echoes the power of lucid dreaming where we can exercise our abilities to rewind and change our responses to dream events as well as waking life events based on emotion and how we choose to feel.

To theme of the power and control rings true. The jeep vehicle dream also symbolizes adventure, willingness to explore. Jeeps are often associated with off-road adventures and the thrill of exploring unknown territories. This dream contains elements such as longing for excitement and new experiences in waking life.

The jeep vehicle and how passengers respond can also echo independence and self-reliance. Just like a jeep is designed for ruggedness and durability, it represents our ability to assert ourselve, be self-reliant or create experience for this to unfold. The dream may be highlighting your desire for freedom and the need to be independent in your decisions and actions.  Ask yourself if you feel trapped, confined. Moving out of victimhod and low self-worth helps us realize we are always in control of how we respond to life, thoughts and feelings.

Dreaming about a jeep veihicle reflects a hidden desire to sink your wheels deeper into life, control, adventure, and independence. It symbolizes personal strength and ability to overcome obstacles, to get unstuck. The dream serves as a reminder to embrace or reclaim power, take charge of life in a whole new way.  Shift vibration from fear to into love.

Note we offer Dream Consultations that are relevant to different experiences and levels of consciousness.  We also explore dream series and patterns. We also offer an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga Course