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Entries in Divine (32)


16 Revelations for Soul Contracts

"We have soul contracts with every person in our lives to live in the vibration of truth.” -Molly Friedenfeld

Notice that before you took on human form, your Soul made an Agreement, outlining a Purpose or Destiny to fulfill. We all have Soul Contracts and essentially the list of lessons that are assigned in our life. We can learn to view our lives from different perspectives, from within and beyond the body. Flow into Quantum leaps with 16 revelations about Soul Contracts and how you travel;  
1. Your time, date and place of birth are selected before birth. You arise in this Earth dimension at a specific time, to a specific place and to a specific purpose. Making that purpose conscious & align
2. The family you were born into was chosen to contribute classes.
3. Some people are destined to enter your life to help heal something, by an event in a past life or in this one.
4. The events in your life arise to help you evolve into a superior state of consciousness.
5. Death occurs the moment you realize you've completed what you exist to do & return to the Spirit.
6. Life is full of choices and we have free will. These choices are seen as our luck / destiny.
7. All souls on Earth are here at different stages of their evolution.
8. Essentially, your Soul Contract is the deal (Covenant / Covenant) you made with yourself.
9. To fulfill your Soul Contract, you are supported by Higher Forces, Spirit Guides, Angels & people.
10. You receive signs, signals, messages to let you know if you are on track with Destiny.
11. The more you tune in, and act on synchronicities, the more you align with your Divine Path.
12. Being "on track" means encounters with the right people, right time, who can offer you info, guidance 
13. You can break your Soul Contract, and these are moments when your choices don't always flow with your Destiny. When this occurs, you can experience confusion, negativity or illness.
But sometimes challenges are needed to help you align naturally and return to the Flow to fulfill your Alliance.
14. Think of your Soul Contract as the mountain you were destined to climb. You can choose how to reach the top, you can choose how you want to climb; each of these choices results in a different experience, but the destination will always be the same.
15. It's not a race to see how fast you summit.  It's not about climbing someone else's mountain. The challenge is to be true to yourself and climb your mountain, feel excited about the Journey you drew before incarnation.
16. You are catching up with a future version of expanded being (Multidimensional Self).



Function consciously beyond 3D 

Notice that no method exists to reach the natural state of being. Distractions exist to act as stepping stones, pointers or catapults. No method exists to suddenly know and accept what is always here. This is not the ego's natural state. Ego arises based on concepts, attitudes, framed within language, beliefs that "I/me" is the basis of all intention, fear and judgment. Attempts to transmit inner knowing to those still in ego consciousness is impossible. Awareness is like an inner light that reveals itself beyond language, beyond objectification of the body, or personal identity. All of this is illusory but an ego cannot be convinced of this as this is basis of ego. It is the letting go of each frame of reference created by ego that reveals divine consciousness. As one reaches the belief in the impossibility of it, shifts occur. The logic of Zen koans is so paradoxical, it takes one outside the mind so one the self vanishes. What you do is that you make no sense. Losing the (ego) mind is key. That which tries to understand or work through the problem is the problem. We cannot desire to be free as we already are. Desire itself is unnatural. Being has no aversion. Wishing to be somebody else in a different state keeps you in "that" state of wanting, judging, restless fear of not having or being. Ego is trapped. Prior to acquiring an ego, the natural state is here. It still exists in a different dimension. It has no preferences, no intention. You cannot attain what you already are. Ego cannot know oneness or wholeness of Being. There is nothing you need to do. You are already are it. You are separated from it from the desire to know and become it. Imagine no object exist (basis of ego). Enlightenment is not an object, not even something you can want. The sheer impossibility of the situation guides one beyond words and ideas created by the ego that is necessary to understand what it can never understand. If you try to get somewhere, you reject where you were and temporarily forget the natural state. Grounding in Love shifts vibration and accelerates the light to see and function consciously beyond 3D.


Access Your Soul's Purpose

(Image: Lotus Flower of Life)

Notice tuning into heartfelt intuition accesses our ability to know things directly without analytic reasoning. This is the Soul path to connect with deeper divine knowing of who one is and why one exists. The more one trusts oneself, the more the universe gives one reason to trust. As one rises in frequency, it dawns the Soul has access to energetic impressions from all our past lives that are available within our causal body. Its like a metaphysical library of your soul's history. This is the Soul's wisdom. The process of learning to access this information is a fundamental spiritual journey to uncover your Soul's purpose. This is about inner work to understand self, your patterns and working through issues that have not yet been mastered as lessons in Love. As awareness grows, questions arising within guide you on a path of deeper knowing. This is about opening the inner eye to see differently, to seeing and embodying your intrinsic value. Uncover your role in the big picture.


See from a galactic view

(Artwork: Herve Bijaoui)

Notice a very small percentage of energetic reality is detected by the physical senses. Imagine, for a moment, that trusting the unseen is key to shifts in personal and collective consciousness. Imagine unseen beings have a mission to raise the consciousness of their initiate and guide them eventually into higher energetic states of being. Evolving to breathe fully, to function optimally beyond the speed of light, is tranforming our holographic reality. The ongoing activation and cosmic energy shifts effect all levels of your present body, energy bodies, and mind. Feeling the urge to shift priorities is a natural course as you move into a way of life that resonates with higher vibrational (conscious) living. As you shift from an ego-driven life to live from a divine consciousness, you accelerate a deeper activation process. From the galactic view of your human body, multidimensional and/or extraterrestrial DNA also comes online. Conscious shifts transform manipulated DNA. The stream of energy coming from this process is within higher dimensions and your inner energy source is now connected. Focus on the heart's metaphysical 5th chamber. Know the energetic shifts are underway and cannot be stopped. Cosmic Truths are revealing themselves.


Focus on breath to realize the Divine

Notice a common belief is that to connect with God or Divine Source requires a prolonged practice, sacrifice, mediator or heroic effort. Letting go of such beliefs guides one to realize a focus on breath is key to realizing one's own Divine Nature. Watch what happens as one lets go of the belief one must do anything to be whole and complete. During meditation, breathwork, yoga, other spiritual practices, a blissful state may arise akin to a rush. The desire to go deeper into it may lead to involuntary breath holding. Does it seem you must exert huge efforts to go deeper, to get anywhere or realize something you work toward? Each breath affects the whole because each of us is the whole. Although breathing is natural, for many people, it is unconscious and uncontrolled. This state blocks knowing True Nature. As long as the breath remains unconscious, it is not part of spiritual practice and one feels separate from Divine Source. To focus on the breath (in yoga- pranayama), we learn to vary the length of inhalation and exhalation as well as to suspend both, either to retain the inhaled breath or empty the lungs completely. Conscious, controlled breathing is like reclaiming true power. By bringing unconscious activity into conscious awareness, and by focusing on the present moment, pranayama and other breathing techniques begin to transform breathing into a spiritual practice. Regular conscious breathing leads to different stages of remembering about what it is to feel truly alive. Watch what happens as you engage in breathwork more often. (image from


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