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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in energy bodies (3)


See from a galactic view

(Artwork: Herve Bijaoui)

Notice a very small percentage of energetic reality is detected by the physical senses. Imagine, for a moment, that trusting the unseen is key to shifts in personal and collective consciousness. Imagine unseen beings have a mission to raise the consciousness of their initiate and guide them eventually into higher energetic states of being. Evolving to breathe fully, to function optimally beyond the speed of light, is tranforming our holographic reality. The ongoing activation and cosmic energy shifts effect all levels of your present body, energy bodies, and mind. Feeling the urge to shift priorities is a natural course as you move into a way of life that resonates with higher vibrational (conscious) living. As you shift from an ego-driven life to live from a divine consciousness, you accelerate a deeper activation process. From the galactic view of your human body, multidimensional and/or extraterrestrial DNA also comes online. Conscious shifts transform manipulated DNA. The stream of energy coming from this process is within higher dimensions and your inner energy source is now connected. Focus on the heart's metaphysical 5th chamber. Know the energetic shifts are underway and cannot be stopped. Cosmic Truths are revealing themselves.


7 Dimensions to Breathe into wellness

Many people have heard that mastering the rhythm and power of the breath is the key to optimal health and well-being.  Yet, fewer are familliar with the dimensions of wellness and the ways each one is positively affected by breathwork. Feeling a spark of curiousity growing within?

Turns out, our breath is the energetic stream in the background that shows us everything is interconnected.  What if we could be guided through breathing sessions that empower us to see, feel and release our own blocks? What if we are primed to feel more love, joy, balance and realize greater potential naturally? What if the experience of pure freedom is closer than we think? What if we are missing something and this makes things seem harder than they are? What if we could align the conscious with the subconscious mind and let go of what we outgrow?

Thoughts, feelings, beliefs and emotions are in a perpetual dance. Thoughts and beliefs lead to emotions. Our feelings and emotions shape our thoughts, and other areas of life. We cannot affect one without affecting all. As we uncover origins of our negative self-talk and unconscious behaviours, and shift, our emotions and conditions shift. As we honor our feelings, voices of anger or fear diminish.  Ponder 7 dimensions to breathe into more holistic wellness;

1. Physical
2. Emotional 
3. Mental 
4. Social 
5. Financial 
6. Intellectual 
7. Spiritual 


7 Tips to realize the impossible 

Its common to create dreams and also very common to doubt or talk yourself out of them.  What if you could realize the impossible more often?  What if the steps are available to you now if you choose to take them? What if everything you think is pointing to or guiding you toward completely new, different and unforeseeable experiences, even the unthinkable experience of immortality?

1) Believe what you want is possible 

The psychology of believing: this brings the vibration of possibility into your conscious awareness. As everything is energy,  you must realize that your thoughts are energy and your every thought is creating your reality. We have to question the belief systems given to us by our societies in order to liberate ourselves from them in a practical way.  This is about understanding why we come to believe in self-created limitations and taking steps to stop lying to ourselves. What if you could begin a 7-Day Kickstart Program to begin reclaiming control of your focus?

2)  Make the unconscious death urge conscious

The philosophy of believing (or not): the  idea exists that death is inevitable and also that death is optional. Realize every apparent obstacle, injury or illness you encounter relates back to the unconscious death urge.  This is about what Leonard Orr calls Breaking the Death Habit. From the moment you believe in time, you exist in the conditioned idea your time (and life force/ body) is running out. Notice where you place your attention and how you reinforce your belief with thoughts, projections, and experiences. Fear-based vibration from within you can only be reflected back as materializing versions of fear (i.e. not getting, not being, not having- all versions of the illusion of separation). 

3)  Unravel what comes up to the surface

You have to work with the mind directly, learn to go inside yourself and root out all self-sabotaging, victimizing thoughts which you have about yourself. This begins in pre-infancy and infancy consciousness in this timeline, yet baggage may emerge from before and beyond too, if you are open to that.  For now, in this life, body memories arise, get out of control and are reinforced consciously and unconsciously in our habits of living which develop into longstanding patterns. Your life is about decoding your patterns and correcting your misperceptions

4) Stop believing in programming

Demonstrate our rational mind can change our emotional mind so then the emotional mind produces immediate results through our physical body. We have to take responsibility for the subconscious mind and make conscious changes. Genes are programs passed on genertion to generation.  Insurance companies bet you will die of approximately the same age and symptoms of our same sex symptoms. Death occurs due to collective disbelief or ignorance of natural divinity (i.e Orthodox religions reinforce this), and our diet. Imagine what happens as you internalize The Science of Everlasting Life.  Recognizing and overcoming this urge involves making the belief conscious, seeing through illusion of fear.  People hide the possibility of immortality from themselves because they do not wish to take full personal responsibility for every aspect of their life.

5) Survive senility and aging

One view is that this is just a stage of the human condition. Yet when people believe death is inevitable and beyond control, there belief exists that this is the end. What if, this is not the end? What if this is simply a stage and a second childhood? What if senility has rejuvenation built in? Your own book of life comes up. If you read it, trace out cause and effect relationships, see the causes and effects, heal the causes, then the effects also change.  Imagine stories about thriving centenarians is only a glimpse of what is and can be.

6) Activate your own Bio-circuitry

The basic guidance is keep surrendering to divine nature, view your body energy flowing (kundalini) or as points of light, allow these points as light to become responsive to your thoughts and feelings.  See every experience as a pointer to your own divine light.  Physicists see energy as points of light in form. Smallest point is thought which combine into points of light that can join. Every cell in the body emits photons. You have to be in an enlightenened state in order to literally illuminate the body to its true destiny. Some yogis do manage to do this without healing the emotional mind completely. Healing the emotional mind is the typical path to transform the body into light.

7) Recognize your connection to the cosmos

As consciousness awakens up through every chakra system, earth, air, water, fire, mind elements are intelligently interacting with each other. The spiritual practices involve bathing or cleansing regularly (purification), doing pranayamas (breathing consciously), interfacing consciously on different levels with each of these 5 elements. It may be said the highest mission is to recognize cosmic purpose and consciousness. You can relate all this to the process of mastering time, working your way through cleansing the chakras and energy bodies. Monk Thích Nhất Hạnh reminds us, "Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts."