Function consciously beyond 3D

Notice that no method exists to reach the natural state of being. Distractions exist to act as stepping stones, pointers or catapults. No method exists to suddenly know and accept what is always here. This is not the ego's natural state. Ego arises based on concepts, attitudes, framed within language, beliefs that "I/me" is the basis of all intention, fear and judgment. Attempts to transmit inner knowing to those still in ego consciousness is impossible. Awareness is like an inner light that reveals itself beyond language, beyond objectification of the body, or personal identity. All of this is illusory but an ego cannot be convinced of this as this is basis of ego. It is the letting go of each frame of reference created by ego that reveals divine consciousness. As one reaches the belief in the impossibility of it, shifts occur. The logic of Zen koans is so paradoxical, it takes one outside the mind so one the self vanishes. What you do is that you make no sense. Losing the (ego) mind is key. That which tries to understand or work through the problem is the problem. We cannot desire to be free as we already are. Desire itself is unnatural. Being has no aversion. Wishing to be somebody else in a different state keeps you in "that" state of wanting, judging, restless fear of not having or being. Ego is trapped. Prior to acquiring an ego, the natural state is here. It still exists in a different dimension. It has no preferences, no intention. You cannot attain what you already are. Ego cannot know oneness or wholeness of Being. There is nothing you need to do. You are already are it. You are separated from it from the desire to know and become it. Imagine no object exist (basis of ego). Enlightenment is not an object, not even something you can want. The sheer impossibility of the situation guides one beyond words and ideas created by the ego that is necessary to understand what it can never understand. If you try to get somewhere, you reject where you were and temporarily forget the natural state. Grounding in Love shifts vibration and accelerates the light to see and function consciously beyond 3D.