Sense of Love is Changing
Monday, September 18, 2023 at 7:17AM
Liara Covert in Consciousness, Soul, change, dimensions, discernment, happiness, heart, joy, light, love, peace, realities, serenity, unconscious

Notice we cannot simply show up half-heartedly and expect the world to show up, and reveal itself completely in all dimensions. The universe always has our back, yet what appears in our scope of awareness mirrors how truthful we are with ourselves.
That is, we cannot see what is vibrationally out-of-sync with us. When we do not fully accept all of self, we do not accept parts of reality, keep them from entering our perception and experience, postpone wholeness.
The depth of insight we have into self (why we do the things we do or not) shapes soul's evolution. If we only share glimpses of truth, do not validate all parts of ourself, stay ignorant of our dishonesty, we simply catch
glimpses of wider realities. All feelings are essential to growth and any we avoid, suppress as shadows, limit our reality. We only experience wider realities to the degree we are willing to face and explore deeper parts of ourselves. This takes courage.
When unconscious, we do not change because we do not recognize anything needs to change. Until we bring light to our unconscious wounds and patterns, grow in our discernment, develop discipline and patience, we are not ready to accept responsibility for our own joy, happiness, peace and serenity. Thus, this cannot emerge in our direct experience. "Ah-ha" moments change everything.
To connect with something beyond ourselves allows everything to be as is, suddenly know nothing interferes with our happiness. It is everywhere, whether we experience it or not. By letting go of control, learning to trust and surrender, we recall what it is to love all parts of self, transmute energies other than love and integrate aspects of self we resist. Our sense of what love is, calls for love and messages about love, change as a reflection of expanding consciousness. It dawns as we change, the world around us changes. Wider realities emerge.
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